Move to bigger pots or leave?

Star Dog

Well-Known Member
I'd put them into bigger pots bigger root ball is always desirable, if they're still in veg it'll be nothing to them.
A trellis is certainly worth considering I think.
Best of luck with your grow!


Well-Known Member
Bigger pots mean bigger roots, means bigger stems mean bigger buds! Go as big as you can! And next year try fabric pots. You can justset the original fabric pot into the next one and so on and so forth.
Nice job and good luck friend!

A e o n

Well-Known Member
Just an update guys I’ve put them in to big 250 liter pots! Let’s see how they grow now, I’ll try to keep you posted on the growth
Castors! dont take an epic backyard like that and oof it by having to drag those pots around like a noob.