Moved to final pots, this is the result 2 days after


Active Member
Hey. So I repotted my plants to their final 7 gallon fabric pots. I put them in coast of main Stonington blend this time as I didn't really like FFOF. Anyway, repotted them Friday morning and used a half strength FF tiger bloom 2-8-4,. It called for 2 to 3 teaspoons per gallon, and I used less than one. I used a gallon of water between the three pants with thr inital watering from the transfer. After an hour they immediately perked up more than they have in like the last week or two (def needed the transplant) I checked today and the new growth on the plant is FUCKED UP now. This is my first grow and I don't really know what I did wrong. With halving the ratio of FFTB liquid nutes, it would only be a 1- 4 - 2 so I didn't really think it would affect anything or cause a burn with the new soil. It's supposed to rain today, so was thinking of taking them out of the greenhouse to get a natural flush of rain water. Here are some photos. There is one plant that is fine out of the 3 so this is two of them 20220807_071939.jpg20220807_071958.jpg20220807_072029.jpg20220807_072045.jpg

The little black specs it's just a little bit of soil from the transplant. Shook off as much as I could without being too aggressive. The next rain will wash that out
I'd think a bit of transplant stress is all. It's rather early to be using so low of a nitrogen feed, but the Stonington should have that covered. What's your microbe game like?
I'd think a bit of transplant stress is all. It's rather early to be using so low of a nitrogen feed, but the Stonington should have that covered. What's your microbe game like?
That was my thought process because according COM it's a super soil / living soil with nutes lasting about 45 days in a 7 gallon pot. I k ow it has mychorrizae and some other microbes in there but I'm not 100 percent sure. I didn't add any amendments to it. If you have any suggestions, I'd love that.
I use Recharge with almost every feeding. Good biodiversity of beneficial microbes, humic, fulvic, kelp, lots of good stuff. or Amazon.
Also, not to sound like a schill but Scotty's Grow Dots are impressing me (same site) nothing but Grow Dots, Recharge, and water


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Thanks man!!! I'll order some. This is my first grow. They were stunted for like two months due to improper growing practices and they really turned around. They're probably about 2 and a half feet tall. I feel like I'm doing decent for not knowing what I'm doing.
This is what they looked like immediately after transplant ans a little defoliation of the leaves that got no light. 20220805_101106.jpg literally an hour after this, th3 leaves were standing so tall and happy they were like aahhhh room to grow yayyy lol
I think they're looking good. If get rid of the trim from the soil surface, that's a good way to get unfriendly bugs.
Did you poke that top into the soil in the middle plant? It might root! I've never succeeded cloning that way, but I have seen it work. To help widen mine out I use binder clips(anywhere with stationary) and "fuzzy sticks"(hobby lobby) or pipe cleaners(smoke shops). Fuzzy sticks are longer.
I think they're looking good. If get rid of the trim from the soil surface, that's a good way to get unfriendly bugs.
Did you poke that top into the soil in the middle plant? It might root! I've never succeeded cloning that way, but I have seen it work. To help widen mine out I use binder clips(anywhere with stationary) and "fuzzy sticks"(hobby lobby) or pipe cleaners(smoke shops). Fuzzy sticks are longer.

Oh shoot!!! I had no idea!! I have been watching this grower out in Vegas and saw that he defoliates and keeps it on the soil so it breaks down the nutrients from the defoliated leaves. There's like no bugs in Vegas and I didn't think about that

And yes!! My friend wants to grow a clone of the plants. he couldn't come immediately and I didn't know what to do so I just plopped it in the soil. He's coming today with some seed starter and rooting agent. I'm surprised it hasn't wilted tho. I know nothing about cloning whatsoever. I've also just put like a bottle caps worth of water where the little cutting is to keep it moist to promote rooting.