Movies to watch in October

Not into horror movies much but stumbled upon these really good foreign ones....

Let the Right One in. Don't watch the shitty English remake.

Nochnoi Dozor.
Sweet! I'll check them out.

I loved oldboy, but the English remake sucked ass. The vengeance trilogy was awesome. I'm glad they only fucked up oldboy. I would've really been pissed if they ruined Sympathy for Mr Vengeance.
It's not a horror but it's still a great movie and would fit in October.
Sweet! I'll check them out.

I loved oldboy, but the English remake sucked ass. The vengeance trilogy was awesome. I'm glad they only fucked up oldboy. I would've really been pissed if they ruined Sympathy for Mr Vengeance.
It's not a horror but it's still a great movie and would fit in October.

OK OK. How bout Park Chan-Wooks other big movie Thirst. It's horrorish.

Or I Saw the Devil. Choi Min-sik's first movie since Old boy. Fucked up!

The Witch was SO awesome. Not just as a horror flick, but an amazing movie - the cinematography, the incidental music, and the acting, especially by the children, Tomasin and Caleb. Robert Eggers researched for 5 years before making that flick, and he won Best Director at Sundance. The last 15 minutes, I was at the edge of my chair. I watched it with my kid last weekend, he loved it, too...

Yeah, Black Phillip: Would thou like to live deliciously? So creepy. Not many movies go to the place of killing and eating babies after smearing their guts all over them. Crazy shit...

they put black phillip in world of warcrafts newest expansion i shit you not
wrote an article bout it on the gaming website i write for


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OK OK. How bout Park Chan-Wooks other big movie Thirst. It's horrorish.

Or I Saw the Devil. Choi Min-sik's first movie since Old boy. Fucked up!

Seen't em both. I'll have to rewatch I saw the devil because I was too drunk to really remember it.

I did love the way they showed the woman vampire being the blood addict lol in thirst.
they put black phillip in world of warcrafts newest expansion i shit you not
wrote an article bout it on the gaming website i write for
That's gangsta
@neosapien what about Takashi Miike?! He did Itchi the killer, Audition, Visitor Q, and Gozu. All fucked up movies and all worth watching this month.

Both Park Chan-Wook and Takashi Miike did a short on three extremes as well.
I must be mainstream because I love the old Evil Dead I guess that whole triology. Jeepers Creepers is good fun to wached it on brownies in the theatres when first came out freaked me the fuck out lol. watched it again later and thought it was a comedy instead of a horror.
Yea, the evil dead trilogy is the shit. They made a new series called Ash vs Evil dead and it felt just like the old school movies.
Season 2 should be out soon

Edit: it might already be out
The Witch was SO awesome. Not just as a horror flick, but an amazing movie - the cinematography, the incidental music, and the acting, especially by the children, Tomasin and Caleb. Robert Eggers researched for 5 years before making that flick, and he won Best Director at Sundance. The last 15 minutes, I was at the edge of my chair. I watched it with my kid last weekend, he loved it, too...

Yeah, Black Phillip: Would thou like to live deliciously? So creepy. Not many movies go to the place of killing and eating babies after smearing their guts all over them. Crazy shit...

the trailer scared me,, gee that looks so good,, i mean so scary!
Nicole Kidman before she was all used up. Pretty eerie movie too...