Movies to watch in October

The Thing w/ Kurt Russell
Alien Original
Pumpkin Head
and the one where creepy long hair girl crawls through the TV
going to watch the "WITCH" thanks for the suggestions

Enjoy, the cinematography is amazing. It's slow during storyline and character development, but the money shots will amaze the senses. The hot witch kissing boy scene gave me wood, reminded me of a childhood babysitter I caught up with as a teen. :p
I'm going to force everyone to watch the purge, election year or whatever it's called tonight. If you know it's going to suck before you watch it how bad can it be?!
Has anyone seen Lights Out? That looked pretty freaky.

Also, Split looks pretty good. M. Night Shyamalan's flicks either suck hard or hit it out of the park. I hope this one is the latter. LOVE James McAvoy, and it stars the Tomasin from The Witch. Quite the little actress...

I watched lights out and it was pretty good. I liked the ending. It wasn't as scary as I hoped it'd be, but there were some creepy parts.