MrEDuck's journal

I just try to keep it simple and give the plants what I think they want. I'm really excited to upgrade space. If this is what I can do with 4 sqft imagine what I can do with 6 and a little more headroom. And better nutes. It'll still be a very simple cheap grow.
Well I've pulled up a permanent spectator's seat for sure. I have this feeling that by winter your side this is going to be REALLY badass. Blown away by the dry weight you got. I know it has to cure out some and all, but getting over 100 g's out of the space would've been what I call SOLID. Near bloody 300?! Damn. That's pretty intense.
Well it's good to have you along. I think I can hit 400g in the bigger space. Especially with plants that yield like Cu and Stella. I wonder what I'd be getting from Stella this round if she wasn't getting pollinated. She's a big girl already.
I'd like to be able to say I did it but I don't care much as its a gross oversimplification. How many g/kWh factoring in veg time is a much better measure of grow efficiency.
I don't like having my plants locked in place with a scrog, it also requires some creativity to run a perpetual scrog. I'm thinking of attaching small screens to pots to use to trellis through, kind of like a scrog light. I wish I had more space.
I'd like to be able to say I did it but I don't care much as its a gross oversimplification. How many g/kWh factoring in veg time is a much better measure of grow efficiency.
I don't like having my plants locked in place with a scrog, it also requires some creativity to run a perpetual scrog. I'm thinking of attaching small screens to pots to use to trellis through, kind of like a scrog light. I wish I had more space.

I would guess the efficiency would be based on your current rate for your electricity. Mine isn't very good, so I'm doing 12/12. Hell the last 2 weeks of my billing cycle ran me $140 total for the whole month. Maybe I had my air on to low, not sure, but I know it was more expensive this month. But yea, I think for 400g from a 400w you need a least a 2 month veg period. When you say a trellis, do you mean upside down or standing straight? I would think that would be a mess load of training for it to be standing straight. IMO.

I"ll more than likely do a scrog next run with my pineapple express. My grow space isn't very big either. I have a 2x3x5 tent, but it stays at optimal temp @78f, so it should work out pretty good.
The efficiency is how much bud you get from a given amount of electricity used. You could multiply by your rate and figure out your unit cost for electricity. I use very little light in veg so even if I veg for a very long time I'm still using less electricity than if I was vegging for 3 weeks with the 400W. So two months of veg to get a crop that could get 400g in my setup seems like a pretty good deal. I'll be in a 28x32x60 space so it's just about the same area as you. Next time I'm going to be running a while batch crop I'll try it. The two months of veg isn't even really needed, it just depends on how many plants there are. I could do 4 plants/sqft and flower from rooted clones and only need to hit 16.5g/plant to get the 400g target. That's totally doable.
I mean like a scrog screen. Though vertical scrogs are really awesome and I will run one one day. I want to have it on a lazy susan so I can rotate the plants to work on them. I have a friend on another board with a setup like that that I really like.
To much math for me to figure out, and it's not important since I make enough to cover it anyway. :wink: I know I usually get around 6-7oz per plant, but that is when I have a month veg period while lst. Going 12/12 from seed, I cant guarantee what I will yield, but it should be an interesting run for sure.

What do you veg under? I used to veg under a 12 bulb cfl fixture I made, but it seems easier to just do it under the hps.
I like math :)
I veg in a little 18gal storage tote with 2 23W CFLs and two PC fans, one of which is dying. It will be getting some upgrades with this harvest. Maybe even to be two totes stacked on top of each other to give me a little more headroom. I'd double or triple the lighting and beef up the fans. I could grow some monsters from those plants. Having a separate veg space drastically increases your yields because you can now flower ((year)/(flower cycle length)) times per year instead of /(flower cycle + veg). On a typical 8-10 week strain thats like a 30-35% increase in turnover. It also lets you stagger your crop which makes trimming everything so much easier. I'm not growing enough for it to really matter but when you have a big grow it makes a huge difference.
I love engineers. Everything ends up so efficient. My entire family is into some form of engineering I can recognise that touch a mile away lol. So I'm guessing you're not just a chemist but a chemical engineer, right?.. You guys are nuts in a good way. For me it's audio engineering, but it's all the same principle, get it as simple as possible and it will work as well as is possible.

I'm all for perpetual crops, I do a 2-week stagger on an 8-week rotation, things got a bit screwed up by adding something that took 77 days to the mix but getting back on track :)

The Lazy Susan idea is fucking AWESOME. Stealing that one for sure.

I found some really killer brushless fans on robotics hobby sites. And little blowers too, not a place where you'd think of looking for such stuff but I am going to build a little quadrotor to amuse myself so I found all sorts of really nifty things for growing :) I got these silent brushless fans that move a bit more air than a normal PC fan yet are 1/3 the size and price, really cool for active inlets etc.
I am not a plumber with a tie. I worked alongside a number of engineers (chemical and otherwise) and learned a fair amount about their side of the work.
Those fans sound like they could be very useful for my veg tub. What type are they?
Thanks man, not much to it, get a bunch of tops and train them down for even more tops. Let the girls do their thing.
I am not a plumber with a tie. I worked alongside a number of engineers (chemical and otherwise) and learned a fair amount about their side of the work.
Those fans sound like they could be very useful for my veg tub. What type are they?


Were the little ones I ended up grabbing. I'm using two of the fans to regulate a 60cm by 60cm clone box with CFL's and a heating mat, and they drop temps within SECONDS. I had to disconnect the blowers it was a bit too much...
The little fan says its only like 11cfm, that doesn't seem like enough. I'll probably just stick to PC fans.
The little fan says its only like 11cfm, that doesn't seem like enough. I'll probably just stick to PC fans.

Yeah that's because I went for these tiny ones on purpose, you get them in all sorts of ratings, Sir. You've got badass robotics sites where you're at, have a look at what's around. I was just mentioning robotics sites as being awesome to find stuff like that.

Also, I use mine as active little inlets which I do recall mentioning they are really nice for.

I was too lazy to go googling too much didn't exactly remember where to go lol...
Looks like there's some mold starting on the buds from Cu :( damned humidity in the last week. It's going to be made into dry ice kief then decarbed and extracted into oil and filtered through a small pore filter before evaporating the solvent. Fucking pain in the ass.
The good news is all six seeds are up and doing well. The Blue Dream that's going to be getting pollinated is looking good as is the mainlined clone of Cu. Also waiting on the AK x Jack to show sex. I'll try to get pics of everyone up soon. It's tough when my daughter is here.
I hope you don't mind Mr Duck, but I am referring one helluva lot of people to come have a look at this thread. It really should be a sticky. The definitive manual on how to grow in small spaces. So many people around on RIU want to know if they can use small spaces and how, and I really think this is a textbook example of what can be done on a tight budget with limited room. All the issues that can arise mentioned and dealt with too.

It's really fucking EXCELLENT.

C'mon Mods this needs to be a sticky! I rate it right up there with Al B. Fuct's SoG stickies...
Thanks for the kind words Hamish! More people are always welcome.
I try to do well with what I have, people over complicate growing pot. Keep it simple and the plants will respond.
After the seed run I might try to do a detailed journal that will show some of the method behind the madness.

I took some pictures of everybody today.
Well start off with the babies. Here are the Dark Rainbows

The Jack F2s

And the Midas

The AKx Jack H that I'm mainlining. I don't think you can see it here but apparently I fimmed one side and have three branches coming from it, two dominant and one secondary. The secondary will be kept until I can take a clone from it if the plant it female. It's day 8 for the clone in flower so we should know soon.

And this is the Blue Dream clone that is going to get STS'd. What should I name him? That should be arriving soon and I'll mix it up and start him in flower.

And here's flower
The AKxJH clone looks pretty nice, I hope it shows sex soon.

Cu continues to be a rather stretchy girl but I'm pretty happy with how the mainlining is turning out for a first attempt. Hopefully her stretch won't be as long, she's already covered in preflowers and starting flowers at the tops of her colas which is a full week earlier than she did on the first run with ~5 weeks fo veg.


And here is the training I did on Stella when she went into flower and how she looks now (today is day 8)


