mr west
Well-Known Member
I want to say my appointment is in March, maybe April? I will be expecting my newfound doctor to be well informed accordingly.
McGuyver, don't be so willing to put full faith in your neurologists knowledge. They deal with so many neurological assesments, they are so often clueless....take my word.
It took my own personal research to enlighten both my regular physician and neurologist. I had, not too long ago, been prescribed an antibiotic that gave me a series of nightmares...and this was only after a three day course. I just KNEW something was so completely OFF. It turned out I was right. Countless accross this country had the very same problems as I did. It had much to do with those with comprismised immune systems not safely partaking. It has taken clinical studies to figure this out, but I learned of it long ago.
When I had approached my past neurologist with this fact, she merely shunned it as highly unlikely.
Doctors are extremely imperfect in many aspects amongst their field.....particularly regarding medicine/treatments.
Accept they just don't keep up with everything pertaining to MS.
The MRI's are nothing short of a joke. It would appear getting one will be HARDER than it was in the past, but the way i look at it.......I'm in no rush to find out I have even more lesions running their course in my brain. I can sure as hell hold out on that information for another year or two.
I'll get back with my findings.....til then--
I totaly agree with wot babs is saying bout telling the docs the score. Gp stands for genral practitioner Genral being the clue word lol. The nerologists are not much bettter. Ill be back this afternoon after confronting mione on our years visit at 1030 lol w2ish me luck lol