Much Love Oregon!

Sorry to all the ppl that died so glad I live in australia where we have super tight gun control laws and when my kids grow up I don't have to worry bout some fck wit shooting them for no reason the USA is a powerful country but they don't look after there ppl
Thank fuck in aus we have free medical so sick fuckers can get help and don't do stupid shit
My sympathies go out to those affected by this stupid tragedy. What has happened to our country that instead of fighting and working it out with your enemy you just kill a bunch of people? It's a pussy way out. Just kill yourself and save us all the trouble and anguish for the people close to those that were killed. I hate this for 2 reasons. It is wrong, and it fuels the fire for gun control. I am a libertarian fyi before all you hardcore politicos attack lol.

Sorry to all the ppl that died so glad I live in australia where we have super tight gun control laws and when my kids grow up I don't have to worry bout some fck wit shooting them for no reason the USA is a powerful country but they don't look after there ppl
Thank fuck in aus we have free medical so sick fuckers can get help and don't do stupid shit

Most Aussies I have spoken to hate the gun laws there and feel less safe. Sure there are less guns out there, but who do you think turns in their guns? The people that deserve and need them the most. Do you think bad guys turn them in? If crime in general goes up can you call it a success? I don't. I feel sorry for all the law abiding gun owners in your otherwise wonderful country. They now are more vulnerable and can't enjoy their firearms as a hobby. What a shame.... I am glad you FEEL safer now.
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Sorry to all the ppl that died so glad I live in australia where we have super tight gun control laws and when my kids grow up I don't have to worry bout some fck wit shooting them for no reason the USA is a powerful country but they don't look after there ppl
Thank fuck in aus we have free medical so sick fuckers can get help and don't do stupid shit

The 2nd amendment was put in place to protect against a tyrannical government. I'll gladly risk a crazed shooter for me or my son in exchange for my FULL 2nd amendment rights.

Some people are just so damn paranoid. ....
I hate to say this...but if you take guns away from law abiding citizens...then only criminals will have guns...not good!
The guy should have taken himself out and not the others.
My sympathies go out to those affected by this stupid tragedy. What has happened to our country that instead of fighting and working it out with your enemy you just kill a bunch of people? It's a pussy way out. Just kill yourself and save us all the trouble and anguish for the people close to those that were killed. I hate this for 2 reasons. It is wrong, and it fuels the fire for gun control. I am a libertarian fyi before all you hardcore politicos attack lol.

Most Aussies I have spoken to hate the gun laws there and feel less safe. Sure there are less guns out there, but who do you think turns in their guns? The people that deserve and need them the most. Do you think bad guys turn them in? If crime in general goes up can you call it a success? I don't. I feel sorry for all the law abiding gun owners in your otherwise wonderful country. They now are more vulnerable and can't enjoy their firearms as a hobby. What a shame.... I am glad you FEEL safer now.
Iam a Aussie and we do have guns lol but to get a gun u need a justified reason and u will closely screened u can't be a criminal u can't be crazy ect we don't just give fck heads guns
U can get a gun for these reasons
Like a hobby we have gun clubs guns r stored at the club
Like hunting if u own property and have feral pests
U must get a licence and have proper storage
But we don't have Fully automatic weapons on our streets .

We have a very low murder rate we don't have crazy ppl fcking running into school shooting the innocent we don't have gangsters packing weapons
The 2nd amendment was put in place to protect against a tyrannical government. I'll gladly risk a crazed shooter for me or my son in exchange for my FULL 2nd amendment rights.

Some people are just so damn paranoid. ....
2nd amendment was written when?
This is 2015
I've lived in australia for 32 years and never has me or any of my family or friends had a gun pulled on them
We dont have mass murders ppl who need gun have guns that's it
Lol not every American has a gun in their face.....did anyone see the videoabout 3 weeks ago about the news reporter and camera man that were killed in Virginia ?! He taped it on his cell phone walking up to the boardwalk pulled a glock out and just shot them dead blank while doing a news report
2nd amendment was written when?
This is 2015

Nice try. It is still relevant. Just like the other amendments. Of course, that's the opinion of a freedom lover.

I like freedom of speech, freedom from unreasonable searches, freedom of/from religion, freedom to pursue happiness (a hot barrel and a pile of brass makes me very happy), the freedom to defend my family from those that would do them harm, etc.

I guess you could go door to door asking everyone to give up their guns, but you probably will want lots of men with lots of guns to do so. And you would NEVER be able to confiscate them all. I mean, if I am told that my 6 shot revolver is illegal, I might as well replace it with military grade weapons off the black market. Illegal is illegal right?
Nice try. It is still relevant. Just like the other amendments. Of course, that's the opinion of a freedom lover.

I like freedom of speech, freedom from unreasonable searches, freedom of/from religion, freedom to pursue happiness (a hot barrel and a pile of brass makes me very happy), the freedom to defend my family from those that would do them harm, etc.

I guess you could go door to door asking everyone to give up their guns, but you probably will want lots of men with lots of guns to do so. And you would NEVER be able to confiscate them all. I mean, if I am told that my 6 shot revolver is illegal, I might as well replace it with military grade weapons off the black market. Illegal is illegal right?
Iam not really up for taking all guns off Americans it's just sad u see it on the new mass shooting just think u guys should do as australia does and stop idiot from getting gun it should be a privilege to own a gun
Lol not every American has a gun in their face.....did anyone see the videoabout 3 weeks ago about the news reporter and camera man that were killed in Virginia ?! He taped it on his cell phone walking up to the boardwalk pulled a glock out and just shot them dead blank while doing a news report
I saw that. The gun man was the lady's x boyfriend. So it wasn't completely random.
I saw that. The gun man was the lady's x boyfriend. So it wasn't completely random.
I knkw, I wasn't saying random, just absolutely crazy...there were two videos the news camera man, and the shooters cell phone....he literally stood and paused for like 15 sec before unloading the clip....was so nuts imo
Wrong forum, but nonetheless..

Guns shouldn't be taken away. I have a right to bear arms and will do so especially for the day our gov starts over stepping it's bounds (not that it already hasn't).

However there should be more reqs for guns like mental health checks. There are many many people who should not have weapons.
Iam not really up for taking all guns off Americans it's just sad u see it on the new mass shooting just think u guys should do as australia does and stop idiot from getting gun it should be a privilege to own a gun
Your are never gonna keep guns out of criminals hands period.. If u outlaw guns then only outlaws will have guns.. Do u think the person shooting up everything cares what the law is? That's my argument to gun control all these laws only apply to law abiding citizens so that puts us at a disadvantage
Your are never gonna keep guns out of criminals hands period.. If u outlaw guns then only outlaws will have guns.. Do u think the person shooting up everything cares what the law is? That's my argument to gun control all these laws only apply to law abiding citizens so that puts us at a disadvantage
Agreed! why only let the bad guys have guns??? and if you do take away the good guys right to have guns....then only the BAD guys will have guns...they will always have guns...the good guys just keep them in chek
Iam not really up for taking all guns off Americans it's just sad u see it on the new mass shooting just think u guys should do as australia does and stop idiot from getting gun it should be a privilege to own a gun
I agree with this sentiment. Obtaining your driving license is a thousand times harder than obtaining a shotgun.

Even though imo, a vehicle is as much a weapon as a gun.

Praying for the hurt.
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I agree with this sentiment. Obtaining your driving license is a thousand times harder than obtaining a shotgun.

Even though imo, a vehicle is as much a weapon as a gun.

Praying for the hurt.
I'm so confused by this, how does making it harder to get a gun help us in any way? Criminals don't have any problem getting them and never will.. So again we are at a disadvantage