mueller grand jury on russia

fixed it for your whiny ass. So do you?

It's fairly arrogant of you to be insulting so and ask questions of me expecting discourse. Didn't you learn boundaries/manners?
Anyway, hates probably the basest emotion I could envision. Much too strong for my feelings towards Muslims.
I didn't have any poor encounters when traveling thru Muslim countries and I've been in a number of different ones.
Basically people give treatment in kind to how they're treated,rude one! Savvy?

Kill whom? The evangelicals, the homosexuals, the Muslims?

That article holds no surprises. In the US
1/3 of the evangelicals accept homosexuality as do 1/2 of the Muslims and 3/4 of the protestants surveyed.

What percentage of Muslims in Muslim dominate countries support homosexuality?
It'd be swell when you answer, thanks.
It's fairly arrogant of you to be insulting so and ask questions of me expecting discourse. Didn't you learn boundaries/manners?
Anyway, hates probably the basest emotion I could envision. Much too strong for my feelings towards Muslims.
I didn't have any poor encounters when traveling thru Muslim countries and I've been in a number of different ones.
Basically people give treatment in kind to how they're treated,rude one! Savvy?

You need to learn to use punctuation if you're gonna try to be all pretentious and shit.
You need to learn to use punctuation if you're gonna try to be all pretentious and shit.

I choose not too, don't care enough too. Majority of my posts here are on the fly w a phone. I often write formally but not here. Message gets thru fine.

Don't tell me you're critical like cheese too!
Kill whom? The evangelicals, the homosexuals, the Muslims?

That article holds no surprises. In the US
1/3 of the evangelicals accept homosexuality as do 1/2 of the Muslims and 3/4 of the protestants surveyed.

What percentage of Muslims in Muslim dominate countries support homosexuality?
It'd be swell when you answer, thanks.

That wasn't the question ( we all know the answer)
My question is do you hate muslims and/or gay people?
It's fairly arrogant of you to be insulting so and ask questions of me expecting discourse. Didn't you learn boundaries/manners?
Anyway, hates probably the basest emotion I could envision. Much too strong for my feelings towards Muslims.
I didn't have any poor encounters when traveling thru Muslim countries and I've been in a number of different ones.
Basically people give treatment in kind to how they're treated,rude one! Savvy?
Wow, the guy who posted a jew defaced with the star of David and who voted for a guy who feigned raptor hands to mock the disabled is worried about manners now.

Can't make this shit up
Kill whom? The evangelicals, the homosexuals, the Muslims?

That article holds no surprises. In the US
1/3 of the evangelicals accept homosexuality as do 1/2 of the Muslims and 3/4 of the protestants surveyed.

What percentage of Muslims in Muslim dominate countries support homosexuality?
It'd be swell when you answer, thanks.
Still trying to shit on Muslims even though nazis like you hate gays way more?

That and Obama with his crew of Democrats. Obama was a fascist president as well.

Fascism /ˈfæʃɪzəm/ is a form of radical authoritarian nationalism, characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition, and control of industry and commerce, that came to prominence in early 20th-century Europe.

How exactly was Obama a fascist? Asking for a friend.