mueller grand jury on russia

you also said you never visited child pornography websites. nothing you say can be trusted.
I never visited child pornography websites I just seen links to 2 if I said anything worse you would use it but you have nothing. Yet you twist it so much you're trying to call me a pedophile. Meanwhile I think pedophiles should be drawn and quartered in public the old English way!
I never visited child pornography websites I just seen links to 2 if I said anything worse you would use it but you have nothing. Yet you twist it so much you're trying to call me a pedophile. Meanwhile I think pedophiles should be drawn and quartered in public the old English way!
Are you retired?
No thanks. shut the fuck up. RIUs' biggest POS
If you don't get any oxygen for 5 minutes you start getting brain damage. Sorry, but I won't let you die if I can help it.

IMO the biggest pieces of shit on RIU are the ones pushing suicide because they don't agree politically.
Yep.. because a website that had vendors selling counterfeit money, fully automatic weapons and fake passports is something that truly makes America great again
I didn't buy anything I just checked out the darknet, they even have hitmen it's crazy. But I don't mind if people fuck the government with counterfeit they have been fucking us since long before I was born. I want the government to fall personally the dollar dead we can trade just fine with gold, silver and copper. We can even join Russia with that gold backed currency make it a 1 world currency and we can take our freedom back and buy fully automatic rifles openly.

Drugs sold openly in stores responsibly but not overly regulated like marijuana. Opium dens, whore houses, maybe even a gay whore house in San Francisco. Lol

No need for taxes people will willingly chip in to fix roads, I've cleared many trees off the road for free.
like i said, you were on a website with links to child pornography, which makes it a child pornography webnsite.

scumbag pedophile.
I've been all over the internet and dark web and have never "stumbled upon" anything fucked up like that.

I'm pretty sure the whole idea is that you have to be one of those sick fucks to know where to find it.
Full autos are expensive to own and run. You sure he's got an assault rifle?

how many indictments do you think we will see from this story you called a hoax for months?

oh, and how much money has mexico set aside for the wall so far?

how do you like that 33% approval rating too?

is america great again yet, or are you racist losers still wallowing in self-pity like the scumbag shitskids that you are?

anyhoo, have a good one!

(your dick doesn;t even work, lel)
how many indictments do you think we will see from this story you called a hoax for months?

oh, and how much money has mexico set aside for the wall so far?

how do you like that 33% approval rating too?

is america great again yet, or are you racist losers still wallowing in self-pity like the scumbag shitskids that you are?

anyhoo, have a good one!

(your dick doesn;t even work, lel)

It's sweet of you to reply to posts I left for Ninja. Kinda out of character, like a sock on the wrong foot.
Stay on point. We were talking firearms.

It's sweet of you to reply to posts I left for Ninja. Kinda out of character, like a sock on the wrong foot.
Stay on point. We were talking firearms.

View attachment 3991557

lol, a cancer-ridden impotent loser living in a hovel thinks he is gonna civil war the rest of the nation. just pricesless.

anyhoo, you forgot to answer a few questions:

how many indictments do you think we will see from this story you called a hoax for months?

oh, and how much money has mexico set aside for the wall so far?

how do you like that 33% approval rating too?

is america great again yet, or are you racist losers still wallowing in self-pity like the scumbag shitskids that you are?

anyhoo, have a good one!
"i'm so scared of who uses which bathroom that i need the government to police the situation for me, but you cucks better stop calling me racist or else i will will civil war the shit out of large cities!" - arctic spaghetti noodle, the impotent dickless nazi