mueller grand jury on russia

They already have




Kushner LYING.

None of them can remember Ruskie meetings, until they are brought to their attention, and is undeniable. Theyve all had to go back and edit.. sometimes Multi Edits to their original security clearance questions ect.

So theyre already qualified to be indicted for lying to FBI, or whomever does the security clearances NSA ??? Even Worse !!! ect, which is a Felony.

tRump can also Pardon them, and will unleash all Hell.

I hope he does try and fire Mueller. I pray for it, and I don't pray.

Also for those that bring up Clinton ect?? If theres crap going on, investigate, but don't think the tRump investigation, can/will be impeded, or forgotten.

Lock Em All Up, but don't give tRump cover.

If this was Obama, he would have been Drawn, and Quartered months ago.

I have no sympathy for any of them. And I'm also for full prosecution, no pardons, and for them to do every day of their time, if convicted.

I did total of 15+ years incarceration, and supervised release ( FEDS ) for growing weed, $3,000,000 fine, no guns, no violence, and got no sympathy. I had 1000 Clones.

I say lock the MFrs up, longer than I got, if they find them guilty of anything worse than what I did.
If Trump actually allows ACA to fail with several shoves by his administration, I'll start demanding murder charges.
So like 5 out of the 7 people in your circle jerk like you and you're bragging about it?
You're "wife" must have a thing for braggadocious morons. Does she have legal custody of you? You know power of attorney because you're IQ is too low to make safe decisions for yourself.
I actually have a lot of friends with my real profile. :)
I actually have a lot of friends with my real profile. :)

Facebook doesn't count. "My profile has friends" lol retard. I'm asking about you you dumbass not the Bullshit you post about yourself online. Friends dont let friends drop out of high school.

I have 2 geds and 2 high school diplomas. I would help dumbasses like you by taking their GEDS. Walk in 45 mins later walk out. Pre 9/11 you could be anybody lol.
Facebook doesn't count. "My profile has friends" lol retard. I'm asking about you you dumbass not the Bullshit you post about yourself online. Friends dont let friends drop out of high school.

I have 2 geds and 2 high school diplomas. I would help dumbasses like you by taking their GEDS. Walk in 45 mins later walk out. Pre 9/11 you could be anybody lol.
I have a lot of friends in real life as well, I'm going hornpouting tonight with a few friends, whiskey, rum and beer and weed. :)