Multi-Strain 12/12 from seed...


Well-Known Member
...i've always wanted to have a seperate veg room and it will forsure happen....i've never been too concerned with yield, it's all for personal and i've only got a 400 watter, so if i can pull a half lb i'd be super stoked! :peace:

When that time comes go buy yourself a 600w hps lamp. Toss the 400watter into the veg room and flower under the 600. You wouldnt nessesarly even have to buy a MH bulb for the 400w either you can veg under the hps lamp its just less yield/shorter plants.

Good luck and looking foward to more pic's.


Well-Known Member
When that time comes go buy yourself a 600w hps lamp. Toss the 400watter into the veg room and flower under the 600. You wouldnt nessesarly even have to buy a MH bulb for the 400w either you can veg under the hps lamp its just less yield/shorter plants.

Good luck and looking foward to more pic's.
yeah, another 600 hps is the plan forsure, and i already have a MH bulb for my 400, so that'll be straight as hell...krieg, thanks for your interest in my grow and i'll have more pics posted 2morrow and how far along they are....i wanted to try this 12/12 from seed as an experiment for myself, i'm also in it for personal and the biggest reason i chose this method was space restrictions...i wanted to keep my ladies as small as i could...i now know if you start em in 1 gal grow bags they can get pretty big, but if you start em those party beer cups they stall really small and slender, but they'd probably still yield at least a half oz...if i can get an oz to half oz per plant i'd be more than happy, and probably would never go back to regular growing and far with this grow my plants are big, i had more females, have used less electricity, and less's a win win for me...


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See that little scale at the top right corner of each post? Well if you like something that someone has said or you found it helpful or if you just want to be nice, you click on it and put a little message and sign your name (speaking of which I forgot to do on the rep I just gave you).


Well-Known Member
See that little scale at the top right corner of each post? Well if you like something that someone has said or you found it helpful or if you just want to be nice, you click on it and put a little message and sign your name (speaking of which I forgot to do on the rep I just gave you).
oh good stuff...thanks brotha


Well-Known Member
yes it will work with cfls look for my brothers grow labeled 9 bagseed grow brisdsouthsidesunnyshit we start using cfls and go to hps but im sure you could use cfls for the whole grow ive had two succesfull grows with cfl's give it a shot.


Active Member
yes it will work with cfls look for my brothers grow labeled 9 bagseed grow brisdsouthsidesunnyshit we start using cfls and go to hps but im sure you could use cfls for the whole grow ive had two succesfull grows with cfl's give it a shot.

Thanks, I will give it a shot.


Well-Known Member
yeah i was gonna say the same thing, i've seen some micro grows using cfl's, doin this method, that turned out just fine! and i'm uploading new pics now...


Well-Known Member
Alright everybody, i'm back from my trip and the ladies are doin great! i spent the morning feeding and tending to the garden...all the ladies except for the hashberry are 52 days old...the 3 i supercropped, or whatever you call it, are doing awesome, where i bent the stem there's a huge bulge now where it's repaired itself, pretty fucking cool...i know, i'm a terrible photographer, but you get what's goin on, haha....enjoy...:peace:




Well-Known Member
Were you amazed at just how quick they healed them selves and quickly redirect there growth towards the light? I was pretty amazed when someone turned me on to it, thats for sure.

Oh and by looking at the new pictures the inter-node spacing I was talking about earlyer. I am expecting now that its a strain thing, Some of those plants have filled in rather nice with little or no space between bud space where as some of your others have grown tall like they were reaching for light. There still growing great and the canopy is looking wonderfull and my guess is that its a strain thing. Where as some strains will handle that 12/12 from seed better than others.

I would also say yeah that I expect some of those plants to do easily more than just 1 onion.


Well-Known Member
Were you amazed at just how quick they healed them selves and quickly redirect there growth towards the light? I was pretty amazed when someone turned me on to it, thats for sure.

Oh and by looking at the new pictures the inter-node spacing I was talking about earlyer. I am expecting now that its a strain thing, Some of those plants have filled in rather nice with little or no space between bud space where as some of your others have grown tall like they were reaching for light. There still growing great and the canopy is looking wonderfull and my guess is that its a strain thing. Where as some strains will handle that 12/12 from seed better than others.

I would also say yeah that I expect some of those plants to do easily more than just 1 onion.
yeah man, forsure totally amazed how fast they turned towards the light and how fast a huge bulge formed at the joint where i bent it over...i agree, i think it's a strain thing too, some have perfect tight node spacing...i'm loving how the canopy has filled in...thanks for the kind words...



Well-Known Member
Yeah, well come harvest time cut that buldge open with a razor blade and take a look at the how the material grew inside there. Its defently differant than just cutting a normal stem in half with that same razor. Put them under a microscope to inspect them as well, it should be interesting..

I am sure that the methyod will be a handy thing for ya, glad you gave it a shot. I have suggested it to a friend and he thought I was trying to make him kill his plant. I had to actually show him with my own plant, now he does it whole lot more than I ever have LOL. I still bust his balls alot over it and I can razz him pretty easy because I have been growing chronic longer than he is old. If I suggest something to him now he will ask why or for more information with no doubt at all. He saw an old ghetto setup I had where I used to live and was like totally impressed.

My current setup is 10x the crap that dude saw, I just cant take the risk of posting pictures. Without going into much detail no matter what I do I couldnt desquise the images enough so that any of the thousands if not 10's of thousand people out in the world that would/could reconize things and worse yet some of those folks wore badges.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, well come harvest time cut that buldge open with a razor blade and take a look at the how the material grew inside there. Its defently differant than just cutting a normal stem in half with that same razor. Put them under a microscope to inspect them as well, it should be interesting..

I am sure that the methyod will be a handy thing for ya, glad you gave it a shot. I have suggested it to a friend and he thought I was trying to make him kill his plant. I had to actually show him with my own plant, now he does it whole lot more than I ever have LOL. I still bust his balls alot over it and I can razz him pretty easy because I have been growing chronic longer than he is old. If I suggest something to him now he will ask why or for more information with no doubt at all. He saw an old ghetto setup I had where I used to live and was like totally impressed.

My current setup is 10x the crap that dude saw, I just cant take the risk of posting pictures. Without going into much detail no matter what I do I couldnt desquise the images enough so that any of the thousands if not 10's of thousand people out in the world that would/could reconize things and worse yet some of those folks wore badges.
at first it definetely felt weird twisting and what felt like breaking the stem, but marijuana is an incredible plant and i'm always blown away how amazing it truly is...thanks again for teaching me that technique, i'm gonna use it in future grows forsure....i'm sometimes paranoid bout posting pics, but i really don't think it's that big a deal, the feds have got bigger fish to fry than to bust very small pot grows, and there's so much internet activity in the world, it'd be really tough! it'll be nice to one day have the money to have a really nice, clean current is def ghetto, but it works and is all i can you been in the game a while? how old are you man? and you in the USA?


Well-Known Member
You gota work with what you got, thats for sure. When you can afford to spend some money on it later be sure to spend it as wisely as possible and you will do just fine. Its quite a nice little "ghetto" thing you got going, reminds me of the old days rofl.. Actually if you showed me those photos when I was 20 I would have been big time jelouse and begging for a bud! HAHA.

Its a small room, only 400w growing in dirt, low budget, no co2, with no veg cycle at all, quite impressive so far if you ask me. Oh and I have to agree that your photography does indeed suck hahaha, however even without the greatest pictures/camera its easy enough to see how green your thumb is.

In my 40's and was 19 or 20 for my first "real" grow, I had done the ghetto thing to start seed and planted outdoors when I was younger than that but the results wernt the greatest. Atleast 8 of those years were hydro crop of some sort and no I havent been growing constantly from that age but pretty close. As for your final question.... BORN AND BREAD!

Now I have a few questions....
How old are you?
What neuts are you useing?
Any idea of the PPM or EC of your soil? or an idea of how heavy a feed your giving.
Useing tap water?
Could you please describe the total setup again and include a basic run down of how/what your general care practice is from seedling to harvest?

Do you have to take a growing break or can you squeeze one more in there?


Well-Known Member
You gota work with what you got, thats for sure. When you can afford to spend some money on it later be sure to spend it as wisely as possible and you will do just fine. Its quite a nice little "ghetto" thing you got going, reminds me of the old days rofl.. Actually if you showed me those photos when I was 20 I would have been big time jelouse and begging for a bud! HAHA.

Its a small room, only 400w growing in dirt, low budget, no co2, with no veg cycle at all, quite impressive so far if you ask me. Oh and I have to agree that your photography does indeed suck hahaha, however even without the greatest pictures/camera its easy enough to see how green your thumb is.

In my 40's and was 19 or 20 for my first "real" grow, I had done the ghetto thing to start seed and planted outdoors when I was younger than that but the results wernt the greatest. Atleast 8 of those years were hydro crop of some sort and no I havent been growing constantly from that age but pretty close. As for your final question.... BORN AND BREAD!

Now I have a few questions....
How old are you?
What neuts are you useing?
Any idea of the PPM or EC of your soil? or an idea of how heavy a feed your giving.
Useing tap water?
Could you please describe the total setup again and include a basic run down of how/what your general care practice is from seedling to harvest?

Do you have to take a growing break or can you squeeze one more in there?
haha, i appreciate it....i told ya i suck at taking pics of my plants, i need help with that, haha, but at least i got the green thumb....i'll be 27 soon...i've been growing off and on for bout 6 years now, dirt only...for nutes i'm using the fox farm triple pack consisting of grow big, big bloom and tiger bloom...i'm just crazy about all fox farm products and i really want to try their soluable ferts, i hear great things bout open sesame, beastie bloomz, and cha ching...i have no idea what my PPM is, i've never checked my entire growing career and my plants usually turn out awesome, probably cause i use good soil and mostly organic products..i feed pretty light, couple tblspns of big bloom and a coulple tspns of tiger bloom per gallon of water, every other time being h2o only...and during flowering i mix a tblspn of molasses in with each gallon of water, i do that bout once a week, more towards the end of their life...i'm also using tap water, i haven't tested the quality, but this is my 2nd grow using it and it seems far as the rundown, pretty simple, and have been running pretty much the same thing my whole career...for this grow 1 gal grow bags with ocean forest and perlite mixed in...400 watts mh/hps with the glass lense and 2 tube shop 6500k fluoro for side lighting...central ac vent blowing on the ladies 24/7 at round 75 degrees, then i got the double window fan sucking the hot air out of the grow space, a couple other fans for circulation and a window i open frequently to let fresh air in...i also leave the door to the grow room open when i'm home, which is alot, ahhaha, so it stays nice and fresh in there...i start the seedlings in rapid rooter soil plugs in a humidity dome, under the fluoros till roots poke through the bottom...then i put em straight in the grow bags and away we went...for harvest i got a scope, i check the triches, and i like a good bit of amber for that really stoney high...i cut branches and trim before i hang dry, once dry they go into mason jars where their burped a couple times a day for the first week...i cure for a minimum of 20's basic but i find it works very well for me...whew, that was alot of typing! i may wedge one more small grow in before i move in october, i'm thinking of doing the rest of the diesel ryder seeds i have...


Well-Known Member
Bet typing all that fried your brain huh GKN? It's good to hear that there are some people on here that are a little bit older. Sometimes it seems like it's a bunch of kids. Nothing against anyone, I'm not saying that in a bad way....I'm just sayin...
How much longer are you thinking before harvest? Couple weeks? By the way everything looks good Kind.


Well-Known Member
Bet typing all that fried your brain huh GKN? It's good to hear that there are some people on here that are a little bit older. Sometimes it seems like it's a bunch of kids. Nothing against anyone, I'm not saying that in a bad way....I'm just sayin...
How much longer are you thinking before harvest? Couple weeks? By the way everything looks good Kind.
yeah man, i did that late last night and it was tough forsure, haha....i feel what you're saying, i think it's mostly young kids and it's refreshing to have some old blood in here...i'm callin myself old at 26, haha, i guess i'm gettin there! i'm not sure how long till harvest, probably more like a month, maybe more on some old are you chunkey?? and thanks...



Well-Known Member
Allright man.. So here is another option for you if your going to squeeze in another grow. Allright, so when harvest time gets arround here is what you do. Select a couple few of the best plants/strains and you will harvest a good percentage of bud off of them but leave plenty of plant material and some of the buds on the plant so that it will survive. Dont worrie about lost bud because you will eventually be smoking the bud thats left on there anyways. With your top knotch select plants that were harvested like 75% of the way or so you pop your MH bulb back in the socket and turn the timer to 18/6. This is called "regenerating" your plants forcing them back into a veg stage. After about week or so on the long light cycle the plants will start to grow new shoots and you will see alot of new vegitation. You then take cuttings and make clones of these plants. These clones can then be rushed into flowering right after they have taken roots. There are guys that will totally avoid cloning and just keep cycling there lights and harvesting from the same plant for multiple harvests. I have had some plants not regenerate before and also had some turn hermie, so there is/can be issues with doing this. Regenerating them for making clones is workable though and if you havent played arround with cloning then get into it asap. Because its by far the most important growing skill there is.