Multi-Strain 12/12 from seed...


Well-Known Member
hey guys, quick question for those who know! i put the male hashberry outside yesterday and my question is approx how long will it take to start shedding pollen?? the sacs are gettin bigger everyday but not huge yet...i'm thinking a week or 2???


Well-Known Member
2-3 weeks sometimes. It needs 12/12 though to stay in bloom.

Are you still looking to pull a zip from each plant?


Well-Known Member
wow, every watering huh, i do every other but maybe you can do more with coco, thats awesome....try not to stress your ladies and you should be alright with hermies, make sure there's no light leaks either...

They dont seem to be showing any signs of stress from it, although I am not there to see them personally. My roomate says they are doing fine, will prolly cut back on the Nutes when I get home tho. I have been using a weak nute formula because they are only about 3-4 weeks old. I just started using about 3/4 nutes when I left.


Well-Known Member
i was under the impression if you take a male that's been under 12/12 and put him outside, he'll shed pollen...i'll just watch him the next couple of weeks...i'm praying for an oz per plant, some of the big ones may do more! i'm sooo excited to see what these bitches produce under 12/12, i already can't believe how big they are...i'd cut down on those nutes mj, they'll be fine...


Well-Known Member
hey GKN, I wouldnt worrie much about the male reverting to veg stage. Here is a good website that will generate a table for your area that includes sunrise and sunset times for each day Take a look at the chart and do some math (which is easy cause its in military time) and if I remembered your location correctly you currently 14 hrs of light including daylight savings. Yeah this could perhaps cause the plant to grow new shoots and added vegiation but the flowers that are allready there will still drop there pollen.


Well-Known Member
hey GKN, I wouldnt worrie much about the male reverting to veg stage. Here is a good website that will generate a table for your area that includes sunrise and sunset times for each day Take a look at the chart and do some math (which is easy cause its in military time) and if I remembered your location correctly you currently 14 hrs of light including daylight savings. Yeah this could perhaps cause the plant to grow new shoots and added vegiation but the flowers that are allready there will still drop there pollen.
ok great, that's good to know...and whenever i collect the pollen i immedietly take the females i want to pollinate out, do the pollination, the shake em and spray em down...then back into the garden they go...and goodluck with those g13 labs, you'll enjoy em, most of the ones i'm doin our blowing away my expectations! peace guys..



Well-Known Member
sup guys! i had to take all the ladies out to water and i decided to take some pics...i also took some video of the garden but i don't know how to upload that to the site, anybody know how?? i've decided to take the super skunk's out of the garden due to the fact their growing wayyy too tall!! i only have 2 of em and i'm probably gonna put em in my neighbor's back yard and forget about em, if they yield anything, awesome, if not, no biggie...i needed the extra room and it really cleared things up...enjoy friends...take care.


pic 1- himalayan gold and kc33 that were in cups till sexed, then transplanted, i guess that little bit of stress kept em small...i've found the best method for 12/12 from seed is to start seedlings in the container you plan on finishing in...

pic 2- hashberry female I started late

pic 3 and 4- white rhino

pic 5- attitude freebies

the rest are random shots...and the 2 in my kitchen are the freakishly tall power skunk's, fucking sativas, haha...



Well-Known Member
Oh and look at how tall those are getting even on 12/12, I am certian that you could have gotten away with toping them each once but too late now but its not like it matters. You have a nice full canopy there


Well-Known Member
HAHA so I wont say "I told you so" about toping them if you +rep me hahaha... The video is nice man, my inter-node spaceing seems alot closer and tighter than yours which could due to the 12/12 from start, strain type, medium used, or amount of lumen per sq ft. When your picking the breeding pairs take in consideration how close each bud site is to one another, try to pick the plants that have the tightest bud spaceing. There are alot of differant things to consider when picking what plant to have sex with the other just dont forget about the node spaceing cause thats directly effects the yield. Taking good records and notes about each strain(including how it tastes, yield, harvest time, and anything and everything else you see fit) is also a good thing.

Its just hard to compare what I have going to yours as its apples and oranges, I am total hydro and have over 6000 lumen per sq ft. If I look at my plants then your video it looks like yours arnt getting enough light even though I think they are just because my buds are alot closer to eachother and dont look as streached out. Dont worrie about it though, like I said theres a ton of differance between your grow and mine.

Your grow is going just fine. If those tall ladys are making you hang the lamp higher from the rest of the canopy there is something you can do. You can "supercrop" or in other words pinch the stem of the tall plant with your fingers going arround in a circle. Pinch it hard and sort of crush it a "little bit" untill it starts to bend over because it cant support its self. You will have to support it with a string/tommato stake or support it with the plant next to it or whatever. Dont worrie about hurting the plant, your just crushing it enough to fold it over. You even have to keep watching it after you have lowered your lamp(s) because they will "heal" quick and turn and grow back up to the lamp. I have done this quite bit when I had a smaller space with a SOG grow to keep the canopy more even. Later in that same small room I did SCROG. The screen in the room was easier to keep the canopy even but I couldnt move a plant arround or take one out of the room without pretty much killing it while trying to unwind the branches from the metal garden fence I had set up as a trelise.


Well-Known Member
tru that dude....if i get anything close to an oz per plant i'll be happy as hell!! i'm not too worried bout it though, it's all personal...i'm gonna have to see some pictures or videos of that pinching technique you're talkin bout, i don't really get it and i've never done it...


Well-Known Member
if the canopy is 2ft you can take the tall plant and measure up to the 2ft mark. Now that you know the spot take your thumb and forefinger and squeze the stem, you will crush it a little bit, move your thumb and forfinger arround in a 360 motion so that you "soften" the stem all the way arround. The top of the plant will bend over this is what your looking for to make the canopy more even. Just dont go crazy with it, just crush the stem enough arround in a circle to fold the top over and you will be pretty amazed at how fast the plant will turn up to the light and heal its self.

If that doesnt help you understand do some searching about "super croping" the only differance being that you will be doing it to the top of the plant and bending it over instead of doing it to the bottom of the plant then supported with a steak


Well-Known Member
thanks alot syrius, i might have to try that...or i may just put the tall freaks do ya'll think they'd do outdoors since they been on 12/12?? would they go back to veg or continue to flower?? i guess depends on amount of sun they'd's some pics i just took when the hps switched off and only fluoro's on...these newly formed buds are looking delicious already! enjoy




Well-Known Member
thanks alot syrius, i might have to try that...or i may just put the tall freaks do ya'll think they'd do outdoors since they been on 12/12?? would they go back to veg or continue to flower?? i guess depends on amount of sun they'd's some pics i just took when the hps switched off and only fluoro's on...these newly formed buds are looking delicious already! enjoy


Hell yeah man, mine are just staring to flower. Will have pics up in a bit


Well-Known Member
it's 4sure an exciting time, just watching the buds develop everyday! i'm big time faded, been rippin the volcano, bout 5 bags in a row...take care:peace:


Sweet, I want one of the volcanoes but done have enough cash. Yeah mine only have a few hairs on em, should start pickin up here in the next few days