Murdered while police and TV crew are right there taping everything.

Well it was obviously his time to Like that guy that shot him again was a friend of the first guy that tried to kill that guy, because at first he looks like he is going in the place..and then he looks back like oh shit,,,juan was supposed to kill this guy, but there he is...oh well, I'll help since I'm already here.

ahahaha that was my thought!

"that damn juan, he never gets the job done..."
I watched a video once where, in Brasil, an officer was making an arrest on a gang member... Ended up dragging him behind the police vehicle so the camera couldn't see, but you can clearly see the cop standing there when he pulls his gun and murders the gang member. Its apparently a common way to deal with gang members because their jails are filled 10000% overcapacity.
i love the people who think that this only happens in places like brazil, and that we don't get this type of behavior here in the good ole u s of a..
Racer. If you meant me I know it's here, I grew up around the D. I just figured that it had oozed its nasiness down to Brazil, instead of it being homegrown violence.

Except for Rio I thought Brazil was pretty safe.
i love the people who think that this only happens in places like brazil, and that we don't get this type of behavior here in the good ole u s of a..
Racer. If you meant me I know it's here, I grew up around the D. I just figured that it had oozed its nasiness down to Brazil, instead of it being homegrown violence.

Except for Rio I thought Brazil was pretty safe.

No, Brazil is a very dangerous place. Lots of murders going on all over. Especially in Rio where the shack towns are. :(
Racer. If you meant me I know it's here, I grew up around the D. I just figured that it had oozed its nasiness down to Brazil, instead of it being homegrown violence.

Except for Rio I thought Brazil was pretty safe.

nah ww, i wasn't referring to you dear, just a lot of others were saying how off the hook brazil is etc, not really you though...

i just meant that the us isn't much safer than most of these 3rd world nations is all..
No, Brazil is a very dangerous place. Lots of murders going on all over. Especially in Rio where the shack towns are. :(

philadelphia is a very dangerous place.. over 100 murders this year already... violence is everywhere, and the us surely has it's violence as well..
There was a police strike in Rio last month, all hell broke loose. Over 100 people were murdered in a few days, they had to call in the military...

There's really no way you can compare Brazil to the US lol
There was a police strike in Rio last month, all hell broke loose. Over 100 people were murdered in a few days, they had to call in the military...

There's really no way you can compare Brazil to the US lol

Yeah, I would say so from what I could see.
philadelphia is a very dangerous place.. over 100 murders this year already... violence is everywhere, and the us surely has it's violence as well..

The subject is a video about a murder in Brazil. WW inquired about the violence in Brazil (under the assumption that it wasn't as dangerous as here). You go off on some fucking tangent about how dangerous the US is. We live here, dude. We know. WW lives in Detroit. Talk about preaching to the choir. Calm down. Smoke a bowl.