Murdered while police and TV crew are right there taping everything.

There was a police strike in Rio last month, all hell broke loose. Over 100 people were murdered in a few days, they had to call in the military...

There's really no way you can compare Brazil to the US lol

yeah ok..... you have never been to cabrini green in its hayday then...
been to cabrini green also...remember when jane byrne said she'd live there til it was cleaned up...she lasted days if that...was definitely a place to avoid.

the robert taylors homes were nothing nice either... ida b. wells... rockwell gardens.... ect ect...
The subject is a video about a murder in Brazil. WW inquired about the violence in Brazil (under the assumption that it wasn't as dangerous as here). You go off on some fucking tangent about how dangerous the US is. We live here, dude. We know. WW lives in Detroit. Talk about preaching to the choir. Calm down. Smoke a bowl.

One deep inhale on the J. Two deep inhales on the J. Ahhhhhh, I do feel better. Well, I most certainly never saw anything like that.
One deep inhale on the J. Two deep inhales on the J. Ahhhhhh, I do feel better. Well, I most certainly never saw anything like that.

liveleak has a lot of videos of murders in Brazil. I don't watch them. They depress me. I usually watch the videos of cars sliding on ice or fail compilations. :p
The U.S CAN NOT compare to a third world country in violence at all. Im from a third world country , visit , have lived and still have close family out there and I wouldnt live out there for free.(Or any 3 world country) And I live in Bk and have lived here all my life , the majority of the murders that happen in NY happen here in bk .. 1st thing is they do not have police like we do and there poverty level is far beyond what we deal with...