My 1 week seedling disapared after i watered it.

I’m not convinced a seedling the size he pictured could be watered under in all honesty unless you were seriously distracted not to mention how much water he’d half to give it but……maybe you did have a mouse if it was there when you walked away
Even then wouldn’t you realize what happened/ you did? Gotta knock it over before you bury it idk
If the OP was overwatering the roots weren't anchoring the plant. Maybe.....

Or it's just bullshit because he was told by @twentyeight.threefive in a diferent thread, to stop watering, and like most noobies, he didn't listen to good advise.
Killed with kindness
I use a turkey baster to water babies until they are very well established. It lets me just drip the water out exactly where I want at very low pressure and prevents soil compaction at a time when I want the roots to have an easy time moving through it. It's easier for me to hold than a syringe as I have shaky hands from nerve damage and I can measure out exactly how much I'm using.
I use a turkey baster to water babies until they are very well established. It lets me just drip the water out exactly where I want at very low pressure and prevents soil compaction at a time when I want the roots to have an easy time moving through it. It's easier for me to hold than a syringe as I have shaky hands from nerve damage and I can measure out exactly how much I'm using.
I used to use something similar like a big eye dropper, not a Baster I think it was for giving infants and toddlers medicine. Kinda in between in size