My 1st medicine cabinet. 270 watt ES Supernova LED. Onyx and EasyRyder Autoflowerfem


Active Member
Well it's been 15 days since they were germinated and this morning I got my first whiff of the sweet aroma of my little ladies. I took the easyryder out of the cabinet before work to admire and that's when I got the first smell. That will wake you up! No 5 hour energy today that got me totally pumped! They are really looking nice and green. I need to figure out when to transplant. Probably next week. I wish I would have started them in their final pot. I also finished the rest of the fan/ filter mod to the cabinet. I had to wrap the fan in water heater insulation to muffle it some. Seems to work pretty good. Wondering also if I can give them a mild feeding of some nutes now or should I wait till transplanting? Well gotta get back to work, will post some new pics after work this evening!


Active Member
prehaps wait a couple of days until after transplant just incase they get nute burn unlikely unless you really overdo the nutes but still that and transplant at thte same time may be a little shocking for it imo your good on nutes atm anyway they look completely healthy and my veiw on nutes is if it aint broke dont fix it.
what nutes are you going to be using anyway?


Active Member
prehaps wait a couple of days until after transplant just incase they get nute burn unlikely unless you really overdo the nutes but still that and transplant at thte same time may be a little shocking for it imo your good on nutes atm anyway they look completely healthy and my veiw on nutes is if it aint broke dont fix it.
what nutes are you going to be using anyway?
Yeah your right prob best to wait till after transplanting. I guess I'm being the typical rookie without patience trying to get ahead of myself. They are looking healthy so why fuck with em to early. My only worry right now is back to issue of how far my soil is from the top of the pot. Which is a 4" pot with a little gravel in the bottom for drainage. The soil level is at least an inch from the top maybe a little more. I know for sure I will start my autos in their final containers next time! As for my nutrients I am using the recipe for success kit by Technaflora. It's a starter kit for rookies like me. Comes with some bc grow bc bloom sugar daddy and some other nutes that I can't think of at the moment. I paid $30 for the kit. Will prob have to buy more bc grow and bloom I was told. I am using fox farms ocean forest soil so originally I planned on using all fox farms products. Someone suggested that I try the recipe for success kit, so I liked the price and the idea of all I needed In one kit so I decided to try it.


Active Member
honestly i wouldnt worry about that some people even do that on purpose for example an outdoor grower in a wet climate may plant it as you have atm with soil level well below the pot and wait for it to become rootbound then lift the rootball out fill the pot 1/3 or so with soil thn put the plant back in the pot and the soil and root level with now be above the level of the pot. this is good as it means during heavy rain however waterlogged the soil becomes the roots that are out of the soil "airoots" cannot be drowned meaning the plant shouldn't become waterlogged and die. i know your indoor and this dosnt apply but it shows that if u need to add more soil to the bottom of the pot later on having roots in up in the air as it were is not a problem so dont worry sorry if i explaind it badly its hard to show without diagrams id recommend going on youtube and googling "soma speaks" theres about 6parts each around 10mins with some great advice inc what i was just talking about


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Finally able to sit down and relax tonight. Had to keep the wife happy, so we went to the movies. Seen The Town. Great movie! Ok, back to why we are here. I watered them a few hours ago, the soil was really dry. I was thinking I would be watering tomorrow. Took some decent pics tried to get some shots of the underneath foliage coming in. Let me know what you think. Thanks for checking this out!View attachment 1170290View attachment 1170292View attachment 1170293View attachment 1170294P9210045.jpgP9210048.jpgView attachment 1170297View attachment 1170298View attachment 1170299View attachment 1170300View attachment 1170301View attachment 1170302View attachment 1170303


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Another busy day. I did make a trip to the dispensary for some medicine. I picked up an eighth of Royal Queen and an eighth of some Blue Dream. Both excellent in my opinion! Hopefully I can stretch it till after football on sunday. Anyway the little ladies are looking very nice! Everyday is better than the next. I love the color, very green. Looking very healthy to me. I am anxious to transplant them! Probably in a week. I was thinking I might try LST on one of them, but I decided to just let these do their thang. It is my first grow, so maybe ill try LST on one of the next plants. Probably gonna germinate three more when I transplant these three. Here are a few pics to check out. I try to get some of the underneath foliage in the shot. Enjoy and thanks for following!P9230067.jpgP9230059.jpgP9230063.jpgP9230068.jpgP9230062.jpgP9230066.jpgP9230060.jpgP9230065.jpgP9230058.jpgP9230064.jpg


New Member
Hopefully when it is legal, people wont have top but crappy little 1/8th and get totally ripped of. Why is it so expensive??!


Active Member
Hopefully when it is legal, people wont have top but crappy little 1/8th and get totally ripped of. Why is it so expensive??!
I am alright with the cost of medicine where I go. They always have the kill, and a nice variety. Unlike the bs I used to go trough with my "buddy", and I pay less than with him! Always helps to have a hustle on the side to help offset the rising costs of quality medicine!


Active Member
Checked in on them this morning. Gave them some water. Really looking forward to transplanting in a few days. The aroma is getting stronger also. Shocked my wife at first, she says "I hope that filter works"! No probs there, its working killer. Later!


New Member
Yeahh sure I hear ya man, but what about the new dispenseries and Amsterdam for the last 2o years you know? I t was always twice the price of in the Uk, sure they argue quality but that comes from the licence to print money anyway. The prices seem to be too high in legal situations so far. I really mean if it is legal in a major scale I hope that would mean lower prices :-)


Active Member
Yeahh sure I hear ya man, but what about the new dispenseries and Amsterdam for the last 2o years you know? I t was always twice the price of in the Uk, sure they argue quality but that comes from the licence to print money anyway. The prices seem to be too high in legal situations so far. I really mean if it is legal in a major scale I hope that would mean lower prices :-)
yeah your right. Took me a little while to find my place to go. Been to a few places selling sixty dollar eighths. Ridiculous! I'm glad I started to grow my own medicine!


New Member
yeahh thats the only bit that reallly interests me. The decriminalising so we are free to do so without the paranoia. The choice. Then if people want dispenseries then cool too.


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Just wondering if anyone has any advice or info on transplanting and keeping the shock to a minimum? Should the soil in the new pot be dry or wet? If wet should it be with nutes(maybe at qtr. strength) in the water or just plain. I did water them this morning. I'm thinking I should water again with some of this b1 before transplanting. Maybe not. Read that in a book I have by Jorge Cervantes(the medical growers bible). My Recipe for success kit has the b1 but does not say to water with b1 two days before transplanting like Jorge's book says to do. The kit says to water with a mixture of "SugarDaddy" and "Root66" that was included. Any advice will be greatly appreciated!


New Member
they will still be in the original soil when you transplant of course, dampen the new soil through, I water it through, some people mist it as they are mixing it.

Nutrients will simply depend on what stage they are at. If they are due a feed feed them, if not don't generally. For babies we use an additive called rhizotonic, from Canna. There will be similar products available also.


Active Member
they will still be in the original soil when you transplant of course, dampen the new soil through, I water it through, some people mist it as they are mixing it.

Nutrients will simply depend on what stage they are at. If they are due a feed feed them, if not don't generally. For babies we use an additive called rhizotonic, from Canna. There will be similar products available also.
Cool thanks! I will prob be transplanting them tonight. Will try and post some pics tomorrow. Depends, it is football Sunday which I look forward to medicating and watching football all day! We'll see. Later