My 1st organic grow... pics & setup!


Well-Known Member
Yeah it sucks , the moisture retention in our amazing flowers is very high , i'm guessing this is why they are so open to moulds etc,
i never weigh until i have dried some , it's far to depressing lol


Well-Known Member
I took the grapefruit down, again, superior quality buds but not as much as I was dreaming of. Maybe I fucked up and there was more than 312grams wet...(that didnt include popcorn) or maybe I will be lucky and it will dry to 4oz hehe. It certainly look like a lot more than the AK on the screen, got quite a few big buds. This plant was really nice with lots of purple, too bad the pics I took before I chopped it didnt turn out as good as I wanted. I think the AK is ready to go in a jar, I will post the dry weight shortly. hope you enjoy the pics



Well-Known Member
Very nice , the pic of you holding the whole plant is awesome :) The ak dried quick ?? or maybe i slept longer than i thought i did ahahaa


Well-Known Member
Damn man, props. Beautiful buds and nice kitchen as well! I guess I'm a weird foodie but I love seeing the plates of garlic and bowls of fresh veggies that are always in the background of your pics - good food + pot = bliss :)


Well-Known Member
Very nice , the pic of you holding the whole plant is awesome :) The ak dried quick ?? or maybe i slept longer than i thought i did ahahaa

it dried way too fast!!! I had the door close because I didnt want to stink up the house and because of this i thought i had to run the dehumidifier... I guess I didnt have to!! I am not running it now but the door is open and my basement smells wonderful. The smoke is really good(I have only smoke the popcorn stuff so far) I got 66grams of dry buds + about 4 grams in the water, so about 70grams from the AK


Well-Known Member
Grats! 2.5 isn't shabby at all for smaller indoor plants - more than most of the plants i generally grow.

I think if you come short on yield this run it is more due to # of plants you had in flower than anything else. You seem to be doing a great job and I bet if you did the exact same thing with a few more plants you would be yielding pretty nutty figures. And you said the AK is the smaller plant right? :) Bravo!


Well-Known Member
lol ~ i was gonna comment on the very nice looking cooker , i work in the food industry , i just didnt wanna seem nosey haha , i stick garlic in everything ,i also grow my own peppers , chillies etc ~

Enduro ~ Gastanker , what does Prop's mean , is that like a well done ?
Peace guys...


Well-Known Member
lol ~ i was gonna comment on the very nice looking cooker , i work in the food industry , i just didnt wanna seem nosey haha , i stick garlic in everything ,i also grow my own peppers , chillies etc ~

Enduro ~ Gastanker , what does Prop's mean , is that like a well done ?
Peace guys...
Yeah, it's like well done. According to Urban Dictionary - Props is short for "propers" as in, "proper respect"

Slang term for "accolades", "proper respect", or "just dues". Popularized in the 1980s by rappers who shortened the term "propers" which was in turn being used as an abbreviated version of "proper respect" at least by the 1960s.


Well-Known Member
I dont know what props means!! I figured it was something good!! I wish I could spend more time at home in the summer, I dont really have time for a garden but I do grow garlic, it's low maintenance!!


Well-Known Member
so far it looks like 2male and one female, the female for sure... not a good start!! I am hoping to get at least 4 females since it's from seeds and the plants are gonna be much smaller...3 of them vegged for about 20 days from seeds, it will take another week before they show their sex. Today I put the FERO LED in the room as well, I plugged it on the thermostat plugin so its on about 70% of the time. I might also put in the 90W UFO... so there will be a bit more light on this next grow. Too bad I wont have many plants! I will keep them in 1 gallon container until they show their sex? I had mix super soil in the bottom half.


Also is this powdery mildew? Ill try to get better pics if it get worst. My humidity is in the high 30s when light is on but reach 80 when light is off, is this way to high? I am guessing it's probably at about 60 6hours into their sleep?



Well-Known Member
Doesn't look like PM to me. Can you smudge it off with your finger? You should be able to just wipe PM off the plant - if you can't it's probably something different.


Well-Known Member
I was expecting to see a lot more roots from the Grapefruit!!! the plant was so big!what does it mean? My soil was too hot or there was simply plenty of soil for it? or I watered too much? It was root bound in a 3 gallons pot 65-70days before harvest when I transplanted. Also you can see a bit of root rot I believe on the one side.


And we got a 4th female, so I got her pot ready! If the container was big for the grapefruit it will be very big for this plant 12/12 from seeds! But since I might not be around as much it will be easier in a big container. Got 3 more plants that are about day 4-5, should show their sex within a few days. I am happy with 4... 4 is enough to use all the lighting I have and hope for huge colas.


I should mention, I SMOKE GOOD WEED !!!


Well-Known Member
:) That's the cloth bag at work. Look closely - you have a TON of roots but they are all very very fine roots. The cloth bag prevents the development of thick cordy roots that wrap around the bottom and instead you get an intricate maze of super tiny ones which, although they aren't as pretty, offer a much larger surface area to the plant for nutrient and gas absorption.

Or at least that is what it looks like to me.


Well-Known Member
These are the roots to three of my four plants. Pretty much the only visible roots from a couple feet away.

Soooo tiny! And they were in a gigantic pot and the big one yielded 4 oz! And then I tried breaking the soil up and realized that the entire 55g pot was one solid mass of finely netted roots - literally every single edge all the way down. Crazy the difference between growing in plastic and growing in cloth. Those same plants in plastic pots would have like 15' of long thick roots you could unwind post grow.

Does your basket have a solid panel of plastic at the spot you think you have root rot?


Well-Known Member
Wow im stunned , i didnt realise the pot texture mattered this much or indeed the way roots would respond. Crazyness.


Well-Known Member
Wow im stunned , i didnt realise the pot texture mattered this much or indeed the way roots would respond. Crazyness.
It can make a ridiculous difference. So many variables that effect root structure. Picture hydro roots - super super weird looking compared to soil, generally being much thicker due to having to support themselves, dryness intervals... DWC roots are different than aero which are different than ebb and flow... Sooo many variables. Think about cloth pots and how they dry out - from the outside (all sides and top) and progressing to the center. Plastic pots are the opposite starting from the top center and progressing to the outside bottom.

Sorry for spamming your thread Endurox. Roots make me giddy.


Well-Known Member
there was possibly a spot with no hole on the container, either this or because it was at the back and never dried as much!?? your explanation makes sense though, I think smart pot or home made landscape fabric pot are really the way to go!!