My 2nd Time Grow, With CFL's

I just logged on after being off for a few and I am sorry I wasn't able to help with your problem but I am working alot of hours lately to keep the power on !! haha:leaf:
ok what are you using for the ph adjuster.
i wouldn`t waste my money on thatbottled shit.
get a fish tank filter to fit say a 10 gallon tank the fill a 10 gallon bucket or so. then just leave it to run the water through it. that what i use. perfct water all the time
hmm pretty smart ill trt it bonz thnx my sis has a filter to good shit n yeah i been usin a bottled ph balancer n naw dont worry stoney get ur babys alive lol
damn my plannts havent grown for shit i really need to urry up and get the filter i mean they havent grown for shit not even my ak..... well anyways i bought some blackstarp molasses by mother hubbards unsulphured all natural lol heard it was some good shit but it really smells like some bad shit lol


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Haha, i smelt my superthrive and it smells like shit too. Thats funny, got RIU in the background ;)
hahaha yeah i tasted it and its ight byt hey u guys i got a question i know bananas have alot of potassium and my bone meal is 6-12-0 u guys think mushed bannans are water soluble and can be watered directly to my plants ???? and wussup i herad that pretty soon the last bannana will be peeled
hahaha yeah i tasted it and its ight byt hey u guys i got a question i know bananas have alot of potassium and my bone meal is 6-12-0 u guys think mushed bannans are water soluble and can be watered directly to my plants ???? and wussup i herad that pretty soon the last bannana will be peeled

use a blender to mix the two together,did u think about that?
if the plant was in flowering it can take up to a month to reveg. if not then about a week to 10 days
fuk it than im not going to top my plant im juss going to leave it as it is ill post pics later on tonight when everything is all good n hmm souinds like a good idea wacky ill try that tommarow morning i gotta hurry up n get my waters ready
been a while since i updated ill up date today after their watering BTW throwing them intoflower today at 6:30 PM
cant talk chat long but 1m 1 week budda 3 wekk 3 days for bokmb bud and 2 days for mini all doin fine no worries of nothing gave budda her first dose of nutes today seems to be reacting fine my misty has finally started growing again o yeah i forgot to add i found a praying mantis outside on my side walk brought her in and named her spooky heres some pics

P.S my misty surffered a a burn from the CFLS again and im throwin my plants into flower today in one hour and spooky keeps tryint to climb on my CFLS lol peace


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lookin good buddy
i just added bubba kush to my journal and a new home for them to. check it out.
ok after 3 days of night i been watching the temps and humidity day temps are 78-83F 40-50% humid HWERE MITSY LOVES IT and night temps are 67-71 30-50% humid