My 2nd Time Grow, With CFL's

you you guys are telling me you guys have successfully veggetatted and flowered primarily using CFL"S?????? and hade the same responce as hps or halogene
haha wussup man havent seen u in a min.. thnx for the compliment man n yeah i been tryin to get my name changed for the longest they still havent got back ot me yet i wanna change it to Budda_Luva
i`ll have a look there for ya.
and of course the plant will have the same response with cfl`s as bigger lights.
why not.
you just dont get quite as much bud depending on how many cfl`s you use.
ok i looked at the site, i like the prices and is a good place to shop. i haven`t but i know people that have and are happy.

this is a big list of things there i have used or want to use. i recomend any of these and you should be satisfied. choose the ones you like out of these for FLOWERING. i rely like the ones with the stars

alaska mor bloom - *
big bloom
earth juice bloom - *
jamaican bat guano - *
maxi crop seawead - *
neptunes harvest fish / seawead
worm castings - *

curently i only use my pure blend pro line, molasses.
i may order some other stuff from here also to try this time. like the seawead that stuff is the bomb. i know some guys that is all they use during bloom. also the bat poo. need the jamaican shit for bloom. others are great for veg to and awesome for teas.
that list that u gave me are all organic right???? and bonz ive heard that using full organic nutes improves the taste of ur bud wrather than using chemically deprived nutes is it true??
these are 100% is my bottled stuff.
i have heard that sying to. i believe what it does is makes it taste more natural as there are no nasty tasting chemicals in it.
fakers will have organic based not 100%.
it is what the actual source of the nute is. all of these come from good ole mother nature herself.
the bottled stuff is just liquified.
now molasses may change the flavour, unsulphered molasses
i like a couple of them but i cant afford to buy more than one thing and i i juss need one that will suit my needs or will i be fine with those??? 0.7-0.9-0.5 nutes??? seems kinda weird to me but if u say so??? or one that i can mix with bone meal and some epsom salt and i know im buying the worm castings since its only 1 dollar
depends if you like the taste of it. it can be flushed out in the final flush, dont worry should like it.
i fukin hate the shit but i dont mind the hint of it in my smoke. it`s not overwhelming
if you want one to start with to try i feel the earth juice bloom would be the best choice for a single nute. with the worm poo for the other nutrients needed.
an other thing i herad about mollases is that it makes the bud swel is that true???? So you dont know wich one of those nutes i can do perfectly fine by them selfs??
will feeding them more that the bottle says increase the nuts like it says 0-3-1 giving 2x the regular amount make it 0-6-2
no, it adds to the ppm.
they may seem a bit low but that is the natural way, this is why it is harder to burn using organics. you can raise the mixture fsater than other types of nutes.
this is a good start, sure you can add to this as you can afford it.

i am getting a trailer load of equipment soon, i will keep you in mind for anything we get extra and i am sure there will be lots
awww shit a otha hook up i wish i could give suttin to u in return... anyways SPOOKY JUSS LAID FUKKIN EGGS ON MY PLANT IMMA KILL HER ASS