My 35 day old mid-grade plants- any suggestion

get high before you look at the plants the preflowers show easier. No man...REEEEAL high. thats it toke that shit...
Wow Fucknut,you really do have an amazing sense of humour,and the rest of you guys too.Lol,is'nt it easy to have a good laugh at someone not doing so well as yourselves! I bet you are the kind of "people" that get off on abusing others at any given chance.Fucknut,now there is a good name,i'm guessing you are a lonely little prick who took to weed cos nobody would be your friend,what with your drooling and touching your sister...Soupaman,you need to climb out of Fucknuts ass and smell the Karma... D Port,if you take your cock out of Soupaman's mouth,he might be telling you both not to be such assholes,give a guy a break and try to get pleasure in life not by deriding and being unkind to others but through helping and making others feel ok about things,in this case some poor guy who dosnt know much but is asking for advise.But judging by posts so far,i think not. GP you go for it mate.Ignore these little asswipes,they the kind of guys who live in some pisspot onehorse town with nothing better to do than bully others cos they've got no respect in themselves(how could they?) Life is full of this kind of human waste,let it blow over you,give them the same attention as you would a mongrol dog on the street(pity but no real interest!)
Wow Fucknut,you really do have an amazing sense of humour,and the rest of you guys too.Lol,is'nt it easy to have a good laugh at someone not doing so well as yourselves! I bet you are the kind of "people" that get off on abusing others at any given chance.Fucknut,now there is a good name,i'm guessing you are a lonely little prick who took to weed cos nobody would be your friend,what with your drooling and touching your sister...Soupaman,you need to climb out of Fucknuts ass and smell the Karma... D Port,if you take your cock out of Soupaman's mouth,he might be telling you both not to be such assholes,give a guy a break and try to get pleasure in life not by deriding and being unkind to others but through helping and making others feel ok about things,in this case some poor guy who dosnt know much but is asking for advise.But judging by posts so far,i think not. GP you go for it mate.Ignore these little asswipes,they the kind of guys who live in some pisspot onehorse town with nothing better to do than bully others cos they've got no respect in themselves(how could they?) Life is full of this kind of human waste,let it blow over you,give them the same attention as you would a mongrol dog on the street(pity but no real interest!)

ur band spankin new to the site and ur 3rd port is a big one suck nutz and leave people alone JEs the one bieng a dipshit not listening weve all gave great helpfull postsHELPING him and 10 pages later of him not listenig im gonna talk some shit if u read the dam thread u see how many of us gave him tips and help but you read the last page and jump to conclusions so now that ive PULLED MY DICK OUT OF YOUR MOUTH youcan talk
LOL... all of these people BASHING on this person. Don't even worry about it. You arne't going to be growning the DANK your first run or 20 at it. Just move your light closer, if your lamp is too hot. Then you might want to invest in some T5 system for Veg. But just keep going at it man, you'll be a pro in no time.
Lol,so if he dos'nt take your advice then hes open to abuse and piss-taking?? And i wondered how long it would take before you saw the lack of posts by me...!I have watched and read for quite a time now and only just decided to join in on this one.On the whole everyone seems to be pretty cool,with the odd exceptions... "Back in the day" ,smokin and growin weed was done by a small select band of international brothers who had respect and goodwill towards the same.Sounds like alot of punks have got in on the act now.Shame,used to be a good crowd.....Please note this is not aimed at the majority of you guys out there :)
it is what it is and the crowds (have been the same theres just a equal amount of bad people to good people and yea there the punks) are the same goodwill peace and love..BUT i will still call em how i see em
Just give it time. Keep doing your things and having fun (which is what this is all about in the fisrt place), This "FAD" will be over and they will have something new to go waste time with. This is me and what I do since a very long while ago and forever as far as i'm concerned.

Yeah,like your attitude Cola...Peace Dude and spread the love(with the odd kick in the nuts for the asses out there!!)
lol lol,you're wasting time on me mate.You are better suited to abusing the young 'uns out there,not someone like me whos seen,and heard it all!! Best you go jump back into your Maxed Out Car,fiddle with some little 14yr old slut,and go smoke some low grade hemp in your chav hole somewhere.Sites like this forum are a continuing place of enlightenment and encouragement.People started growing weed in the first place so as not to have to deal with the likes of you...Burberry cap anyone??!!
lol lol,you're wasting time on me mate.You are better suited to abusing the young 'uns out there,not someone like me whos seen,and heard it all!! Best you go jump back into your Maxed Out Car,fiddle with some little 14yr old slut,and go smoke some low grade hemp in your chav hole somewhere.Sites like this forum are a continuing place of enlightenment and encouragement.People started growing weed in the first place so as not to have to deal with the likes of you...Burberry cap anyone??!!

What's not to say I don't like people my own age, or older?
What's to say I haven't a motorbike instead of a car?
What's to say I'm not a casual, emo, or goth?

That's where your mind cannot comprehend, you have to stereotype!

PabloUK I've reported yourself, & your posts.
I suggest everyone else do the same, I personally don't want him around here,
I'll be seeing ya around!
you pretty much stereotyped yourself mate with that nastiness towards some poor mug trying to grow.No need for it,no place for it,and all your previous good advice totally wiped out by your end comments.
you pretty much stereotyped yourself mate with that nastiness towards some poor mug trying to grow.No need for it,no place for it,and all your previous good advice totally wiped out by your end comments.

You've obviously grown before,
So it should be obvious that Growing Passion's plants aren't gonna do all that well.

We gave him all the advice needed right up to just before flowering. I.E the vegetative state.

He keeps asking for advice, we keep trying to give it, it's about as effective as an ash tray on a motorbike.

When myself, as well as others say that it'd be best to try again, then obviously it's the best bet.

If he were to try again, we'd help him from the start, and he wouldn't have a worry about a stretched plant. You equally know that a stretched plant either won't live long, or it won't even yield.

So, a few months down the line, his plant fails....

His plants mean alot to him now, so he's only gonna get more attached!!

We're trying to spare him the upset.

We're trying to spare him the wasted time.
Its A friggen joke pablo ur the one gettin all butt hurt tryin to change peolpes lives with ur keven kostner speach this thread is gay now cause of ur smut (lol)
SPARE HIM THE UPSET???? Sure he felt alot better after the pasting you gave him.Weather his plants were hopeless or not(we all know they were doomed) he didnt deserve to be coated off like that.He WAS taking advice from people re lights etc.Yes,the best thing to do was to start over again.But hes trying to save what hes spent so much time and love with.YOU reported me??!! Oh please,go cry in a corner with ur ten bag.
lol, Pablouk's the one calling us children, yet he's giving childish insults.
Moved from New Zealand didn't you, correct me if I'm wrong?
Goes to show that the government here lets anyone in.
Let's just ignore PabloUK, but be sure to report his vile posts, together we can make a difference, if we unite as one, hopefully he'll be removed from this site.

Can't believe this guy's serious, condoning giving false hope to people.
Let's just ignore PabloUK, but be sure to report his vile posts, together we can make a difference, if we unite as one, hopefully he'll be removed from this site.

Can't believe this guy's serious, condoning giving false hope to people.
RAOF!! Not so much fun when you getting the grief instead of dishing it out? Coward bully to start,go running to the admin at the finish! Yeah,got your measure mate...Together you can make a difference?What,make more people feel belittled and stupid like GP?
You reap what you sow pal....
I could argue all night, what's the point.
Measure, don't you mean match, if so, no, I've not met my match.
I'm just choosing not to retaliate, I'm reporting you instead.
That way, I shall not be the one who's banned.
maaaan what the fuck are yall arguing bout?

This lame ass kid has mid-grade seeds growing in what looks like the bottom half of a 2 liter soda bottle. He started with one cfl, and a grow bulb, and has a fork sticking in the soil to hold up his tired ass 45 day old plant.

If you are truly looking for help or advice, theres ways to go about that.

What you DO NOT DO, is log on to a mari joo wanna horticulture loveres site, and present us with this sorry excuse of worksmanship....

Like i said, i'm no jorge cervantes, but this is obviosly a joke.... Growpassion, find another online hobby.. porn maybe??? Because at this rate, if you were to eat a pound of spinach popeye style, and stick your thumb in your ass, it still would'nt be green...