Wow Fucknut,you really do have an amazing sense of humour,and the rest of you guys too.Lol,is'nt it easy to have a good laugh at someone not doing so well as yourselves! I bet you are the kind of "people" that get off on abusing others at any given chance.Fucknut,now there is a good name,i'm guessing you are a lonely little prick who took to weed cos nobody would be your friend,what with your drooling and touching your sister...Soupaman,you need to climb out of Fucknuts ass and smell the Karma... D Port,if you take your cock out of Soupaman's mouth,he might be telling you both not to be such assholes,give a guy a break and try to get pleasure in life not by deriding and being unkind to others but through helping and making others feel ok about things,in this case some poor guy who dosnt know much but is asking for advise.But judging by posts so far,i think not. GP you go for it mate.Ignore these little asswipes,they the kind of guys who live in some pisspot onehorse town with nothing better to do than bully others cos they've got no respect in themselves(how could they?) Life is full of this kind of human waste,let it blow over you,give them the same attention as you would a mongrol dog on the street(pity but no real interest!)
lol lol,you're wasting time on me mate.You are better suited to abusing the young 'uns out there,not someone like me whos seen,and heard it all!! Best you go jump back into your Maxed Out Car,fiddle with some little 14yr old slut,and go smoke some low grade hemp in your chav hole somewhere.Sites like this forum are a continuing place of enlightenment and encouragement.People started growing weed in the first place so as not to have to deal with the likes of you...Burberry cap anyone??!!
you pretty much stereotyped yourself mate with that nastiness towards some poor mug trying to grow.No need for it,no place for it,and all your previous good advice totally wiped out by your end comments.
This thread is gay now??Is that child speak for"Aw,its not fun anymore"??Its A friggen joke pablo ur the one gettin all butt hurt tryin to change peolpes lives with ur keven kostner speach this thread is gay now cause of ur smut (lol)
RAOF!! Not so much fun when you getting the grief instead of dishing it out? Coward bully to start,go running to the admin at the finish! Yeah,got your measure mate...Together you can make a difference?What,make more people feel belittled and stupid like GP?Let's just ignore PabloUK, but be sure to report his vile posts, together we can make a difference, if we unite as one, hopefully he'll be removed from this site.
Can't believe this guy's serious, condoning giving false hope to people.