My 35 day old mid-grade plants- any suggestion


Well-Known Member
The point is anyone who has grown, or is serious about growing should be insulted by this fuck. You're fucking way to excited about something thats going to prolly be a male. And your other "12" plants, will be male too. So you can be gay with them. FAGIT. Your making something thats so easy, look incredibly fucking growers unless your a retard like GP420 growing bud is easy.


On the whole everyone seems to be pretty cool,with the odd exceptions... "Back in the day" ,smokin and growin weed was done by a small select band of international brothers who had respect and goodwill towards the same.
Believe me, I am not a 'brother' although I grew for many years. I am not 'select' either from "back in the day" I just grew and grew - told no one - and I didn't know anyone internationally; if I did I certainly wouldn't have told them I was growing - That's the FIRST (and Last) mistake you want to make..

I never saw any goodwill either - it was always about PROFIT and having my stash, too... In fact I'd say it was pretty cutthroat "back in the day"...

Perhaps, in your neighorhood it was all sweetness and sunshine - i guess it depends where you were 'back in the day'..
peace sherry:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
The point is anyone who has grown, or is serious about growing should be insulted by this fuck. You're fucking way to excited about something thats going to prolly be a male. And your other "12" plants, will be male too. So you can be gay with them. FAGIT. Your making something thats so easy, look incredibly fucking growers unless your a retard like GP420 growing bud is easy.

LMFAO this guy is getting shat on. That comment alone made me fucking laugh my ass off. Once again, I will take a shit in a walmart bag and hit you accross the head gp


Well-Known Member
okay,first off please do not talk about or insult my girlfriend. i never said i thought she took them. and no .... I PLANTED NEW PLANTS IN THE GROUND!!!!! I planted them in those lil paper mache starter pots which are bio degradable so roots can grow out of it, i planted them in the ground and packed soil around them and a small layer over top, the pots which were under soil are now ripped out of the ground wtf i dont get it cz my bigger plants were less than 1 ft away from them and they were left n harmed what gives. but i have a couple of surprises growin around will keep posted.


Well-Known Member
listen. yall told me to start over, get new seeds germinate them, start over and plant out doors since my lighting isnt sufficent and ive done that, ive listened to mainly all the advice given, so why is everybody still bein such assholes!!


Well-Known Member
listen. yall told me to start over, get new seeds germinate them, start over and plant out doors since my lighting isnt sufficent and ive done that, ive listened to mainly all the advice given, so why is everybody still bein such assholes!!
Do some learning!
Noway a seed can last outside with no pre growth! Shouldve grown out until fit for outside (window or something)


Well-Known Member
i germinated the seeds in a wet paper towel, planted it, grew it until it sprouted and was an inch tall with cfls, then planted in ground with miracle grow soil in woods , in secluded area.. receiveing lots of sunlight.

sir smokesalot

Well-Known Member
OMG this is the first time i have actually looked in on this thread and im glad i did. this is the funniest fucking thing ive ever seen:mrgreen:

sir smokesalot

Well-Known Member
This needs to be a sticky on what not to do!:mrgreen: or maybe it could be put under plant problems:mrgreen:

i think that this is secretly FDD and he is just fucking with us:joint: