Read the book, bud, read the book.
Under 18 isn't allowed here? I WANT kiddies growing my bud. Have you ever played the upcoming generation in a first-person shooter? Shit, man...
growpassion PMed me and told me he was under 18, the rules state he must be banned indefinetly. please do your job mods and admins. get rid of this young kid.
growpassion PMed me and told me he was under 18, the rules state he must be banned indefinetly. please do your job mods and admins. get rid of this young kid.
People have every right to say good, or bad things about this fuck. Shut your piehole Corso you big bitch
corso PMed me and told me he was under 18, mods and admins please do your job and ban him immedietly, he is violating the rules. do your job. Corso is under 18, he told me himself in a PM and also told me he was related to growpassion; he is his little sister.
corso PMed me and told me he was under 18, mods and admins please do your job and ban him immedietly, he is violating the rules. do your job. Corso is under 18, he told me himself in a PM and also told me he was related to growpassion; he is his little sister.
GP420, Your a goddamn faggot!!!
growpassion PMed me and told me he was a shemale with a small chode for a penis. along with his admittance to his true identy, he also told me he was 16 and underage. MODS AND ADMINS DO YOUR JOBS AND BAN HIM INDEFINETLY. HE IS A BURDEN TO RIT.ORG AND TO EVERYONE WHO IS A SINGLE GENDER. GROWPASSION YOU ARE A CHODE CHOMPER!
fuck u growpassion u fucking faggot ass peach pie. u suck cock u faggot
nah urs its str8. dont worry bout that i would say. im talkin bout that korean chink motha fucka. dudes a jackass chode chomper
First, Fucknutzballz pmed me and said that he is really lame and is under 18 and needs a daddy.Even asked me if i could be that man. Wanted me to give him the hot meat filling. I see most of the posts in your log are the same way. Thanks for adding to RIU. You are a shining example of how we should all be.
And i bet that "chink" would kick your ass up and down the block.
I am going to make it a point to be there for your posts
Why dont the rest of you as well try to get your posts up by giving good advice, and maybe your rep will follow behind.From the looks of it, most of you arent here for anything but to fuck with other people who cant grow either. Lets see some Phat picks of your grows when you want to slam others. No really, if your shit is so killer, put it out there.
fucknut for president!
First, Fucknutzballz pmed me and said that he is really lame and is under 18 and needs a daddy.Even asked me if i could be that man. Wanted me to give him the hot meat filling. I see most of the posts in your log are the same way. Thanks for adding to RIU. You are a shining example of how we should all be.
And i bet that "chink" would kick your ass up and down the block.
I am going to make it a point to be there for your posts
Why dont the rest of you as well try to get your posts up by giving good advice, and maybe your rep will follow behind.From the looks of it, most of you arent here for anything but to fuck with other people who cant grow either. Lets see some Phat picks of your grows when you want to slam others. No really, if your shit is so killer, put it out there.
This cant be real. This has to be someone from california making fun of the east.