hahaha well i guess the cops thought it was something and must have came and snatched his ass uphonestly if your plant looks like that you're clearly retarded
blah blah blah...
can we all get on one accord people!!!!
If six people are telling him kill those fuckers... and one person jumps in the mix and cheers him on... it doesnt solve anything... you lame asses who keep saying, "dont give up", and my favorite "they look 400% better"
No you fuckheads....
I agree, he shouldnt give up, persay... but dont torture our eyes with those dreadful pictures of a crop we all grow and love...
They look like tomato plants for gods sake!!!!
How in the blue hell is that any better than the fork!!!!
You sicken me growpassion... not just by your iggnorance to apply knowledge, but how you handle our comments and criticism... You dont care... and all we're saying is
Lets recap on why your such a fuck up:
1) At 35 days you had 3 plants growing in a transparant 2 liter soda bottle cut in half, and filled with what looks like dirt...
2) The plants were being supported with a plastic fork...
3) You have your plants growing by you dirty laundry... (i hope im not the only one who noticed) ...
4) You suck balls...
5) You live with your girlfriends parents you dumb fuck...
6) You wanted a fuckin lava lamp!!!!
7) and last but not least... not only have you not listened to us over these 15 and some odd days, you let the plants live, and the only thing you got to show for improvement is some bullshyt ass photo, of tomato bushes STILL GROWING IN THAT SORRY FUCKIN 2 LITER SODA BOTTLE CUT IN HALF!!!!!
I honestly can't believe this thread is still breathing... And i'm even more surprised someone hasn't made up and a name and tried to impersonate GP420... He's locked up ladies and gents, just like i predicted when he made the move from indoor to outdoor, without informed guerllia growing skills....
I had the pleasure to speak to GP420 on many occasions, and as i flipped thru some of the older pages, i came across a incident in which was the breaking point for me... If i'm not mistaken, i think this came after GP420 made the suggestion of growing his plants with a LAVA LAMP... what a beloved jackass he was....![]()
okay, i have a closet grow room, running one cfl bulb n a grow bulb in a dual sided house lamp, i have a humidifier as my circulation system, i dont run the humidifier part i only run the fan, i have them under 24-7 light, it keep it 75-85 degrees, i water only when i think they need waterd, maybe once a day or once every two days with a miracle grow n cold water mixture. my tallest plant is my babi and is about 10 inches- 1 ft tall wif its fourth set of leaves, there only 3 sided leafs though so im not sure whats going on, but on my biggest plant i noticed the first set of leaves the round circular ones are startin to fall of and the first set of fan leaves have brown spots on the tips, whats the problem? my second tallest plant, remember they have all been growing for 35 days, i started wif 10 plants now i have 3, the second tAllest plant has his first circular leaves and its first set of fan leaves, but its fan leaves look retarded and are shriviling up and yellowing, n that plant hasnt grown at all in two weeks or so, what can i do to save that plant n make it grow again? my last plant n my babi was growing the strongest stem, was the shortest n had the most set of fan leaves growing so i think she might be a female, i transplanted it to a bigger huge pot directly under light n with barley any circulation, it stopped growing for 2 weeks n still isnt growing ive translpated it bak to a smaller pot in hopes that it will start growing again but so far no good, what can i do to help it survive, any suggestions or comments are appreciated thankyou... pics of my 35 day old plants below
one of the tags for this thread is..."fork method"!!
fuck'n greatness!!lol
Chuck Norris' roundhouse kick is so powerful, that its blast of energy can provide enough light to revive this plant.
seriously have you not realized that anything that could be said to this could was probably done in the first HUNDRED pages......and that he as been missing for about 40 or 60 of themmy newest grow is 7 days old...it's about 3x the size of yours. READ...READ READ READ.
There's ton of things you're doing wrong....search and READ why!
wasn't me that pulled the thread up...just noticed the new post and the retards posting in it.
man new growth might have to make you disappear like G420
wasn't me that pulled the thread up...just noticed the new post and the retards posting in it.
Wait now we are retarded? This thread has a cult following bro don't fuck with us!![]()
how are we the retards? we're shitting on people like you bluediemond who are ACTUALLY retarded and are continuing to give advice to this thread...