my 6x8 shed first time indoor scrog official thread

where did they come from....are you serious??

I think I remember warning this problem back on page 8, lol.

Your OUTSIDE in a shed, what did you expect? You have created a nice, warm, bright environment for all kinds of critters. You need to get some ladybugs, cause your gonna be fighting a constant battle my friend.

Good luck.
me? thats a homebox XXl grow tent, inside a bedroom. Theres no cure for mites/bugs, you can either prevent them from getting in in the first place, or else your fighting a constant battle.

Good luck man, try to find somewhere that will sell you a big box of lady bugs (not as hard as it sounds) lady buds ONLY eat other bugs, they will have a feast on the mites. If you get enough ladybugs they will reproduce, and if they eat all the mites they will just die off, but as long as theres mites for them to eat they will be around, and thats a good thing. I think thats gonna be your best option because spraying chemicals isnt an option if you have to do it every few weeks or every grow.

And as far as I know lady bugs will have absolutely Zero effect on your plants, after a while you might just notice a few dead ladybugs around the shed, but a few dead ladybugs is better then mites anyday.
one thing that might help you is a good hard frost outside to help stop the bugs from keep coming. i have had mite problems on my last grow and neem oil was my saving grace. i picked mine up from a lowes for about 3 bucks. Also for what its worth i too have a cat that likes to go out side and then hang out with me while i tend the grow but this STOPPED after my first mite problem. i wasnt sure if it was his fault or not? but just to be safe... Plus when that shit starts to get nice and sticky little cat hairs will start to find there way to your nuggs not good tasting
It's going to be difficult to properly treat with the plants scrogged but you need to get some Pyrethrin, you can get it at your local plant nursery, it's kind of pricey and is dilutted in 1/4 tsp increments to gallons of water. Something else which worked for me but will not get much respect around here is No-Pest Strips, get a couple and put them in there close to the plants. Those mites will destroy your plants if your let them go and if you use the wrong stuff it'll just kill the good bugs and leave the mites to eat your plants. Good luck.
been a few days. been battling mites. used 2 safer products mold and pest and just pest. i ordered doktor doom fogger to help battle. they seem ok otherwize i dont know if it worked or not cus i dont know what to look for i dont see much movement i see little dots and web stuff. i hope its mostly dead. i cleaned the floor w/ bleach and sprayed raid in the cracks and on the floor hope my crop finishes any tips are wonderful heres latest pics


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Your gonna have to find a long term solution, maybe even a sulfur pot. The sulfur pot, when used properly, will leave an acidic residue on all the walls and plants that mold cant grow on, I dont think mights would like it either.

Get some neem oil or einstein oil if you havent already, they are definitely the Best product to use for spraying for mites.

I hate to say it but this is why you dont see a lot of shed grows, bugs are just inevitable.

To really make a shed work you need the shed to be 100% air tight, with a filter on the intake, doesnt need to be a big carbon filter but a filter is needed. And around the door you need a airtight airlock. Even some poly and a poly zipper would work wonders to keep the little basards out.
You most likely killed the adults, but the eggs will hatch within a week and you'll need to hit them again. It's important to break their life cycle. Good luck, I hate mites.
doesnt seem to be gettin worse will spray again tomorrow and ive got some dr doom commin in the mail and i will bomb with that when it gets here
Alright, I've been viewing threads and researching potential grow set ups for so long that I'm starting to drive myself nuts, (hence the OCD) but thats another issue. Anyway, I was originally gonna hold off on the first posting until some long awaited cash came in and the time to build was near but after following this thread on the edge of my seat I had to post early to ask, what happened with the grow. Last this I saw was spider mite issues in check and then nothing, so whats the deal? Hope it's all goin well and I'm seriously rooting for ya on a fat harvest.
Alright, I've been viewing threads and researching potential grow set ups for so long that I'm starting to drive myself nuts, (hence the OCD) but thats another issue. Anyway, I was originally gonna hold off on the first posting until some long awaited cash came in and the time to build was near but after following this thread on the edge of my seat I had to post early to ask, what happened with the grow. Last this I saw was spider mite issues in check and then nothing, so whats the deal? Hope it's all goin well and I'm seriously rooting for ya on a fat harvest.

i just updated yesterday
Ah, gotcha, 1'st post mis hap. I was looking at the join date and thought there was no news since Sep. Nice set up, I'll keep checkin this one out.