Me too buddy, my CMH shipped today as well as the new tent and my new T5 fixture. So hopefully this weekend I will be like a kid at Xmas setting up a new flower tent. Then the big question, who goes into the new tent with the cmh......... decisions, decisions..........

again thanks for your help and advice via PM.
Awsome. Glad your getting set up. Your Tasty's of course. Best lights you'll own to work with the CMH's if your not buying more.
awesome grow log.
Thanks man. It's my first time & really wasn't sure how. But it's fun & sometimes helps others. Enjoy! I'll be getting a few LEDs up for another run soon so stick around & hopefully I can show a decent grow on my part this time. Peace n happy growing!
How much longer before a new grow comparison hybrid? Love to see you murder the Eco brand with the Amare.

I am running a much different setup then you but the end product we are all after the same thing. I'm running autos and based this run off of last experiences. Tiny and averaged yielded for the most part. I normally have 12 in flower and 12 in veg about 40 days behind with 3-4 oz a decent yield considering the amount of plants. Last run under the kind k5's I had 2 foot plants that were all around the same small size. Since adding the 3 Amare's my life literally has changed. I just completed a new bigger room thank god and I'm already being pushed out of it at day 47!!!

I planned 4 plants in 3 of my 3x3' flood tables. Which normally would have been a little big or just right in terms of space. Currently I have 3 plants in each table and it's still to tight. I panicked and ran to the grow shop and picked up a few ceramic metal halides for 300$ each and started hanging them in my walking space with the plants in saucers and on dollies so I can move.
Trying to say a lot in a small space isn't happening. Is it the nutrients or the co2? I absolutely blame the lights for taking over my space and consuming my life lol!! These lights are works of art and not just some cob slapped into a generic housing. My favorite part is I started the girls under the center t5 bulb I swapped out to 6500k, then after a couple days I turned on the monos only. Then to the cobs and then to the cobs with lenses. As the plant progressed so did the light. Doing that with any other is impossible. My rooms stayed cool even though the lensed cobs give off such an intense light.

I started out with a few minor light height problems, to high or to low but it all worked out. I even brought by a few growers to check the progress that I also built rooms for in the past and they are ready to ditch the blurple and go Amare. I even showed them the Amare monos only vs a 600w Mars hydro and they just laughed. Then showed them 2 600 Mars hydros vs 1 full on Amare and it's just a joke. The time and research I know victor had done has paid off big time in my garden. It's brought a whole new level to growing and I wouldn't second guess anything he says. To be 100% honest we need more people like him in the business. Especially after recently reading about a 1600$ led that draws 200w with a 1000w hps equivalent. How many sad bastards bought these. Luckily the ones who went Amare get to benefit, but it wasn't by luck either. If you have a half a clue it's all spelled out in these companies.

Below are a few shots at day 45 from seed. I did fillin with some cheap Mars just to help fill spots but they don't do much accept change the picture color. My rooms planned for 3 Amare and 1 on each section but when they overhand by 2 feet on each side I needed to adjust.

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Pictures are deceiving. My rooms an absolute mess! Some say it's good and people with OCD like me are in a sense of panic. Who the hell is gonna trim all this? :wall:
Pictures are deceiving. My rooms an absolute mess! Some say it's good and people with OCD like me are in a sense of panic. Who the hell is gonna trim all this? :wall:

I'm glad you finally got some decent lighting maybe you can understand why I was so frustrated trying to explain this to you guys lol. I'm glad in the end you are happy.
I'm glad you finally got some decent lighting maybe you can understand why I was so frustrated trying to explain this to you guys lol. I'm glad in the end you are happy.
Resinhound!!! Dude I can't even explain how I feel right now man. Let me go off topic here a little. I bust my ass 12 hours a day on 2 business I started off of a credit card and a 350$ pick up truck. This all came from my labor. As life goes on and money comes easier you tend to lose focus and that's basically what I did earlier on. When the reality hit and I realized I got screwed by kind the first time I wanted to vomit. People said return the kind and all I thought was who the hell are you. Lol now I know and man I swear I owe you big time.

In the future all WE can do is try to persuade people away from the garbage and hope they don't end up down the road I was heading down. It's just a light but it's real money and however it's earned it shouldn't go into scumbags pockets.

Where I'm at with my kind k5's is they are still at kind. All ups inspections were denied because they threw away all the boxes but I may possibly get a partial refund from growers house. Kind fucked me every way they could and it blows.
Resinhound!!! Dude I can't even explain how I feel right now man. Let me go off topic here a little. I bust my ass 12 hours a day on 2 business I started off of a credit card and a 350$ pick up truck. This all came from my labor. As life goes on and money comes easier you tend to lose focus and that's basically what I did earlier on. When the reality hit and I realized I got screwed by kind the first time I wanted to vomit. People said return the kind and all I thought was who the hell are you. Lol now I know and man I swear I owe you big time.

In the future all WE can do is try to persuade people away from the garbage and hope they don't end up down the road I was heading down. It's just a light but it's real money and however it's earned it shouldn't go into scumbags pockets.

Where I'm at with my kind k5's is they are still at kind. All ups inspections were denied because they threw away all the boxes but I may possibly get a partial refund from growers house. Kind fucked me every way they could and it blows.

I have a feeling it's part of their business model... They expect returns. It's why you see so many "factory refurbished" for sale. We know where they get those don't we...they use the warranty as a selling point... Get the lights back fix them cheaply and resell, that's my gut feeling anyway.

How many refurbished amare, Apache tech or bml etc lights do you see for sale?

It's just the sad state of modern horticultural lighting these days...
Plants look great man, they look quite happy.
Besides an earlier calmag problem its been pretty a pretty simple. Last run I averaged 3-4 which was ok considering the problems I had. So this one should hopefully go up by 25%. Guys on afn are growing under flashlights in solo cups and pulling 1-2 lol
Trying to say a lot in a small space isn't happening. Is it the nutrients or the co2? I absolutely blame the lights for taking over my space and consuming my life lol!! These lights are works of art and not just some cob slapped into a generic housing. My favorite part is I started the girls under the center t5 bulb I swapped out to 6500k, then after a couple days I turned on the monos only. Then to the cobs and then to the cobs with lenses. As the plant progressed so did the light. Doing that with any other is impossible. My rooms stayed cool even though the lensed cobs give off such an intense light.

I started out with a few minor light height problems, to high or to low but it all worked out. I even brought by a few growers to check the progress that I also built rooms for in the past and they are ready to ditch the blurple and go Amare. I even showed them the Amare monos only vs a 600w Mars hydro and they just laughed. Then showed them 2 600 Mars hydros vs 1 full on Amare and it's just a joke. The time and research I know victor had done has paid off big time in my garden. It's brought a whole new level to growing and I wouldn't second guess anything he says. To be 100% honest we need more people like him in the business. Especially after recently reading about a 1600$ led that draws 200w with a 1000w hps equivalent. How many sad bastards bought these. Luckily the ones who went Amare get to benefit, but it wasn't by luck either. If you have a half a clue it's all spelled out in these companies.

Below are a few shots at day 45 from seed. I did fillin with some cheap Mars just to help fill spots but they don't do much accept change the picture color. My rooms planned for 3 Amare and 1 on each section but when they overhand by 2 feet on each side I needed to adjust.

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Looking good! Yeah, I was alarmed at the growth I got too! Lol! It is allot more then I get from HPS & Floro. It's the spectrum being so full I tell ya. All I kept seeing n saying is "aww, I notice more overall growth then I'm used too aww, lol! Could barely explain it. Nice work hanging the lights! Nice grow bro!

Ok, finally decided to get the lights back up so to veg - out my next HPS run that will need to be ready within the month. So I've got some catching up to do as these should've been transplanted 2 weeks ago.
These are freshly transplanted from 6" Potts to 3 gall. & just placed under the lights. The were vegged for 1 month from Clone under my Select-Spec T-5. All these were under 1 2'x4' , 8 bulb T-5 only an hour ago. Ha! Deffinetly needed to spread there legs.
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I'll be filling th area towards the back wall with 2 Pro-4's, getting rid of the HH & replacing it w/ a SE-450, then putting another Pro-4 in the center of the 2 , 450's perpendicular. Like a 7' x 10' double trellis. I'm thinking. I'll have to flower my plants at around this size or a little bigger though & that's a month less then I'm used to, not to mention all 12 of these were squeezed inder the T-5 only min ago in 6" 's. So, they'd be allot bigger if vegged in open conditions like this. Which BTW, my girl thinks is only the veg room now. Shhhhhhh, it's a secret but this will be the Temp. LED flower room as it's taking a bit longer to get things wrapped up at the other place.

But we'll be playing veg room for now.
Here's The plants that will be getting flowered in this room 1 month from now just put under the T-5 today. They were accidentally topped allot earlier then I'd like but they'll be fine.