My Amare, Hydroponics Hut, & SunCloak Grow

"you do realize the difference between ppf/ppfd?"

i wish i did..

i have a par meter

...ppf is one reading and ppfd is multi readings over the area each cob is to cover..

when i take a reading from one cob say 10" and its 1200 thats ppf?

and if i have my cobs on their basr over a 4x4 area and take multiple readings that ppfd?

please..i have been trying to understand this,,lol

Still a great read from our friends over at Indagro PPF and PPFD.pdf
To dismiss ppf/w of a fixture(sphere testing) and then say ppfd is all that matters is illogical.............
A that matters is ppfd hitting the canopy. Total light output is irrelevant when measuring a proper grow light designed to focus photons to the plants only, like Amare does.
Who cares about reflector & lens loss when they almost double the readings on the canopy. What matters is ppfd hitting plants. Not total light hitting walls.
If Those were industry standards more lights would do it.
It's a good way to measure a fixture that used no reflectors or lens I guess. But I wouldn't want to own one so it doesn't matter to me or anyone else who wants/needs to focus their light to their plants.
You know, the things we're growing.
To dismiss ppf/w of a fixture(sphere testing) and then say ppfd is all that matters is illogical.............
This is a viscous circle. The end result is ppfd. Ppf is important for the manufacturing of a light but ppfd is the result. The plants see X# of ~umoles. I'm sure there is some sort of calculation/formula for ppfd per watt. That's the end all comparison
The SAME fixture can have different ppfd #s depending on grow room setup==== height, walls, reflective material, overlap, canopy management, etc.

"focusing" PAR with a secondary lens/reflector is cutting your coverage/total output, some more than's about finding a balance. NO, you can't have your cake and eat it too:)

ppf/w of a fixture is a fixed baseline..........get it?. It's an accurate # on a system's efficiency..........relying on some handheld sensor and hoping it stays steady/properly angled to the source while taking the multiple readings is hardly reliable IMO. #s can fluctuate.

All I'm saying is that for grow fixture comparisons ppf/w is a great way to make your decision on what to buy and can tweak your ppfd after the fact to your liking.

A large Sphere is the best we have atm.
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I sort of agree, for an end all who has higher ppf per watt makes sense. A down and dirty Dick measuring contest. The difference in reflectors should not make that much of an impact to take a light with a higher ppf to be that far behind in the handheld test. I also agree with my hybrid that the end result and the only important factor is ppfd. What's the plants get from all those watts.

Now I haven't personally said it but thank you for the sphere testing on the cxb's, it was great to see the results. What I find funny is that had zero impact on my gpw. While others seemed to have an aneurism over the lower efficiency. That's the point in all this, what the plants do with what you give them is the only thing that really matter. Specs are great, pounds of weed is much better.

What does Steven have to say about this?
Light hitting the plants is all that matters. The sphere is not the industry standard. That's just what NG's like Rahz & Stephen would want you to believe cuz the don't grow nor understand how their data effects plants in real life.
Ppfd on the canopy deciphers a GROW lights output doing its damn job. appears by this i am more or less correct..and yes its more than area L x w....its L x w x h and reflection


"This is a viscous circle"..[so cute] we know what you mean my friend

and it probably is that too
Dude get s life, a hobby a new boyfriend. if living on this forum be being a dickhead is your only excitement then I fully understand why your so hostile But dude come on.
Light hitting the plants is all that matters. The sphere is not the industry standard. That's just what NG's like Rahz & Stephen would want you to believe cuz the don't grow nor understand how their data effects plants in real life.
Ppfd on the canopy deciphers a GROW lights output doing its damn job.

If they both have similar optics then ppf would should be close to ppfd. This whole debate is about comparing 2 good lights with quality parts so I personally don't even see a need. Throwing the Johnson up against a kind or mars would win business. Bragging rights is foolish. There are proven grows with enhanced cobs and proven grow with plain cobs. If it has to come down to a test to sell lights then this markets way to tight.
whats the thread? Id love to hear what he had to say. Especially coming from the guy selling lights with cree 2540's at a 3070 or even 3590 price
The days of unproven hypothetical nonsense, goodled specs, psuedo-science with attitude and greed are over... Result is all that matters. Hp at the crank is for those who don't get it to boast, it's at the wheel to those who win races...
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Dude get s life, a hobby a new boyfriend. if living on this forum be being a dickhead is your only excitement then I fully understand why your so hostile But dude come on.

aw come on..i meant no ill..not one shred of hostilty..

if you think me saying that i was being a dickhead then i apologize,,


its the engish language ..typos can be fun..i wasn't laughing at can write fine..
but i laugh at me alot

i will not comment on any of your posts..again..

see yah
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I sort of agree, for an end all who has higher ppf per watt makes sense. A down and dirty Dick measuring contest. The difference in reflectors should not make that much of an impact to take a light with a higher ppf to be that far behind in the handheld test. I also agree with my hybrid that the end result and the only important factor is ppfd. What's the plants get from all those watts.

Now I haven't personally said it but thank you for the sphere testing on the cxb's, it was great to see the results. What I find funny is that had zero impact on my gpw. While others seemed to have an aneurism over the lower efficiency. That's the point in all this, what the plants do with what you give them is the only thing that really matter. Specs are great, pounds of weed is much better.

What does Steven have to say about this?

Don't thank me for the tests , it was all timber and nextlight getting together and giving us the #s. Very nice of them.

If Amare has the best led tech/designs out there why not just stick it in a damn sphere and shut everyone up??....seems pretty easy to me.

I can't believe victor actually says that they build lights that don't perform well in a sphere but are efficient at flowering cannabis?.........I think hybrid is misunderstanding him

Light hitting the plants is all that matters. The sphere is not the industry standard. That's just what NG's like Rahz & Stephen would want you to believe cuz the don't grow nor understand how their data effects plants in real life.
Ppfd on the canopy deciphers a GROW lights output doing its damn job.

Yes photons hitting the canopy is all that matters = OUTPUT AKA ppf/w, umol/j ..............................using a sphere is an industry standard, it just costs allot and small companies don't want to pay........they prefer using a $500 handheld, ends up being a guesssssssssssssssssstimation.

Raise/ lower your fixture, add/ remove reflective materials and walls from the grow room.......the ppf/w doesn't change, understand it's importance now? You know the fixture's true performance at the time of purchase, can somewhat adjust the ppfd to your liking later.

feel like I'm going in circles
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aw come on..i meant no ill..not one shred of hostilty..

if you think me saying that i was being a dickhead then i apologize,,


its the engish language ..typos can be fun..i wasn't laughing at can write fine..
but i laugh at me alot

i will not comment on any of your posts..again..

see yah

I didn't see any ill intent in your post either..............
This is all stupid AF.
When any light is sent to a real testing facility to get actual testing, such as lm-79...a sphere is not the only 500,000 measurement equipment they use.
Every heard of a goniophotometer??? Google it.