my babys


Active Member
hi there folks these are my plants this is my first grow could you tell me how iam doing so far i have c 13 haze and white widow one plant leaves are curling up and the other one has yellow spots on the bottom leaves thanks for any help :peace:out


Well-Known Member

so you have no pics up. but i will take a stab at this anyways. what is the temperature in your room? leaves curling could be from this. are you feeding them nutes yet? the yellowing could be a defeciency. if you are not nuteing them, i would start them out at 1/4 strength and work your way up to full strength over the next few waterings. also water ph may be a problem.

looking foward to how the plants turn out. you have some good strains.good luck


Active Member
here are some pis i took yesterday the look better today but one is still curled ive a better control on my temps and humidty
here are the pics on day 22 0f veg how do use think they look iam worried about the c 13 haze the skinny one with the curled up leaves any advice would be great thanks :peace: out


fried at 420

Well-Known Member
more info needed
What Nutes are you using and how much?
how close are the lights?
how hot does that room get?


Active Member
alright mate iam using bio grow 1/4 strenght 400 hps light 1 ft from top of plants last week my attic was really hot highest was 88 but got it back down to 76 humidity sits around 60 using 2 fans dehumidifier and humidifier only fresh air is when attic door is left open


Well-Known Member
Your plants are drying out. Humidity is high, they can not perspire out leaves, and the all aorund temp is so high they are just going dry.


Well-Known Member
id say temp or PH. do you have a thermometer up there? cuz when its like 88 outside its like 120 in my attic


Active Member
thanks for all the advice guys ive took more pics for use to look at ive got my temps down to 78 humidity sits at 60 i only started feeding at the 3rd week iam using bio grow npk 8.02.0 6.0 started of with 1/4 strenght is it time to up the dose and do you add nutes every time you water them thanks for all help its appreciated

