My BlueWidow Cross...

Hey Johnny, those buds look killer. I just planted my clones in my table yesterday. When you flood your table do you flood the rock wool cubes or do you flood 1/2" below the cubes in the hydrotons? I have have been told both ways and i was wondering which way you flood your table to get such killer buds?
yeah those are the best lookin buds ive seen for along while... hey johnny if you know where i can get some of those seeds pm me..:mrgreen::mrgreen:
Ya, JB, if you ever need anyone to try out some of your new strains, shoot me a PM! I would love to grow that bud.... They look better than the killer that I'm growing... Good job.:mrgreen:

looks great jonny, i have been around for like a month and that is a beautifull thing to come back to... looked to me like they could have gone a little longer though, lol but it is your strain and you would know better than me, rep for you
Whao...Haven't been here in a while

Thanks for the belated comments...

As you may have noticed, this journal
was dismantled. I Haven't been around
the site in a while, but appreciate the
support after I left. Had to break for a

Getting back into it mid May.
The multi-strain journal coming