My boss said I smell like weed...

Hey ya'll,

Guess I got a lot better at growing the second time around cuz man do these babies STANK

What kind of air filtration systems do ya'll use to not smell like a gooey dank nugget 24/7?

Shit needs to stahp

Thanks for the help !
People are my wife's work kept smelling weed. We figured out it was her leather purse, lol. I'm exhausting outside now, so it's not that bad anymore.

OH, and she works at a hospital, lol.
Lol, I remember that problem. I can't remember how many times I had to go home and change clothes the last year I worked. Solution is growing enough not to have to go to work.
LOL great advice, not applicable in my situation

Boss chill level?

Offer them a jar of some homegrown herb.

I say them, just to be careful. So many aliens and gender X's out there.

Lady bosses - the best.
No way in hell that will happen. Finance tends to get peoples panties in a bunch. Boss keeps referencing my "side hustle" lmfao

just tell them you got some hemp cologne. problem solved lol
This will not solve the problem at alllll lmfao
After several persons mentioned weed smell in my wife's office, we discovered FEBREEZE.
Back in the day I would carry this with me. The shit is likely full of nasty chemicals, but it works amazingly. A tiny spray completely dissipates all cannabis odors:

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Hey ya'll,

Guess I got a lot better at growing the second time around cuz man do these babies STANK

What kind of air filtration systems do ya'll use to not smell like a gooey dank nugget 24/7?

Shit needs to stahp

Thanks for the help !
So I was right!!

Don't come to work tomorrow! FIRED!
Back in the day I would this with me. The shit is likely full of nasty chemicals, but it works amazingly. A tiny spray completely dissipates all cannabis odors:

Sprays/cologne/febreeze is great and all, but I want to be proactive, not reactive, kna' mean? Hence why I inquired about filters :)
Add and Infinity cloudline 4 or 6 inch. 4 inch will work fine, 6 inch will be quieter. The better model comes with a controller that will turn it up or down depending on how you set humidity and temp.
Hey ya'll,

Guess I got a lot better at growing the second time around cuz man do these babies STANK

What kind of air filtration systems do ya'll use to not smell like a gooey dank nugget 24/7?

Shit needs to stahp

Thanks for the help !
Put a fabric softener in ur underwear. Ain't no way it's that loud :lol: