So, a few weeks back my bro and his girl came over for dinner and he sampled my edibles and my own homegrown buds. Now, he will not smoke any weed he considers to be inferior (I always call him a weed snob because he refuses to smoke the weed I used to buy). So, we smoke up a big fat bong of my Chocolate Rain and he's blown away that I grew it myself. I try explaining that it's the strain and that I pulled my male ASAP, so no seeds. My yield was shit, but yeah, some great smoke! But now he thinks I'm some sort of pot goddess and he wants to rent a house near me and have me " manage" some big f***ing grow op he wants him and his buddy to finance.
That is just too funny! I admit, this time around I have learned ALOT and my new ladies are super full and bushy, even before I topped them. BUT, I did a crappy job on my first grow, only a little more than an ounce, dry off 4 plants. I really don't think that qualifies me to run some huge op. And even if it did, that is the last thing I want! I'm a Mom, I have 4 kids to think about. I just wanna grow my own weed, not sell it. He is still hounding me to just "think about it"!
I think I'll change my name to Mary Jane, Queen of Pot! LMFAO!