My Buddy From Another Province is An Idiot ( a Rant )

Just let him learn by his mistakes, it's called life. He'll come to you when he realizes what a mess he's gotton himself into.
Btw I have NO IDEA what is the going rate to set up a 20x25 room with 10,000 watts? lol.
It's about 25 dollars an hour for the builder, 9000 bucks in gear, and pretty sure u should bring in a electrician to hook up the master controller unless that's something u want to do. Still have to bring in the plants too. Might want to save 4000 bucks for the electric bill so he doesn't get shut off during the grow. There's most likely another 2000 I left out, but shit go build it. Sounds like fun.
It's about 25 dollars an hour for the builder, 9000 bucks in gear, and pretty sure u should bring in a electrician to hook up the master controller unless that's something u want to do. Still have to bring in the plants too. Might want to save 4000 bucks for the electric bill so he doesn't get shut off during the grow. There's most likely another 2000 I left out, but shit go build it. Sounds like fun.
Your bang on. 9,100 and that's down to the last tape roll, cord and staple. Building rooms is jolly good fun. Only 25/hr for the builder you say... seems cheap when doing something that requires latex gloves and attempts at muffling hammering noises.
I'd like to say that he sounds like an utter ass hat. I to had a "friend" that wanted to grow, I even let him borrow a 400w to get going, and gave him a clone. Couple weeks before I gave him some advise told him what to buy, and "to start doing as much reading as you can". He did none of those things, dropped and dented up my light, and killed the clone. He then proceeded to grow bagseed VERY POORLY, and try to pass it off as my product I had gave him that he couldn't then pay for. I havn't talked to him more then once since.

I would also like to add that the idea of growing out massive trees is not a bad idea in any way. If you have 10k watts you could even get a nice perpetual thing going with like 1-2 bushes a month or every other month. The biggest key would be the veg time, and the amount operation space you would need to do all that would be large. The pay out at the end would also be large. You can definitely get over 1lb per bush. However if your buddy is wanting to use "hydro tables" bushes are not the way to go. If your gonna grow bushes you'd be far better off with a large DWC, or even a bucket ebb and flow system. You could easily use smart pots and coco, I just read a thread the other day with a guy doing exactly that and I believe he was pulling about or over 2lb per plant, 5 plants, 4k watts hanging vertically. If I can find the thread I'll come back and link it for you. Now all that aside, that operation would definitely be a full time job, and I would really think it would be tough to do alone, if not impossible to do right alone.
There seems to be a rash of people that don't want to do the learning going around. Everyone thinks its "so easy to grow weed" and "I totally wanna grow out some plants". People don't realize its also alot of work, especially the bigger you get! Its not some get rich quick scheme, that any monkey can pull off.
Good point, I would take his money if I knew it wasn't going to be stressful and a constant battle between reason and fantasy...

Not only that, but once you take money from him and he fails at growing even with the sweet setup, he may try to blame you (especially if he's relying on you to tell him how to grow, since he's not even willing to do research...) or how you set up the room, which will just lead to more stress.