My Cat's First Indoor Grow : 3'x2' 300W Plasma


Étienne-Jules Marey was a physiologist first and a photographer second.

In the 1880s, he took numerous sequential photos of cats being dropped and landing on their feet, capturing the way in which a cat twists its body to get into the proper landing position. Marey's photos suggested that cats possessed a physiological mechanism for landing on their feet, but many scientists were skeptical, even with the photo evidence.

Henry R. Miller and Lewis H. Weed would eventually prove the falling mechanism beyond a shadow of a doubt in 1916 by dropping blindfolded cats whose balancing vestibular organs had been destroyed in both ears. Those cats dropped straight to the ground with no twisting or turning, confirming what Marey had done 30 years earlier with far less damage to the cats involved.


I bring the fun fact of the day because the picture of Cleeko looks like all of her feet are off the ground. Reminded me of Eadward Muybridge. He inspired Marey when he was commissioned to photograph a horse gallop way back some time to show this fact.

I came back to reality today after a long blasphemous Thanksgiving only to find my cat setting up her own 3x2.

She said everyone is going to always think I'm a noob if I keep showing my beloved pixie stick Sativa plants...
Apparently she scored some super dank beans from her homie a couple cities away.
So here she is... Trying to show u guys what's up. Tried to tell her it's not worth it.

Meet Cleeko H. Savage. The H is for Henny.

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You better get that cat some sunglasses. He's gonna get cataracts.