My name is Irfan and I'm from Israel I came to Halifax at Canada last week and I', looking for some weed to smoke, I've been walking the streets for 4 days and still haven't got any.
Its like hell in here searching for some buds, I thought it would be easier to find cause the people are nice but no one could hook me up.
I can buy with my credit card but I have no adress to send it to cause I'm staying at friends house from Airbnb website and they're none smokers so I don't feel comfortable with it to send it to their home... Any way, I've been thinking if it possible to pay for three grams and anyone could drop it somewhere near Lower water st. and tell me later where I can find it cause people who I asked in the internet thinks I'm a cop or something

I have facebook account and skype if you wanna see that im no cop and I came from Israel, at Friday I have a flight to Alberta and there I got some friend that could get me some, so I need only three or even two...
waiting for reply, thnx.