my disaster drawer

...for the Ledengin Spectrum Tool...
Table cw5500 cell D102 is linked to table All_spectra_101212 cell O11 thats Wrong change this to cell O13.
same for Table ww2900: D102 O13 > O11

...uuups... ...thank you Guod... ...and thank you Sds... ...masters...:hug::clap::clap::clap:

...This is ten percent luck, twenty percent skill
Fifteen percent concentrated power of will
Five percent pleasure, fifty percent pain
And a hundred percent reason to remember the name... ...Sds... ...Guod...


...I hope I have corrected the tool correctly...:confused:


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....thanks Guod...

...the video yeahhh ... bomba... only drug is cannabis... ...not cocaina or others similars... this times... some alcohol... beer... ...or good red wine local... ...or gomeron...:fire: ...mix parra (similar to orujo) with miel de palma...

...for the help on outdoors... ...backyard...

El Ariete Hidraulico Video Informativo

Bomba de Ariete de PVC 1.1

Bomba de Ariete de PVC 1.4

Bomba de Ariete Hidráulico de 2 Pulgadas

Generador Eolico Casero (Muy Facil) - Eolic Home Generator (Very Easy)

saludos... ...y pa ti un abrazote...

....upsss thanks for your edited spreadsheet... ...more spreadsheets...


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...on PWM Arduino way...

PWM Arduino

Secrets of Arduino PWM



Adjusting PWM Frequencies

Here are some Usage Examples of the Function


...PWM on arduino... ...8 bits (Default)... ...0 to 255...
...mmm... to my self... ...for smoth pwm... 10 bits (0 to 1024)... ...or... ...12 bits (0 to 4096...thinking Guod way)...

Adafruit 16-Channel 12-bit PWM/Servo Shield - I2C interface

PCA9685 16-Channel 12-bit PWM Fm+ I2C-Bus LED Controller Pdf

Adafruit 16-Channel 12-bit PWM/Servo Shield Full

Adafruit 16-Channel 12-bit PWM/Servo Shield Pdf

Adafruit 24-Channel 12-bit PWM LED Driver – SPI Interface – TLC5947

PWM Shield ...12 bits...

TLC5940 ...12 bits...

12-bit PWM for LED Lighting

....or... ...16 bits (0 to 65536...?..)...

Adafruit 12-Channel 16-bit PWM LED Driver - SPI Interface ... Pdf

...5497 12 bits.... ...and 59711 16 bits...

TLC5947 and TLC59711 16-bit PWM LED Driver Breakouts

TLC5947 24-Channel 12-bit PWM LED Driver with Internal Oscillator Pdf

TLC59711 12-Channel 16-bit Enhanced Spectrum PWM RGB LED Driver with 3.3-V Linear Regulator and Watchdog Timer Pdf

...y musikita?... ahora pongo...:lol:... ...bump up the volume... ...rock the house...

...on RTC way... ...(im tuning arduino?...:hump:):lol::lol::lol:

...for upgrade the old RTC DS1307...with Ultra-Precise Real Time Clock..

...more info on the link... ...documentation or example code... ...or design files in zip files...

ChronoDot V2.1 High Precision RTC DS3231SN

DS1307 Real Time Clock Breakout Board Kit

DS1307 Real Time Clock Breakout Board Kit Pdf

...fellas... ...are you with me?...


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...big thanks master Guod... ...

...i had not finished making the post... is finished...

...yeahhh...your info is gold... ...the links...are added up.... course...

...for the masters... ..THANKS for ALL...


Salud..os.. y abrazos... ;-)
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...i only see... 12 / 100...

E - series - outdoor ac-dc led driver
U - input range - 90 - 305 vac
C - type - constant current output
- output power - 160 w
Q - # outputs - quad
070 - output voltage current - 700ma
S - option y modes - standard (non dimming)
T - input cable indicator - standard 3 pins UL

...more in page 32 / 100...

Thinking about it and I wouldn't want to buy a driver without a link to a datasheet. The description is too vague on that sellers page
...yeah Positivity... ...same thinking... ....the info is too poor... (im wrong... Guod link more info thanks Guod)...and thanks for the link...

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It would be interesting to see how the SDS method compares.
If a bunch of us can learn how to digitize these curves, we can share the burden :)

Digitize Graphical Data Easily and Accurately

"Use the “Curve Point”
Tool to manually insert points on the curve that are not automatically detected"

Better use this only ,all the way ..
Vey easy,simple and powerful free software ..
If version 5.1 does not work ,up one step in download folder to download an older version .
(I use 4.1 )

Results are amazing and super precise if graph is accurate and in usable state/ form ..

Digitize Graphical Data Easily and Accurately Pdf

The Original Plot in this Example and the Spreadsheet used to Verify the Digitized Data (download

Engauge Digitizer – Digitizing Software (v4.1) ... Digit exe Windows 4_1.Zip

Loess Smoothing In Excel

Loess Utility Awesome Update

Loess Utility What The Buttons Mean

Accurately Plot Colors From Power Spectrum Data

Accurately Plot Colors From Power Spectrum Data Pdf

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...Thanks master Guod...:hug: ...datasheet on board... ...yeah i know... rtfm:hump:......I must revisit inventronic site:hump:... and I must also make better searches...:fire::fire:

....pd i see the others datasheets:oops:... ...on inventronic site:hump:... :fire::fire: more color glass for my POV.......THANKS to Guod...

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...well... ...i try to digitize the eight graphics in datasheet CXA 3070 as exercises for learn how to digitize... :shock::fire::fire::fire:

...I have other class assignments this summer :dunce:...
. first steps on fritzing instalaton... ...time to play a litle bit to learn something about fritzing... first steps on digitize graphics on the sds indications...

...when i learn the basic on these softs...

..ive start with other class assignment... ...emulation soft for arduino... ...yeah Guod... to bad in maths or software... but i try Guod indicatons too...

...start my class assignments for this summer... ...on my obsolete pc... ...fingers crossed... .. Ave, Caesar, morituri te salutant...:lol::lol::lol:

...i need hear Stevie Wonder... prefered sensei master on music... positive vibra music to me... for my hard way this summer..

...Como siempre Muchas Gracias al Autor/@s......

Besos para Ellas, Abrazos para Ellos y Saludos para todos los demas...
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. ..yeahh... for dimming driver you need drivers with dimming function... ...Supra give you better info than i on election or selection for that dimming driver...

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...thanks Positivity...

...and big thanks Epicfail for your help on Cannabinoids thread... having problems with my obsolete pc...summer... bad time for my pc... nothing new for me...
...I can not run certain software... frustrating my expectatives and my class assignments...

...well then I breathe deep.... ...another line on my tiger skin... ...more patience... more slow...even more?... buffff

...being the last off the class... ...why to run?... ...well another bad week...

juas...I have no towel to throw..... more breathe deep... okok...

....more time to read... some pdf...that were pending read... ...a lot...

...i cant not print... my printer has no ink......two years... no money to ink or photocopies...

...jejeje when i said hard way....this summer to you can not even imagine...

...better this mix for me...


Typhon-based LED Controller

...for ELN..


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