My dog saw a ghost?

My dog is a bit of a shit. He decided to murder his rival. Every damn day we run this chihuahua gives him a ration of shit. He can't do anything cause he's on a lead. So this morning I'm on RIU and out Sharkey goes barking. An hour or so later, I'm finally done on RIU and getting smoked up to go shopping and wander over to the sink and what do I see, THAT damn chihuahua STANDING in the pool barely balanced on the pool cover!


So I go outside to hold the cover for him to walk over to me. At that point I notice he's soaking wet. Sharkey continues to sit in the padded lawn chair chewing his chew. Got the dog within reaching distance at which point Sharkey heads over as if to say, "Come on!" He's smiling and giving his happy face. Just as I was pulling the chi to us with one arm Sharkey launches for his face........ oh dear...

Now the chi is under the pool cover and I'm shooing Shark. Both of these pissy dogs want to kill me. I haul the chi out and set him down and the race is on. Chi out through the fence (shark is to fat). I do not think he'll be back. I now realize lil ole sneaky had chased him into the pool then laid in that damn lawn chair waiting for him to die! LOL What a rat and thankfully, for the chi, I paid attention.
This is very common, dogs are much more sensitive to ghost like energy's. Many people experience this with their dogs and it is not reported because the American media for many reasons doesn't cover supernatural phenomenon. However serious and long time dog owners are aware of dogs ability's to sense ghosts, and Christopher walken.

Dogs eat poo.
A dog acting weird is no reason to believe that ghosts actually exist.
I guess they can exist in your mind if you believe in them.
My ghost saw a dog once.

I sometimes wonder if I'm giving myself some kind of heavy metal poisoning, with the constant barrage of AV7X, 5FDP, COC, the new Alice In Chains.

And, CN, what the hell is that?
Those Widmannstätten patterns are etched with acid. Nitric in anhydrous alcohol. I tried my hand with that once. I didn't do as well using redneck materials sourcing. I can't upload photos (go figure!) so I cannot show the epicity of my fail; there is even epicer fail in the way. ;)
Those Widmannstätten patterns are etched with acid. Nitric in anhydrous alcohol. I tried my hand with that once. I didn't do as well using redneck materials sourcing. I can't upload photos (go figure!) so I cannot show the epicity of my fail; there is even epicer fail in the way. ;)

You know, we etch heads (automotive) with muriatic acid. I'm curious how you did the patterning. did you coat, scratch, burn, neutralize? I think I'm all done on picking up new and dangerous hobbies. Until my neck heals again, and we're moved, at least.
You know, we etch heads (automotive) with muriatic acid. I'm curious how you did the patterning. did you coat, scratch, burn, neutralize? I think I'm all done on picking up new and dangerous hobbies. Until my neck heals again, and we're moved, at least.

Nitric (about 5%) in alcohol takes a mirror-polished surface and etches along the crytsal planes. It's really fun to watch.

n.b. You're adding an oxidizer to fuel. To me that isn't a bug; it's a feature.

Going to have to stop out, help ya' trim yer harvest on our way back to the last true outlaw state, the rest of the wild west. (New Mexico, SON!)

Then, I'll teach you how to use a 4" filet knife as a mango knife, and a 6" filet knife to make PERFECT cinnamon rolls. And, an 8" boning knife to win every single argument, in which you make it an equation. In exchange, you can teach me all about fun with elements, and other cool ways to fuck myself up some more.