My dog saw a ghost?

QUOTE="curious2garden, post: "My dog is a bit of a shit. He decided to murder his rival. Every damn day we run this chihuahua gives him a ration of shit. He can't do anything cause he's on a lead. So this morning I'm on RIU and out Sharkey goes barking. An hour or so later, I'm finally done on RIU and getting smoked up to go shopping and wander over to the sink and what do I see, THAT damn chihuahua STANDING in the pool barely balanced on the pool cover!

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So I go outside to hold the cover for him to walk over to me. At that point I notice he's soaking wet. Sharkey continues to sit in the padded lawn chair chewing his chew. Got the dog within reaching distance at which point Sharkey heads over as if to say, "Come on!" He's smiling and giving his happy face. Just as I was pulling the chi to us with one arm Sharkey launches for his face........ oh dear...

Now the chi is under the pool cover and I'm shooing Shark. Both of these pissy dogs want to kill me. I haul the chi out and set him down and the race is on. Chi out through the fence (shark is to fat). I do not think he'll be back. I now realize lil ole sneaky had chased him into the pool then laid in that damn lawn chair waiting for him to die! LOL What a rat and thankfully, for the chi, I paid attention."

I'm noticing a theme here. Lil ol chi is lucky you decided to spare his life. What a good prison you are. Come visit me in Punxatawney if you're ever out east.