My Eroding Belief in God

im sensing disharmonious vibrations diverging through the quantum consciousness collective the desires of the materials put up internal barriers towards the ethereal essence of inner sanctum pushing the inner accention deep down into later experiances

*cuts the cord* Dude, it would be great to have a real discussion with you, but I'm afraid the stars just ain't linin' up.
*cuts the cord* Dude, it would be great to have a real discussion with you, but I'm afraid the stars just ain't linin' up.

lol giving up already? i thought i might have been a bit harsh yesterday in my desire for semantically significant communication the seriousness of which fired a discernment discharge through my neural network

in an attempt to set aside such previous misunderstands of communications between the differing instances of consciousness i set on to renew communications in a mutually aligned manner. deep inner personal deductions allude to possibility wherein my actual path is fraught anew

apologies i give with the request of one final questioning

If so powerful you are, why leave?
lol giving up already? i thought i might have been a bit harsh yesterday in my desire for semantically significant communication the seriousness of which fired a discernment discharge through my neural network

in an attempt to set aside such previous misunderstands of communications between the differing instances of consciousness i set on to renew communications in a mutually aligned manner. deep inner personal deductions allude to possibility wherein my actual path is fraught anew

apologies i give with the request of one final questioning

If so powerful you are, why leave?

...that was actually pretty cool :lol: Dude, I am not so powerful. And today, I am 'leaving' to get caught up in some work that pays :) Trust me, this is not so much a bad time we're having here.

And, apologies to the OP! I hope something that is being discussed here flips a switch for him.
imagine going to heaven and having to worship the saddistic dictator you call your god , for the whole of eternity lol just imagine worshiping this sicko who lets cancer famine and all the other horrible things in life go on , without intervening , hes such a dick, he created you just to play a sick game with you and your prize for playing his game correctly is worshipping him for eternity lol its just tooooo funny .
imagine going to heaven and having to worship the saddistic dictator you call your god , for the whole of eternity lol just imagine worshiping this sicko who lets cancer famine and all the other horrible things in life go on , without intervening , hes such a dick, he created you just to play a sick game with you and your prize for playing his game correctly is worshipping him for eternity lol its just tooooo funny .

...sure, he's a dick in a vagina of a universe. An den? :) Man, I thought we were the crazy ones thinking that God is a dude up in the sky :)

How's your thursday going, tsh? :razz:
...ah, here we go again ;) I was pointing out his jumbled phrase, in a joking manner.

Are those warts starting to develop on you? I think so but it could be planes with red shillings part of it. :) Part of it.

I know that when I'm skimming the very boundary of sleep, I often think sentences like these. The cool part is that the sentences have an intact meaning structure, but the words totally do not align. A person I knew in college ohhh so long ago had a mother who'd utter such phrases from awareness' coastline, e.g "Sleep hard, children ... we will need all out feathers to fly!" That family had a pet name for such schizophasic products of hypnagogy, but dang if I can remember it. It was oddly onomatopoetic.

I have a treasured CD of marimba music by the very talented percussionist Evelyn Glennie. Once upon awakening, I remember a dream-DJ on a radio saying "And next, on the mallets ... Melinda Kinney!" To this day I sometimes look for the Melinda Kinney CD.
imagine going to heaven and having to worship the saddistic dictator you call your god , for the whole of eternity lol just imagine worshiping this sicko who lets cancer famine and all the other horrible things in life go on , without intervening , hes such a dick, he created you just to play a sick game with you and your prize for playing his game correctly is worshipping him for eternity lol its just tooooo funny .

Are you talking about Ganesh and Shiva? Shame on you!!!! Everytime I read a post by TheSATivAHigh, it's always a big load of shit smear campaign on a group of people like those of a particular religion. I think this thread should have been closed 5 minutes after it started. If you don't know Jesus Christ, take your silly jealous ass down to the Darwin Club and stop crying on the Marijuana Network. Don't fuck with other people's religion. Damn, you're not even a Caesar or a King or a President. Just another clown with loose stool flying from his mouth and keyboard.
its easy to know god, all you have to do is pretend. its hard to know quantum mechanics and general relativity.... you just pick the easier of the two.
its easy to know god, all you have to do is pretend. its hard to know quantum mechanics and general relativity.... you just pick the easier of the two.

LOL where do people like you get their knowledge? haha public school education, not even dropping out will make a difference. Tell me all you know about Quantum Mechanics and General Relativity, and maybe if it doesn't make me go to sleep, maybe, just maybe, I will tell you the right way on how to make your dreams about God come true. until then, don't be a douche in public about the creator.
LOL where do people like you get their knowledge? haha public school education, not even dropping out will make a difference. Tell me all you know about Quantum Mechanics and General Relativity, and maybe if it doesn't make me go to sleep, maybe, just maybe, I will tell you the right way on how to make your dreams about God come true. until then, don't be a douche in public about the creator.
Awww, will li'l baby Jesus get his feelings all hurt? It's time you grow up and realize that not everyone believes as you do and religion should not be a taboo subject. People like you have had it very good for a long fucking time with this idea that these things aren't discussed in polite company. The reason people tiptoe around religionists like you is because they are afraid of what insane people do when their imaginary friend is exposed for what it is.

You are free to leave this thread and not bring up your personal beliefs in public but don't fucking come here telling others what subject YOU think should be off limits for us adults to discuss. The Creator my ass.
Awww, will li'l baby Jesus get his feelings all hurt? It's time you grow up and realize that not everyone believes as you do and religion should not be a taboo subject. People like you have had it very good for a long fucking time with this idea that these things aren't discussed in polite company. The reason people tiptoe around religionists like you is because they are afraid of what insane people do when their imaginary friend is exposed for what it is.

You are free to leave this thread and not bring up your personal beliefs in public but don't fucking come here telling others what subject YOU think should be off limits for us adults to discuss. The Creator my ass.

Time for me to grow up. Keep laughing at yourself, because whatever kind of information you made up in that poopdeck you call a brain is just a mere reflection of yourself. Are you retarded or something? Really? Humanity and all this shit just fucking came from some mystery explosion? How the fuck did humans come out of a fish or a lizard? Wow... I'm going to bed, fuck all this shit again. I always argue with the same dumbasses. That's why the internet is sublime, noone gets beat the fuck up, just their feelings hurt! Goodnight douche
Awww, will li'l baby Jesus get his feelings all hurt? It's time you grow up and realize that not everyone believes as you do and religion should not be a taboo subject. People like you have had it very good for a long fucking time with this idea that these things aren't discussed in polite company. The reason people tiptoe around religionists like you is because they are afraid of what insane people do when their imaginary friend is exposed for what it is.

You are free to leave this thread and not bring up your personal beliefs in public but don't fucking come here telling others what subject YOU think should be off limits for us adults to discuss. The Creator my ass.

...I had to hold back so hard to not guerilla-edit this one :lol: "of"

Time for me to grow up. Keep laughing at yourself, because whatever kind of information you made up in that poopdeck you call a brain is just a mere reflection of yourself. Are you retarded or something? Really? Humanity and all this shit just fucking came from some mystery explosion? How the fuck did humans come out of a fish or a lizard? Wow... I'm going to bed, fuck all this shit again. I always argue with the same dumbasses. That's why the internet is sublime, noone gets beat the fuck up, just their feelings hurt! Goodnight douche

"I can't understand _________ so God!" is not a rational response.

We know where people came from. This isn't debate anymore, it's time for people to stop kidding themselves and face the truth. You are a product of evolution, whether you believe it or not. This does not mean God can't exist. It just means, as always, there is still no evidence for God.
Awww, will li'l baby Jesus get his feelings all hurt? It's time you grow up and realize that not everyone believes as you do and religion should not be a taboo subject. People like you have had it very good for a long fucking time with this idea that these things aren't discussed in polite company. The reason people tiptoe around religionists like you is because they are afraid of what insane people do when their imaginary friend is exposed for what it is.

You are free to leave this thread and not bring up your personal beliefs in public but don't fucking come here telling others what subject YOU think should be off limits for us adults to discuss. The Creator my ass.

You go, MP! Shit, this post is EXACTLY right... +rep