My Eroding Belief in God

Panentheism. Mind = Soul for Xians. This (to me) means that His mind encompasses all others. So yes, I do believe in a divine intelligence. The sun is a material representation of that.
Please explain. I understand the concept panentheism but how does a ball of gas represent that any more than my fire in the fireplace? Asking again because your first response saying that the mystery is god, is different than what you are saying now, but what evidence do you have to say that this god definitely exists that is strong enough to remove any question from your mind?
Please explain. I understand the concept panentheism but how does a ball of gas represent that any more than my fire in the fireplace? Asking again because your first response saying that the mystery is god, is different than what you are saying now, but what evidence do you have to say that this god definitely exists that is strong enough to remove any question from your mind?

That ball of gas gives us life. That ball of gas is 'light'. It is outside of us and inside of us. I guess this is where the 'difference' lies - evidence is not a factor here. It's not a factor the same way a clinical setting sees evidence. Everything that exists is evidence to me. When I look at things, anything material, I know there was a thought behind it.

Strong enough to remove doubt? I don't even know where to start or how to explain. I'll try during my stay at riu to write this out. It's the second time you've asked. I should start with the idea of a psychophysical reality, because it's close to a framework for explanation.

"Gnosis, it's not what you think"

I apologize if I've asked and you have answered before but it is clear that I cannot understand meaning behind much of your words. Maybe it's my fault but your answers seem to be answering different questions than I ask. Why is evidence not a factor in what you believe, then claim that everything is evidence. Do you see the ball of gas giving light and life a mystery? If so, I can explain it all pretty well and you don't need any design to make it work, or intelligence. I guess when I ask for evidence, I assume that most people are like me and don't accept the idea of believing in something when I have no good reason to believe. Evidence is the only thing that can give me a reason to believe. I definitely am not taking the word of a person and AFAIK, every piece of spiritual or religious writing had the hand of a person behind it. What gives a relatively normal person a good reason to believe in what you are saying? You must have been convinced by something.
That ball of gas gives us life. That ball of gas is 'light'. It is outside of us and inside of us. asked about panentheism, that was my answer. I don't really see that as not answering or answering a different question. Maybe I'm wrong there.

What I am saying is that evidence is not only a material subject. You see it the other way. Great.

Every piece of spiritual writing should have the hand of a person behind it. Unless you're Belshazzar, of course :shock:

*the bottom, the self, and getting to it. That is what convinced me. Then, life in Complexio Oppositorum / Unified Duality / One World.
I think everyone not understanding Eye Exaggerate should look how what word salad is, things will make more sense, maybe, but not the statements
You know, I really like EE, but I've never understood most of what he writes. I thought most others did, since they didn't ask for clarification, now I see that others share my perception. Eye, how the hell do you manage to dress yourself?

EE: 'First I 'find' my briefs. Well, as much as one can really 'locate' anything. The Briefs and the Briefed, as Jung said to Artaud'. 'I then 'locate' my trousers, they are held up (out/in?) by my belt... Orion :)' Just fuckin' with you Eye, babble on! (Babylon????)
For all we know, the so called God from the bible could of been a human from another dimension, from a higher advanced civilization who came upon earth hundreds of years ago. They mention in the bible that God himself comes down from the skys with flames of fire and smoke all around him? Sounds like a spaceship to me. But those people didnt know what a spaceship were at the time, there was no such thing. So they described it the best they could.

They do say there is a higher civilization of humans living on the moon. That America never made it to the moon. It was a hoax. Who knows. There is claims from government officials , who inspected crashed UFOs, and claimed the so called extraterrestrials looked exactly like us humans on earth. Some crazy ishh ay?

With all said.. I do believe in God, though.

I and many others have a lot of problems with these theories. The ancient astronaut theory is just so vague and has a major lack of evidence. Believers of this theory will show you basic depictions of space ships but this view isn't shared among many anthropologist.

Next we have a very clear time line showing human evolution. At no point do we see intervention by something else. Now someone could say that the aliens later the building blocks for human evolution but it seems unlikely because so many factors effect our evolution. Controlling these factors or predicting them is one hell of a task.

As for the US not going to the moon, that just a load of shit. We have reflectors put on the Moon that we use to measure its movement away from the Earth. It's amazing the crap people believe.
"Religion is the opiate of the masses." But i supposed Marx is a dirty word too.

Religion was a mind altering drug before there was mind altering drugs.

I believe in Zeus, Gaia, and Ra.

See how crazy that sounds ?
Really i just believe in Gaia and Ra, the Earth & the Sun.
I built a temple to them in my closet :)
maybe there is a god ;) (and if it soothes you (gives you comfort) to believe, then by all means believe)


the ideas of god , do not make sense.
if god was perfect, why would it create the universe? (perfect = lacking nothing)
if god wasnt perfect (hey i cant see, ok making light, hey im lonely, ok making people)

doesnt work either, so this guys just always existed and finally got lonely and made us? (why didnt it go insane first?) (and it would probably be living among us,incognito)

something created this guy?
doesnt work either, cause then that would be the true god and then what made it?
god being everything, well, then the term is meaningless.

what is god anyway?

originally it meant some person with extrapowers.
would we worship that today?

would we think some invisible guy in the sky controlled lightning and thunder? (some speculate that these were simply humans (kings) whom´s reverance grew into worship (and they becoming more and more divine with each telling of their story)

do you need a parent in the sky?

cause, if ya thank god for the good shit, whom to blame for the bad shit?
the devil? do you need an eternal invisible enemy?
does it seem likely or reasonable to you that these things exist?
god cant have a plan either for everything, or you automatically lose Free will.

and then this bumbling around by the human race seems much more plausible and more what it is, monkeys losing their hair and ignorance. making havok and chaos along the way, due only to their stupidity.

would any divine being contact apes? (the prime directive in startrek comes to mind, would god be any less foolish?)


gods lil fishtank or god got lonely and created pets :) thats what religion makes us.
doesnt make sense.
and christianity?
well you just have to read christianity to debunk it.

it was obviously created originally by jewish priests in an effort to control the people. ("go over to the next country and kill all the men and take all their stuff (including women and children as slaves) god commands this")

man has free will, "now heed these rules or be stoned to death" (though the roman empire later changed this to "heed these rules, or be tortured to death, its for your own benefit, if we dont do it, you will burn forever, well, you will unless you relent, but thats why we are torturing you :)")

well, like i said, you just have to read the bible to start disbelieving in it. or listen to any of the rhetoric of the priests.

"ok, now you kids all been bad, real bad, so now i gotta sacrifice my only son (you are just creations, him i had with one of you,, or him is me, maybe, something like that)
well, anyway, now you gotta kill him for me and then everything will be allright, you just have to confess your sins, why? i dont know, i just make the rules, killing is bad, but to make up for all your killing, now you have to kill my son, dont worry ,he´s really nice and will probably forgive you for it :)"

hehhee... though, to be fair, jesus probably existed, one can never imagine the roman empire coming up with the concept of forgiveness and love and compassion for all.
sharing and caring :)
but he probably was just a nice guy , a thinker a philosopher, maybe buddha reincarnated (another thinker and philosopher that got turned into religion and god (well sorta))
jesus actually believed in reincarnation according to some texts and his spiel was certainly very similar to buddhism.

but the plain fact is, if someone wants you to convert to their religion.
either they are
reaching into your pocket or trying to control you.


someone is reaching into their pocket, controlling them and they are trying to get more people to do the same , so they wont look as foolish (hey look, plenty of people do this, so its allright)
in original christinanity, men and women, were equal, anyone preached whom the spirit took

and the universe was the temple.

even, if jesus and these guys existed, should we worship them? no, we should take the best of their thoughts and move on and not make them any greater in our minds than plato or other thinkers.

the religions have many great thoughts and wisdoms.
they were inspired by great people, just unfortunetly picked up with people of the sins (greed, pride and so on)

and made into a cashcow.

if you are interested, you should read all the religions and draw the best from each and discard the rest.
make your own religion and be its own high priest.
all the religions have their merits and good points (or no one would join..)
but in the end, all they do is divide humans and create hell on earth.
I think everyone not understanding Eye Exaggerate should look how what word salad is, things will make more sense, maybe, but not the statements

^ prime example of word salad? (I kid :) ) But really, does that statement come with the Elucidator2000™?
You know, I really like EE, but I've never understood most of what he writes. I thought most others did, since they didn't ask for clarification, now I see that others share my perception. Eye, how the hell do you manage to dress yourself?

EE: 'First I 'find' my briefs. Well, as much as one can really 'locate' anything. The Briefs and the Briefed, as Jung said to Artaud'. 'I then 'locate' my trousers, they are held up (out/in?) by my belt... Orion :)' Just fuckin' with you Eye, babble on! (Babylon????)

...dude, that was awesome! I got a good laugh out of this. :razz:

...I understand what you guys are saying here. When I first started on this 'trek', I learned by 'gist'. The folks I began to study with gave me slivers to assimilate. It was up to me to go and dig, and dig I did! Trapped in this matter of me, so to speak, is a piece of something universal. In this 'trek', we take that piece and bring it to the surface. There really is no end to it, I'm sure this is why it is called a process.

I was glad to see your comment!

Picture 4.png
As much as I can't stand D. Rumsfeld, he once said something very profound "We know what we know, and we don't know what we don't know"

For me, not knowing "why" Creator/God does what is does, does not negate that it exists. What I do know is the character being presented to us as God (powerful religious matrix program) is not the Creator, even though the Creator may have manifested it as a major aspect of this duality third dimensional paradigm. Earth is a living breathing learning classroom to prepare us for other learning classrooms once we evolve out of this one.
...I read somewhere that to the best way to get an idea across is to tell a story. I've always liked that, since I feel (in a way) that we are all 'stories'.

I had a neat synchronicity that actually involved our beloved Fin. I was in my basement prepping a bowl :) and was thinking about a comment I made to him about being a diamond in the ruff. My wife and daughter were upstairs talking about something and in time with my thought about Fin I hear my daughter say "He's from Texas!" :shock:

From wiki:

There are always two different consciousnesses in the human being, one outward in which he ordinarily lives, the other inward and concealed of which he knows nothing. When one does sadhana, the inner consciousness begins to open and one is able to go inside and have all kinds of experiences there. As the sadhana progresses, one begins to live more and more in this inner being and the outer becomes more and more superficial. At first the inner consciousness seems to be the dream and the outer the waking reality. Afterwards the inner consciousness becomes the reality and the outer is felt by many as a dream or delusion, or else as something superficial and external. The inner consciousness begins to be a place of deep peace, light, happiness, love, closeness to the Divine or the presence of the Divine, the Mother. One is then aware of two consciousnesses, the inner one and the outer which has to be changed into its counterpart and instrument-that also must become full of peace, light, union with the Divine. At present you are moving between the two and in this period all the feelings you have are quite natural. You must not be at all anxious about that, but wait for the full development of the inner consciousness in which you will be able to live.

— Sri Aurobindo, 'Letters on Yoga', 307

^ prime example of word salad? (I kid :) ) But really, does that statement come with the Elucidator2000™?
"In the mental health field, schizophasia, commonly referred to as word salad, is confused, and often repetitious, language that is symptomatic of various mental illnesses.[SUP][1][/SUP] ; e.g. the question "Why do people believe in God?" could elicit a response consisting of a series of words commonly associated with religion or prayer but strung together with no regard to language rules." ;)
"In the mental health field, schizophasia, commonly referred to as word salad, is confused, and often repetitious, language that is symptomatic of various mental illnesses.[SUP][1][/SUP] ; e.g. the question "Why do people believe in God?" could elicit a response consisting of a series of words commonly associated with religion or prayer but strung together with no regard to language rules." ;)

...ah, here we go again ;) I was pointing out his jumbled phrase, in a joking manner.

Are those warts starting to develop on you? I think so but it could be planes with red shillings part of it. :) Part of it.
...ah, here we go again ;) I was pointing out his jumbled phrase, in a joking manner.

Are those warts starting to develop on you? I think so but it could be planes with red shillings part of it. :) Part of it.

his statement made perfect sense

"those warts"?? lol what did you get abit cross yesterday and decide to visualize me with warts?
did you make sure to clear your chakras before you center your energies as you use your crystal lattice matrix dream catcher to focus your building potential power of quantum flux to bring forth the effect you desire?
i hope you didnt get any of them worng as that is very powerful magiK and one slight missfocus without fully grounding yourself through the temporal matrix could set you on a recurring spiral of negative energies

and we both know exactly how bad that would be
Eroding Belief in God. Well that's nice, which one are you having problems with? I honestly don't believe in the Omnipotent Elephant God. I don't believe at all in the Blue Man God Sheeba. So, should I start a thread? FUCK YEA!
his statement made perfect sense

"those warts"?? lol what did you get abit cross yesterday and decide to visualize me with warts?
did you make sure to clear your chakras before you center your energies as you use your crystal lattice matrix dream catcher to focus your building potential power of quantum flux to bring forth the effect you desire?
i hope you didnt get any of them worng as that is very powerful magiK and one slight missfocus without fully grounding yourself through the temporal matrix could set you on a recurring spiral of negative energies

and we both know exactly how bad that would be

...oh yeah man, I'm all about the material manifestations! I'm going to make a better life for myself by thinking positive thoughts about what I'd like to 'own'.

...not cross at all, just growing tired of your major mind powers. Notice how the people in here that are quite intelligent play nice? Awww, poor g-dubya, he can't quite grasp 'relation'.
...oh yeah man, I'm all about the material manifestations! I'm going to make a better life for myself by thinking positive thoughts about what I'd like to 'own'.

...not cross at all, just growing tired of your major mind powers. Notice how the people in here that are quite intelligent play nice? Awww, poor g-dubya, he can't quite grasp 'relation'.

im sensing disharmonious vibrations diverging through the quantum consciousness collective the desires of the materials put up internal barriers towards the ethereal essence of inner sanctum pushing the inner accention deep down into later experiances