bob harris
Well-Known Member
A wise man from Canada once said "Fuck off". I think it was Ricky-traler park boys FTW.
truly wise men, usually don't use the term "FUCK OFF"
A wise man from Canada once said "Fuck off". I think it was Ricky-traler park boys FTW.
I am pretty sure I was not asking anyone for a favor.
-Hey stump humper get this fuck out of here. Bob now you are telling us that it is understandable why the state takes 5 to 7 months to get our card to us?
Ban his ass. I am sick of coming on here and all I see is this fucking cop or whatever the fuck this punk is trying to spread their propaganda. Enough is enough. Get his ass out of here.
With all due respect ozzrock, I am equally sick of people coming on a medical forum and wanting to discuss stretching the law, over growing and pressing radical anti government view points. You certainly have a right to them, but could you please express them in an appropriate form?
Perhaps more people interested in progress of medical laws would participate in this forum, if they were not run off by guys like you.
And I'd never ask for anyone to be banned...i'd rather them stick around and present lively, on point topics and discussions...within the context of the forum.
With all due respect ozzrock, I am equally sick of people coming on a medical forum and wanting to discuss stretching the law, over growing and pressing radical anti government view points. You certainly have a right to them, but could you please express them in an appropriate form?
Perhaps more people interested in progress of medical laws would participate in this forum, if they were not run off by guys like you.
And I'd never ask for anyone to be banned...i'd rather them stick around and present lively, on point topics and discussions...within the context of the forum.
But Bob...
you came on here.. ,laughed at cg and pats alike. -i don't laugh when it comes to raids or fellow growers who get busted. if they are doing some illegal, then that is unfortunate for them. but a good portion of those in this state who have been in such a predicament have been legal.
you had "excuses" in these postings, that fell square in the law and clearly so.
be a part of the community, not trying to hate on those who are by your side and would help you if you also were following the law and found trouble along your travels.
I'm not hoping or wishing any ill on anyone, that shits just bad karma.
But I do have a few thoughts on the issue.
We are judged as a community, and they use every illegal carded bust as their example of all of us.
If for every cardholder busted breaking the law meant one legit cardholder would be denied a renewal how would you reply to this thread?
(you'll think about that question when you do yours)
Maybe if we policed our own a little more, they would police us a little less.
HERE BOB! I know you're fav complaint is that we're all talking non-medical shit on a medical area but I think we're all in here cuz we're all from Michigan. I take this as a local spot to speak to Michigan patients. Subject aside (and you bob) I am here to connect with people from my state. All registered people are medical patients and belong here talking about whatever affects them as pot using patients. If I'm wrong a mod will let me know but please stop complaining about this medical forum being used for non medical shit bob.
And you couldn't just talk in ways that are not so transparently not medical?
dream on-
you're gener ation was never x. bitch.(it's you saying things like that that make me dislike you.
and, the reaswon no cares is because you fuckwads have been selling failure that looked good on paper for a long time now. with all you hippies did, for some reason it only made the gap BiGGER. take your plan and shove it up your ever lovin ass.
we don't need ytou on this job.
you're in ove ryour head.
Yeah, when I read it back it thought the same thing. but it somehow made sense to me...Is that a triple negative Bob? I didnt know they made those. I understand what youre trying to say, just kinda funny.
Bob I like the idea behind most of what you are saying. I am some what like you in that I dont push the limits of what my cards allow me in michigan. Personally I am way below my "allowed" plant count. But I too feel the discomfort of stretching the laws as they are currently interpreted buy selling my "overage" to other care givers for other patients I do agree there are a lot of retarded pot heads with one card from a doctor they bribed to get a weed card have 307 plants they would claim they are still clones on the 8th week of flower.
However when taken as a whole you do come off a little to much on martyr side the woe is me look at the pain the bad man has caused me. It strikes me as a little Emoish. I think what we should be asking ourselves is how do we correct the situation.
On a quick side note Murfy. Dont ever speak for Gen X again there is a large group of us who have been very sucessful in life and we are pissed you were not Cloroxed out of the gene pool by parents during the first trimester. Move out of the basement at your parents house before you try to lead a revoultion If you are the face of the Medical Marijuana in Michigan we are screwed we will be back into prohibition in no time