my first 400 watt grow


Well-Known Member
I hear ya bro I've been on unemployment going on 2 years now. I'm out looking for work almost everyday and there aint shit to be had. My unemployment will be running out in a cpl of months and somethings got to give soon. So in the mean time I'm just growing me bud. It helps to keep me sane and high at the same time lol. I couldn't have a better hobby.

check ya later man.


Well-Known Member
mine runs out in about 4 weeks. an my luck i wont get a extention. i think our hobby is 1 of the best hobby's there is :weed: and i hope to never stop growing :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
I don't know how it is in your area but in mine if you've run out of the federally funded extensions the state will pick it back up for 20 more weeks. They call that EB extended benefits and after that runs out, your screwed. So hopefully you're state will be able to get that EB going for you. I hope it all works out for you bro.

Speaking of finding a job, I got a cpl of leads over the weekend and I'm getting ready to hit the pavement again.

Check ya later.


Well-Known Member
I don't know how it is in your area but in mine if you've run out of the federally funded extensions the state will pick it back up for 20 more weeks. They call that EB extended benefits and after that runs out, your screwed. So hopefully you're state will be able to get that EB going for you. I hope it all works out for you bro.

Speaking of finding a job, I got a cpl of leads over the weekend and I'm getting ready to hit the pavement again.

Check ya later.
kool thanks for the info. i'll have to look into it. good luck man, hope your lead work out for ya.


Well-Known Member
checking on my plants like i do normally, i was thinking about changing the 2700k cfl to a 5000k. so i would have multi spectrum. what do you guys think? or should i leave the 2700k bulb in.


Well-Known Member
i swapped out the 2700k bulb for a 5000k. my last master kush seed popped earlier and i put it right into my closet to do another 12/12 from seed. just hope this 1 come out allot better then the first 1.


Well-Known Member
Never done it my self but I always see people using a mixed spectrum and I haven't heard any complaints yet.

Peace homey.


Well-Known Member
day 42 sense sex show. this will be the last update on this plant. it looks like shit and will be cut down when the lph#1 does. its grown like shit because of the soil going so acidic. hoping my plants start getting better with the lime added to the new soil mix.



Active Member
second veg box is done and hooked up :)

i was talkin to a friend and trhink i mntnd it in one of my posts, tyhat i wanted to make a mother box exactly like thet! awesome, nice to see my thiught will work, i see im gonna need another fan though, i wasnt thinking about an intake...


Well-Known Member
i was talkin to a friend and trhink i mntnd it in one of my posts, tyhat i wanted to make a mother box exactly like thet! awesome, nice to see my thiught will work, i see im gonna need another fan though, i wasnt thinking about an intake...
i have a taller box same size WxD for if i decide to keep 1 or 2 as a mother plant. i still need to add a couple fans. radio shack sells fans cheap. i still need to look around for prices.


Well-Known Member
another week gone , and still not done lol. the buds dont seem to be getting any longer, but they are getting fatter :bigjoint: depending on where i check on the main cola's, their from about 50/50 for clear and cloudy, to about 30/70 clear and cloudy. my white widow and last skunk haze that are vegging i put into the closet. both girls are showing sex. i cant wait for the lph #1 to finish so i can build my dropastone air table for my closet :) and yes drop i like your air table that much im building 1 like it :)


skunk haze

white widow


Well-Known Member
It wont be long till she's ready bro and it looks like you may pull 3 or 4oz off that one. Great job my friend:clap:. I'm glad you like my air floor and I truly believe you will be very happy with one for you grow space. It really does a great job pulling fresh air up through the canopy.



Well-Known Member
3-4oz off that 1 plant would be nice. i cant wait to build it, and get those damn buckets out. they work great for raising plants. but im losing so much space from in between them. and 1 of then buckets is close to my intake, so i know im losing air flow into my closet from it also.