my first 400 watt grow


Well-Known Member
all the tops are tied down, but the lph#4 the stem popped then i bent it so it's super cropped now lol. it's hard to see the string because i used sowing thread instead of string because i dont have any, and keep forgetting to pick some up.


Well-Known Member
i did :) i check all thread im subbed to before i check on mine. and im subbed to your youtube also. i just wasnt happy about 1 of the thread im subbed to tho today. 5 pages of bs bitching and nothing about growing. if i for some reason get a troll in my thread guys please ignore them.


Well-Known Member
i just FIMed my G13 hypnotic at about 8 1/2" tall, and my Advanced seeds ice kush about 8" tall. their now back in the beg box. idk how long they will get vegged before they go into flowering, and clones still need to be taken(just waiting to have some room to fit them).


Well-Known Member
If it's the thread I think your talking about, the one you just subbed to yesterday. It's not normally like that homey. It's mostly just a lot a banter and having fun going back and forth between it's followers. I hear ya though, trolls can be such a buzz kill at times. Non the less the OP is cool and has some nice looking plants and that's the main reason I follow the thread.

Peace bro.


Well-Known Member
i just FIMed my G13 hypnotic at about 8 1/2" tall, and my Advanced seeds ice kush about 8" tall. their now back in the beg box. idk how long they will get vegged before they go into flowering, and clones still need to be taken(just waiting to have some room to fit them).
Cool, can't wait to see those babies grow out.


Well-Known Member
thats kool. i now have 5 more pages to read now lol. i think i did a better or worse job on fim this time. i can clearly see the 3 small stems for the fim on these 2 plants. is that a good or bad thing? i can see 1 of the sacks on the male ww opening :) so i should have some pollen soon. i dont remember if i posted, but i put the first clone from my female ww into flower. its small and topped, once it gets about 2-3 weeks into budding im going to pollenate the whole clone. it's still in a party cup and will stay in it. that way i get my seeds, and dont have to worry about the rest of my plant with 1 pollinated branch.


Active Member
sweet ive seen older threads on this, but i like watching it in real time, so much more informative. i tried lst, and topping, i think i could have done a much better job on the lst, but am going to try it again. any exp with that?


Well-Known Member
with lst? not really besides bending the tops down to make a even canapoy, but thats about it. i norml just top all my plants, but im trying to have a real grow now a days instead of a craps gheto grow with not enough lights for my plants, nutes that idk how much their getting and so on.

HOPEFULY GOOD NEWS ALSO. i was on my facebook and reading ny cannabis and our bill is NEXT month not in november :bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint: i just hope it passes and i get my card with no BS at all. but the limit SUCKS BALLS!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
our limit is going to suck balls, its 12 plants total, 6 flowering and 6 vegging and 2.5oz dry holding. so i'll have to figure something out to cut down to the limit when/if i get my card. and thats the limit for everyone doesnt matter whats wrong with you our bill is for 12 plants total. i guess i deleted it from my computer or i would upload the pdf on it. and i dont see what the problem is ny decriminalized cannabis back in the late 70's.


Active Member
michigans the same 12. 2.5 dry. UNLESS your a care giver, allowed up to 5 patients. so get 5 buddies and can do 28 in veg 28 flower 2 mom's.


Well-Known Member
HA, you lucky bastards. Nevada is worse. 7 plants, 3 mature, 4 immature, and 1 oz holding.
However, you SHOULD NOTE, that (and i think this applies to you too) if you are unable to SMOKE it, and you have to grow to make confections, and EAT it. Your dr can RECOMMEND that you grow more. As long as he puts it in your note, it's all good and legal, he can exempt you up to like 20 plants or so. I could be wrong about your states, but I KNOW that works here. And that caregiver law is a BITCH, if your several people's caregiver you can't smoke I believe. If they catch you smoking what your growing, you get biiig trouble.

And herb was decriminalized here in Nevada too, about 10 years ago. I remember when it happened too. I was in high school and as soon as the bill passed, the dealers took advantage and flooded the school with weed. They were sellin $5 blunts in the parking lot, so every SINGLE day, we'd come up with 5 bux and get baked in the parking lot at lunch....
Ahhh, the good old days ^_^


Well-Known Member
del's not in states dajosh. if i do become a caregiver it will be for my father and maybe my sister if she gets a card for her back. to many plants brings to much attention i think. and i cant do outdoor at my house. i live in a trailer park and theres allot of kids here, so i wont grow in the open around kids.


Well-Known Member
while checking on all my plants in the closet right after the light came on, i noticed a couple white hairs on my master kush 12/12 from seed. so its 26 days from popping threw the soil showing sex. i havent given it much nutes either. i dont see any nute feed in my notes, but i think i added some of what was left from larger plants into fresh water to dilute it. feels almost ready to water, so i'll start her on a weak nute mix for flowering tomorrow. she is about 9" tall, and about 15 1/2" wide, in a 1 gallon pot.
