My first ever grow, stealth PC grow using LEDs

Congratz on your first PC harvest! Nothing feels better than that first bowl of home grown you smoke... I don't care what strain it is, it will be one of the best smokes you've ever had. Enjoy your hard work!
Well I finally got some dry enough to try last night. It's pretty nice. Couldn't make out any distinguished flavor, but it was smooth and not harsh at all. The high was pretty heady with a nice body stone on the back end.
This is a very cool grow dude, looking forward to following up on the next two plants. Did you create a new thread for those or are you going to keep updating this thread?

How much do these PC grows effect your power bill?
This is a very cool grow dude, looking forward to following up on the next two plants. Did you create a new thread for those or are you going to keep updating this thread?

How much do these PC grows effect your power bill?
Thanks man! Yea I have a new thread for the new grow. I'll link it below. About the power bill, not sure. Our AC unit pretty much runs non stop during the summer so it's pretty difficult to judge that. I'll probably know more on the 3rd grow which will happen all during late fall and winter.