my first grow and i dont know what the hell im doing

ok today i went to the store and got some supplies and then i did some constructing lol. anyway i got all the supplies that i got put together and i ended up using tin foil instead of mylar because i didn't have enough money for mylar i know its bad cuz it creats hotspots but oh well whats done is done. my cameras dead so tomorrow after it charges i'll post some pics and list the supplies, what i did ect ect and get some comments and ideas from you guys. dont be too harsh lol.

untill then, peace

p.s. yobdub i've been reading up for like a month now straight whenever i have time this has practically become an obssesion and i haven't even started growing yet lol. anyways i think i'm well prepared and then with this thread and you guys giving advice i think i will be ok... at least i hope:?

I dont know if you seen my post on here but insted of the tin foil which dosent reflect much of anything and dose creat hot spots you can go to the dollar store and get sun reflectors for the windshield of your car, they cost a dollar and they are made of .5 mil mylar... i attached a pic of what they look like in my box...


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I dont know if you seen my post on here but insted of the tin foil which dosent reflect much of anything and dose creat hot spots you can go to the dollar store and get sun reflectors for the windshield of your car, they cost a dollar and they are made of .5 mil mylar... i attached a pic of what they look like in my box...

shit i did read ur post but when i was shopping i totally forgot about it. some time in the next few days i'll have to go get a few. thanx for reminding me

anyways time for an update. i got my seeds today!! all of them were fine and i'm glad they finally got here it's only been two weeks, i was i little worried after i read horror stories about nirvana taking like 3 months or not arriving at all.

i'll post some pics in a min.
here's some pics


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ok so i still have a little work to do on my growroom but i think i'll be ready to plant tomorrow. its a soil grow so whats a cheap and good soil that is available from most places? and i won't need nutes for the first couple weeks right? also if i soak my seeds in a cup of water for 24 hours and then put them straight into the soil for germination that will be alright, right?
im a first time grower myself and ive found that the easiest way to start a seed is to take a paper towel and place the seed in the center and fold the paper towel like 5 diferent times to make sure its deep and hole good moisture.... wet the paper towel but dont soak it.... once it is moist takit and lay the paper towel on a flat surface and place a black cup/bowl over it the keep in the dark.... you should see the roots popping out within 3 days.... ive found that this is the fastest and most sure fire way of starting a seed... once the root pops out like at least 1/2" out of the seed you should plant it in your medium to get started :)

good luck hope this helps you
im a first time grower myself and ive found that the easiest way to start a seed is to take a paper towel and place the seed in the center and fold the paper towel like 5 diferent times to make sure its deep and hole good moisture.... wet the paper towel but dont soak it.... once it is moist takit and lay the paper towel on a flat surface and place a black cup/bowl over it the keep in the dark.... you should see the roots popping out within 3 days.... ive found that this is the fastest and most sure fire way of starting a seed... once the root pops out like at least 1/2" out of the seed you should plant it in your medium to get started :)

good luck hope this helps you

i heard it's very easy to ruin your seeds like this and that if ur using soil that its better just to soak them and then put them straight into the dirt. which way is better?
well dont take my word for it but when i started mine i did the paper towel method and then transpanted into the medium i was gonna be using for the whole grow so i didnt stunt the growth by transplanting.... this is jus the way i do it and i find it rather easy so that you know that you will have something growing.... but man being a first time grower its basicly alot of experimenting to see what suits you the best....but yeah this is jus how i do it.... good luck and let me know how it goes and let me know how you start it cause like i said im bout halfway through my first grow and we can learn together lol
well dont take my word for it but when i started mine i did the paper towel method and then transpanted into the medium i was gonna be using for the whole grow so i didnt stunt the growth by transplanting.... this is jus the way i do it and i find it rather easy so that you know that you will have something growing.... but man being a first time grower its basicly alot of experimenting to see what suits you the best....but yeah this is jus how i do it.... good luck and let me know how it goes and let me know how you start it cause like i said im bout halfway through my first grow and we can learn together lol

alright bro thanks for the advice. are you growing hydro or soil?

alright i have everything set up and i'm doing a test run with everything on so that i can see how hot it gets etc. etc. i think im pretty much good to go:hump:

i haven't yet decided how im going to germinate but i'm letting my seed soak in warm water for 24 hours and then i'll decide.

i'll keep you guys posted on how everything goes
kool im only growing 1 plant for my first grow and i have pics of it on my profile... in growing in a hempy bucket now but i started it in soil.... after about 3 weeks in soil i transplanted into the hempy with pure perlite and it didnt stunt the growth too much but i personally didnt like growing in soil.... once again jus something i experimented with lol i have done alot of experimenting with this plant thats why its so short lol the next grow will be better.... and im growing under a flouresent tube and a 120 watt work light and going to the store in a few days to get some cfls.... but yeah for a first grow jus to get the feel for it 1 is the way to go then the next grow im gonna have light 10 lol im going all out :)
oh and something that will help you to grow bigger bud later on....take 2 the cfl lights and run it down the side of the plant when you put it into flowering, 12 12 light it will allow buds in more places
nice! ya im going all out next grow too hps, mh, hydro, and like six plants lol. thanks for the advice about lowering the cfl's i'm definitely going to do that
when i germed my seeds i actually put them in a paper towl in a small rubbermaid put a little bit of water in the bottom and tore up some paper towel and put it in the bottom and they put my folded paper towl on top. Also day 2 of my germ the old lady came home and wanted to go on vacation, so my seeds germed for 5 days lol yah ill throw some pics up and show u what i started with.

PS: your seeds should not look like this lol as soon as the tap root cracks and starts out of the seed you can plant it. its just a stroke of luck that mine took off the way they did.

PSS: last pic is today which is day 12 so just rember these plants are stronger than we think ;)


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you have some beauties there lol but starting out thats somethin ive never seem before lol thats pretty kool though lol...

hayden289 keep us posted on how everything goes man id like to see how someone elses first grow goes....
I don't have much to add except that I'm in the exact same boat as you, hayden.

I had some seeds given to me and it looks like only one has germinated for sure, though I'm not quite 14 days in yet and I checked one of the others and it seems to have split as well...
The seedling is a couple inches but it's mostly stem because the lights (2 CFLs) were too high above it. I just re-potted it today and set the lights a only couple inches above - so that's some really good advice there.

A big thanks to everyone here for the help and advice !
I don't have much to add except that I'm in the exact same boat as you, hayden.

I had some seeds given to me and it looks like only one has germinated for sure, though I'm not quite 14 days in yet and I checked one of the others and it seems to have split as well...
The seedling is a couple inches but it's mostly stem because the lights (2 CFLs) were too high above it. I just re-potted it today and set the lights a only couple inches above - so that's some really good advice there.

A big thanks to everyone here for the help and advice !

Just a tip for ya if you can add more soil to the where the leaves are a little out of the soil and it will help strengthen that stem. i did that the first few days with these guys when they were growin.
alright here's an update. i started germinating yesterday, i first pre-soaked a seed for about 16 hours and i was just going to put it straight into the dirt but when i was getting it out i dropped it and lost the seed bad fuckin luck, huh. so then i took another seed and did it the paper towel way. when i checked it a min ago the root was out so i planted it. hopefully in the planting process i didn't hurt the root but we'll see soon enough. alright so now that it's planted here's another question, whats the best way to go about your first couple weeks? you know best environment, tips, tricks, etc etc.
well only thing i know is to keep the lights close to the plant and keep lights on 24/7, water at least once to twice a day for like the first week then after that you can slow down the watering cycle.... Any other corrections or more advice would be appreciated from me and hayden289....

well only thing i know is to keep the lights close to the plant and keep lights on 24/7, water at least once to twice a day for like the first week then after that you can slow down the watering cycle.... Any other corrections or more advice would be appreciated from me and hayden289....


yea that's about all i know too except for the watering once to twice a day didn't know that lol info would really be appreciated.

here's another question, when do they start to smell? i need to know because I HAVE TO MAKE IT SO THERE'S NO SMELL AT ALL. if there's even a trace of a smell everybody will know and I'll be screwed. also if anybody has any tips on odor control they would really be helpful.
smell aint a worry for quite a whike.... my plant was about 6 to 7 inches tall before i started to smell it and it was jus a little bit of a smell, nothing bad at all.... so for now and prolly for at least a month nothing to worry about my friend but as far as after that it can get bad and i personally have never even tried to hide the smell cause i grow in an old building that has very little wall and a roof but its still outside so it has its own ventalation system lol :) good luck growing :) keep us updated witth pics and info