My first grow box.


Active Member
Yep :) nice photos and a nice root.

Definatelly we've got similar setups. I've got only 2 bulbs totalling to 150Watts at this moment. Isn't that too little?


Active Member
I guess I'll add two more bulbs with time. I was trying to go low budget and didn't know how much do I need.

Just checked at my babies and they are very quickly rising up :) I'll try making a close-up photo and post it in my journal :)


Active Member
Just so ya all know, snow white is hangin in there. Im praying she loves her new home man. everythings stable including temps and ph. fingers crossed. Kool your girls look great!


Well-Known Member
Day 18:Which is now being changed to
Day 4 & 5:
The change was for to keep track of how long I had snow white in the DWC I don't have her anymore so I need to concentrate on my 2 ladies joy and tess. Not to much to talk about today just GROWTH. 24 hoursand Tessis shootingfor the stars. Joy is kinda chillen but definetly change inthe past 24 it's been kool watching. Balenced the ph today I am gonna up my nutes tommrow Real nervous about that. So here a couple quick porn pics for ya:
Tessie day5:

Joy day 4:


Well-Known Member
Day 5&6: I changed the res real early this morning and went up on my nutes. Very worried about this didn't want to burn my plants. I did it early so I could watch them and see if there was any problems. 6 hours things going real well.


Well-Known Member
There actully like 10 days in total I germed them and waited till they had some good roots before I put them in the bubbler. Roots are growing crazy out the bottom of the cups. 10 hours and no real change no show of stress at all. Temps have been great today also real cool outside so around 76 in the cab. I also talked to wolfman zen and he is doing the same setup and he told me every other time i change the res to go up my plants will let me know you kinda get a feel for your plants. You know what I mean? Any thoughts???


Well-Known Member
i'll be watching with interest koolhand. mine are 14 days in an aerogarden with different lights but i seem to have suffered some of your earlier problems, especially with heat, which makes me laugh as i am in the uk.

best o luck bro.


Well-Known Member
i'll be watching with interest koolhand. mine are 14 days in an aerogarden with different lights but i seem to have suffered some of your earlier problems, especially with heat, which makes me laugh as i am in the uk.

best o luck bro.
Thanks man for checking this out. Plants r doing awesome just loving it in there fans blowing lights r nice and high I wanted some veritcal growth gonna drop them down couple days to get a little bushy ut the added nutes for 12 hours is goingn well.


Well-Known Member
Day 6&7:
Tess is really growing toward the light as Joy has shown new growth but not reaching for light. So I'm gonna lower the lights down a bit for her. Real happy with the uping of nutes yesterday plants hae showed nothing but,great things. Pics tommrow


Well-Known Member
Very nice,

Are they really a week old? if so great job. Why not go hydro and not dirt? Just wondering I am yet to try but I am thinking about it for next cab.


Well-Known Member
day6: put the ph back to under 6. I put the grandaddy purp seeds in a cup of water for 24 hours they all sank so I decided to toss two of them in a seed starter and two of them in peat boxes with just perlite. I washed the perlite put the 2 boxes in a bowl of water and let them sit, we will see what happens. I did take the 2 mid grade seeds and planted them also in see starter with a cover and let sit. so time will tell.Till tommrow

Hey man where you get the grandaddy purp seeds from?That shit goes for 1200.00 an ounce here so id like to get a hold to some of those seeds!


Well-Known Member
Very nice,

Are they really a week old? if so great job. Why not go hydro and not dirt? Just wondering I am yet to try but I am thinking about it for next cab.
They r like 10 or 12 total I germed them and then put them in stater soil for a couple days till they were rooted I have that posted somewhere. The exact date Days: In the bubbler. I tried an experiment with soil grow. didn't like it to much. I couldn't get good soil andit makesa mess all I'm dealing with is 1.5 gallons of water. I change my res eery other day pretty easy I like being active with them so I don't get board.I would like to try a coco/perlite mix grow that would b kool.


Well-Known Member
Hey man where you get the grandaddy purp seeds from?That shit goes for 1200.00 an ounce here so id like to get a hold to some of those seeds!
Yhea me too lol. Those seeds were way to old todo anything with ried germinating all ten and nothing. They weren't really kept well. I know the only way to get seeds of GDP is really by clone. If the strain is still around.