My First Grow - CFL 3 days from flower

she is a bushy one! GREAT JOB!
Great light setup!
Thanks letitgrow! Still having some problems with the yellowing though, hopefully she gets better soon.

I took some pics today that I had to share with you guys!
So here..


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Hey freebird your plant is lookin great...I have read somewhere before that during flower some older leaves may yellow and die to help make room and give more space for budsites to receive more light and growin room(just something I read)...but I to am in flowering and have a few dying myself but with nute feedings I feel there isn't a deficiency problem but more nature playing its part so unless u have had the problems prior to flowering I wouldn't worry to much about it just continue to do what your doing and she'll be fine
Hey guys she is 3 weeks into flowering. The leafs should begin to Autumn off around the last 2-4 weeks, not quite there yet.
I thought that it was just Nitrogen deficiency at first but then she started looking strange with brow spots and off yellowing around the tip and edges of the larger leafs. It's a pretty clear case of Magnesium Deficiency and mild Potassium Deficiency. She is better today, the yellowing and spotting seemed to have stopped and she has def grown a bit but I have had a lot of help from the Marijuana Plant Problems forum. Here is my thread Nitrogen Deficiency? I didn't update the yellowing posts here because of the super quick responses that I have been getting from very well known people here on RIU in the Problems forum.
Thanks for the concern guys! Crossing my fingers that nothing this severe happens again!! I'm getting a little better at flexing my nutrient ratio and giving her what she needs (with what I've got anyway)
Check out the madness in the link I posted, it gets pretty interesting.
Keep toking!
Hey add a pinch of Epson salt to your brew, she'll love you for it
I've been seriously thinking about it. The only reason I haven't is because I've read that it could give me smaller thinner buds at this stage of growth. But I noticed one of my buds last set of fan leaves are starting to turn yellowish so it would probably be worth it.. none of the others have it but that tells me it hasn't stopped it has just slowed down after her feeding. She is getting a good dose of molasses tomorrow night.
That reminds me, mental note, "borrow" molasses from work tomorrow. Looking good bro, gotta love the resources of RIU to help us through the rough times.
Baha I've liberated several things from work, including a sheet of plywood that I'm going to possibly turn into a small veg box or add onto my current box. Gotta love freebies that no one will ever miss, especially from POS "groups" and corporations that don't give a shit about how much effort you put into your job. :finger: I've worked my ass off at my current job and haven't seen a raise in over a year, so I give myself a few perks ;-)
And most definitely, if not for RIU I probably wouldn't be growing. I know for a fact I wouldn't have gotten this far. Thank you stoner/grower community!!
I haven't posted in a couple of days, been real busy with work and whatnot.
So I found this little cab type deal by the dumpster ;) that will be perfect for vegging/flowering my new seedlings for my 1qt pot grow.
I'm going to start all 4 seeds I have (3 "Maui Wawi" seeds and 1 Grape Fruit seed) in party cups and veg for 10 days, then switch them over to flowering. When my Maui is done I'll transplant the other 4 into 1qt pots and add them into the bigger box. Should be interesting, I'm hoping they will be done (if any are female) in roughly 70 days. I started germinating them yesterday and 2 of the Maui's have small tails, the GF has a hole with what looks like a small tail pushing out of the side, looks kinda weird. Hopefully they will all have tails by the time I get off work tomorrow.
Anyways here is the box I through together. It has a fully functional door unlike my main box, I added the hinges to the outside to achieve this. I did a test run for 8 hours today and the temps never rose above 80 which is great because when the plants are in there it will lower some (I know this because my main box reaches 90 without my baby and 78-80 with). 1 80mm Intake down at the bottom and 1 120mm Outtake at the tap below the shelf that is holding up the lights.
I got my income tax so I kinda splurged and bought some tools that made my life a whole lot easier. I have a dremmel tool so I bought a 160 piece set that has a wood cutting blade and a lot of sanders, a 16 piece RYOBI drill bit set, a Jig saw at the pawn shop, and a 15 piece Jig Saw blade set. I through in a couple pics of the germinating seeds. Let me know what you think!


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Thanks dude, I saw it when I came home from work the other day and it couldn't have been more perfect for what I want to do. Had to snatch it up, only took about 2 hours total to set it up, minus the trip to Home Depot.
All 3 of the Maui's have germinated but I'm worried that the GF isn't going to make it, that crack in the side wall of it is just strange. I can tell that the little plant inside is getting fatter but iono if its going to pop open. Found another bag seed from a mixture of some dank.. My friend gave me 17 grams, a mix of 7 different kinds that he had bagged up. He said he had enough new shit that he just didn't want the old stuff anymore (by old he means 2 weeks or so) kid goes through so much bud and I definitely wasn't going to turn down free weed! Anyways I ground up all 7 diff kinds along with the 2 kinds I bought a couple weeks back at once for a "super salad" and out came a seed so I have no Idea what it is. I'm going to germ it to try an get a higher chance of getting females, excited!
So this is what happens when you come home from a Valentines Day dinner with your girlfriend and the cable that your fans are connected to gives out. Temps reached 110 degrees and yeah.. shes almost dead, I fed her to see if maybe some life will come back but I seriously doubt it. Looks like I may just have to make hash out of her and note to never use a Christmas light extension cord for anything other than Christmas lights... OMFG I'm so pissed I want to punch someone.


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Sorry man.... Earlier post I was looking at it on my phone didnt realize shes not doing so well! Hopefully she will pull thro!!!
Ouch! She will live on, don't give up on her!

I see that the leaves flipped due to the heat but did the tops of the colas scorch? If so keep an eye on them as crispy tops can rapidly progress into bud rot.
Uhhhhh... yea... yea... christmas light extensions... I love me a good ghetto rig but some things you can't scrimp on such as wiring. Sorry bro painful lesson to learn.
Nice box!! Lady is looking awesome!!
Thanks...? lol Lady looks awful

Ouch! She will live on, don't give up on her!

I see that the leaves flipped due to the heat but did the tops of the colas scorch? If so keep an eye on them as crispy tops can rapidly progress into bud rot.
Yeah the tops got it the worst, if you cant tell from the pictures most of them are a nice shade of brown.. I wouldn't say crispy but most definitely burned.. almost all the leafs are dead or a brown. She smells like dead plant at the tops but still nice and green below the tops. I'll keep a good eye on them.. 3 hours man, that's all it took.. whats even worse is that tonight was watering night so she was dry.. I can't think about it anymore, time to get blazed and play Zombies with the girlfriend
Yeah sorry man was looking at it on my phone earlier and didnt read just looked at the pic and I just thought it was the bathroom lights
Uhhhhh... yea... yea... christmas light extensions... I love me a good ghetto rig but some things you can't scrimp on such as wiring. Sorry bro painful lesson to learn.
Agreed, didn't think that 3 computer fans would blow a circuit on the extension cord. Lesson learned, sad thing is I bought an actual extension cord the other day but I had no idea.. I mean I've had them plugged into the same cord sense I started her. Blah, it makes me sick lol

Yeah sorry man was looking at it on my phone earlier and didnt read just looked at the pic and I just thought it was the bathroom lights
Word Smokey.. I'm still too paranoid to log into the site on my phone