My First Grow: DWC in Grow Box w/ 250 HID Bulb (Open Thread)


Well-Known Member
I'm like you. Been smoking 14 years now... bought my first grinder a month ago. I only smoked ground herb like 2 or 3 times in my life before. Since I got the grider, I have made one bowl by hand... the grinder is always by my side now.

I talk about the new setup on the last couple pages of my Purple kush grow... link in the sig.

You have a shoutout on my thread too... that's how much I care, haha.

--sniff sniff-- i love you man. haha. i'll check it out right now.

and as for what you said about the grinder... i read about other people who said the same exact thing. how did we go all these years not knowing about grinders???


Well-Known Member
by the way... i had to stick my arm into the grow box to reach the colas in the back for two of the clippings. now my entire left forearm is sticky and stinks of weed.

am i crazy for constantly sniffing up and down my forearm?


Well-Known Member
by the way... i had to stick my arm into the grow box to reach the colas in the back for two of the clippings. now my entire left forearm is sticky and stinks of weed.

am i crazy for constantly sniffing up and down my forearm?
No way bro... isn't that the best. The other day after trimming my PK I was out at the store and I caught myself sniffing my fingers like a fiend.

Hell yeah. :joint:

Too funny wit all the updates... I click 'my rollitup' and there is an update for this thread, click again, another update, click again........ haha. I'm either having a really fun friday night, or an extrememly boring one... maybe the same thing.

Time for another bowl.

DAMN... I'm really really excited for you. Really.


Well-Known Member
No way bro... isn't that the best. The other day after trimming my PK I was out at the store and I caught myself sniffing my fingers like a fiend.

Hell yeah. :joint:

Too funny wit all the updates... I click 'my rollitup' and there is an update for this thread, click again, another update, click again........ haha. I'm either having a really fun friday night, or an extrememly boring one... maybe the same thing.

Time for another bowl.

DAMN... I'm really really excited for you. Really.
hahaha. jigfresh, i'm right there with you. hilarious line about either a really fun friday night or extremely boring one. tell you what, i'm perfectly content sitting here, reading up about making hash and cannibutter, catching up on your thread, and smoking while watching a really good baseball game.

everyone who doesn't read jigfresh's journal... seriously, go check it out, you WILL be baffled. Look through the first journal and check out the last few pages. it'll blow your mind.

man, last few weeks of smoking street-bought weed. really really excited to be smoking some home grown. and you know what? can't wait to get my pollen press.


Active Member
looking awesome man! +rep to you too! looking forward to the new pics.

looks like you're using string to tie down the plants and prevent them from growing into the light. my suggestion is to stay on top of that... it works to a certain extent. i ended up having to tie the really tall branches and pull them off to the side of my grow box. the top of several of the colas grew well above the HID light/hood.
yes. Ditto on the strings and thanks for repping me. I did upload a few more pics in my album, not to hijack your progress here. Officially 5weeks in on both now. Starting to smell a but but not overpowering. The hairs are mostly white, some orange hairs are coming through. Tallest is the stringed girl at over 4 feet with tons of budsites! The other is 3.5 ft or so, much slower in terms of the stretch. I am def. Following your thread and if I have questions or any advice I will be sure to ask/let you know. Thanks again for the interest.


Well-Known Member
yes. Ditto on the strings and thanks for repping me. I did upload a few more pics in my album, not to hijack your progress here. Officially 5weeks in on both now. Starting to smell a but but not overpowering. The hairs are mostly white, some orange hairs are coming through. Tallest is the stringed girl at over 4 feet with tons of budsites! The other is 3.5 ft or so, much slower in terms of the stretch. I am def. Following your thread and if I have questions or any advice I will be sure to ask/let you know. Thanks again for the interest.
it's all good. sounds like it's coming along nicely, i'll check out the new pics. keep me posted.


Well-Known Member
Today's the big day... and I'm hoping I'll be alright tonight to still harvest. Bachelor party last night, hungover today and only got 3 hours of sleep. Let's see what happens.

Originally, I had planned on harvesting all three plants at the same time and just drying in the closet I grew in. But since Mary Jane is going to go for another week before harvest, I have to improvise. I will be hanging the branches in my utility closet for the week, and once the last plant gets cut down, i'll move everything over.

I'll be taking plenty of pics tonight and will probably post them up by tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
Today's the big day... and I'm hoping I'll be alright tonight to still harvest. Bachelor party last night, hungover today and only got 3 hours of sleep. Let's see what happens.

Originally, I had planned on harvesting all three plants at the same time and just drying in the closet I grew in. But since Mary Jane is going to go for another week before harvest, I have to improvise. I will be hanging the branches in my utility closet for the week, and once the last plant gets cut down, i'll move everything over.

I'll be taking plenty of pics tonight and will probably post them up by tomorrow.
alright, change in part of the original plan...

i smoked a good amount to help the hangover (something i find works for me) a little and while my mind was wandering, i came to a realization. i can't dry in my utility closet b/c it also contains my neighbor's HVAC unit. i'm not exactly sure how HVAC units work, but if the smell entered her system... wow, that could have been disastrous.

i'm limited for space in my apartment, so i have to improvise. check out this temporary dry box.

made up of foam posterboard pushed up against the call with a chair. "suspended" above the floor to allow for airflow into the "box." there is a cardboard box below half of the posterboard and the other half is open. in the open area on the floor, i have an oscillating fan to keep the air moving. the top is just a cardboard posterboard with a hammer weighing it down.

can't get any more ghetto or cheaper than this. the things you can come up with when you're stoned. :eyesmoke::eyesmoke::eyesmoke::eyesmoke::eyesmoke:

the pics below will help show what it looks like...

pic 1. a view from the side
pic 2. a view looking down into the "box"



Well-Known Member
If the buds aren't going to be closed in... I don't think there is any need for a fan. It might actually dry them out too quickly. Maybe someone else has an opinion? Anyone?

I love the ghetto rigged-ness of it. It's totally pothead inginuity. Good show.

The hammer really is the icing on the cake, haha.


Well-Known Member
Quick update...

Took another clipping of Jean Grey (Master Kush) and all is good... and the harvest has officially begun. I started off clipping some of the smaller bud on the bottom, then removed the "top" of the girl (pulled down during vegetation for LST), though she was not even close to being the tallest nug. See the pics below.

I'll continue updating...

Btw, jigfresh, I took your suggestion and pulled the plug on the fan. I was just worried about humidity... we have 80% humidity, though I do have the A/C running.



Well-Known Member
Oh man... that looks great. That's gonnna be good smoke.

I'm making my Purple Kush hash now... it will be my "neversummer harvest memorial hash ball"

I'm stoked for you.


Well-Known Member
Oh man... that looks great. That's gonnna be good smoke.

I'm making my Purple Kush hash now... it will be my "neversummer harvest memorial hash ball"

I'm stoked for you.
thanks man, i'm pretty stoked too. listening to some good music, looking at each branch closely, smelling, and smoking... oh man this is such an experience.

i have a problem though... that lil drying box was barely big enough to just fit jean grey. i have no room for lois lane in there! i need to smoke a bowl, brainstorm and figure out my options...


Well-Known Member
I'm making my Purple Kush hash now... it will be my "neversummer harvest memorial hash ball"
by the way, i'm honored. i smoked a bowl to that your purple kush hash.

hey, so at the same time, so you kept all your trim leaves from different strains in different piles? should i keep one pile of trim for my master kushes and another one just for my ak-48?


Well-Known Member
by the way, i'm honored. i smoked a bowl to that your purple kush hash.

hey, so at the same time, so you kept all your trim leaves from different strains in different piles? should i keep one pile of trim for my master kushes and another one just for my ak-48?
That's really up to you... but I would think it more fun to have two strains of hash, butter, whatever you make. Just to try the difference.

I did throw my White Widow trim in with the 2nd half of my Hindu Skunk trim (which is all still in a bag in my freezer). But there was hardly any of the white widow and it wasn't very crystally, so I won't even notice.

On the other hand having a hash, butter, whatever that is two strians in one sounds fun as well. But.... that makes it twice the work, so whatever you decide will be cool.

Even more work, but ultimately cool would be to have 3 types. All MK, All AK, and then make a pile that is half and half. Then you can have 3 hash balls. Damn, that would be cool. Wish I would have though of that before I just made my hash, haha, oh well, next harvest.

I am about to smoke a salad bowl of all three types I got for you. Give you some cutting power. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
The first part of the harvest is now completely done... Jean Grey (Master Kush) and Lois Lane (AK48 ) have been cut down and are drying. I clipped a sugar leaf from Mary Jane and look a look and unfortunately, I think I may have to harvest her prematurely... unless plants can last longer than 2 weeks w/o nutes. The trichomes are all opaque, however, very little amber trichs. All the girls were very flimsy today, just 7 days after going with straight water. I imagine Mary Jane will be in pretty bad shape if I don't harvest her next weekend. Hopefully I'll see a quick increase in amber trichomes this week.

As for the harvest, all I did was cut the branches down and hang them. I ended up clearing out my linen closet and hanging Lois Lane up there. Jean Grey went into that ghetto dry box. Looks like I'll be running the A/C all week this week in order to make sure the temp and humidity stay down.

My current plan for these two is to check back tomorrow (I took the day off tomorrow) so I will see how easy the leaves come off tomorrow. If they come off relatively easy, I'll manicure tomorrow. If not, I'll check back on Tuesday.

I took A LOT of pics tonight... here are some of my favorites:

1. One last shot of the girls together

2. Another last shot of the girls together

3. Jean Grey: check out the bud going all the way up and down the branch

4. Jean Grey: smaller branches

5. Jean Grey: her biggest branch

6. Jean Grey: up close and personal with the cola on the previous pic

7. Jean Grey: same branch, size comparison to hammer

8. Jean Grey: drying in ghetto box

9. Lois Lane: the "top" the girl hanging to try

10. Lois Lane: close up with the cola in the previous pic

11. Lois Lane: biggest branch with President Washington

12. Lois Lane: close up of the cola from previous pic

13. Lois Lane: drying in the linen closet

14 & 15. The stumps

16. Poor Mary Jane is all by herself now



Well-Known Member
Even more work, but ultimately cool would be to have 3 types. All MK, All AK, and then make a pile that is half and half. Then you can have 3 hash balls. Damn, that would be cool. Wish I would have though of that before I just made my hash, haha, oh well, next harvest.

I am about to smoke a salad bowl of all three types I got for you. Give you some cutting power. :bigjoint:
hahahahahaha.... you have me crackin up


Well-Known Member
The fan leaves on the harvest plants are completely droopy, but not coming off easily yet. I'm guessing that the bud will be ready to be manicured tomorrow.

I went out looking for glass jars today for curing. I first went to Wal-Mart... would have spend about $8 for approx 60 oz jar. With an IKEA right next door, I decided to see if I could save a couple of bucks... and wow I'm glad I did. IKEA had these awesome 61 oz jar (called the SLOM... crazy Swedish names) for $3.99...

Just in case anyone is also looking for some nice curing jars...

Also stopped by AC Moore and picked up some spring loaded snippers/shears, as suggested by jigfresh. I actually found one for $7. Hopefully it'll make manicuring a little easier than using scissors.

Going to check on Mary Jane tonight and take another clipping of a sugar leaf.

I'll have some pics up tonight.


Well-Known Member
I like the 68 ouncer even better. Nice find. I need me some of those. Do they stack nicely. I hate mine because they dont stack.

Bring on the pics.