MY FIRST GROW (hydro closet setup)

Dr Shakalu

Well-Known Member
Day 20

I trimmed my plants to remove most of the browning bits that were from what i believe was a nutrient deficiency, also watered with Veg nutrients! Should do great considering they didn't have what they needed and were still doing decent!!!! :joint:

These pics are a side view than a top view of the same plant...


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New Member
Its almost amzing how similar my grow was. Some bad spots here and there. We both just trim what doesnt look apealing off. Great work man they are looking healthy.

Dr Shakalu

Well-Known Member
Thanks for coming buy and encouraging me man it really helps!!

It feels like my grow is just now really getting started and growth day to day is amazing!! and with this Pot of Gold shit (that is only found in las vegas currently) my plants are supposed to intake double the water!!!!! Plus they will be taking in the nutes they need!!!! woot !! im so excited man i cant even express it in text!!!!


Dr Shakalu

Well-Known Member
I did a slightly weak mix,, but im pretty sure it should come out great! i have convinced myself!! we will see in the next couple days though lol!:joint:


Active Member

Just wanted to give you props on your grow!..its lookin really good.Question though? The one pot with two plants, are you going to split them up so theres no problems in the future!

Dr Shakalu

Well-Known Member
Nah i'm gonna manipulate their growth pretty soon here i will start, these seeds are from random chrondo sacks (i hope) i got them from a good friend of mine. I also will be getting 4 clones of some name brand shit in 1 week now!!!! Moving my grow into my dads walk in closet!:hump:

gotta head to work, updates on how the nutes did later today!

Dr Shakalu

Well-Known Member
Day 21

Got a new tray for my system so that i can soon actually use my flood and drain set up, i can also now fit 12 two gal pots!

Heres a couple pics, late update in the night im very tired and stoned i will get better pics tomorrow sometime. :joint:


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Dr Shakalu

Well-Known Member
DAY 22

Not many casualties of my scissors this time, overall looking nice and healthy!

Transplanted one of the ones that was in a pot with 2 to its own, and i was amazed at the root development for how young they are! :hump: (hope shes recovers from the transplant, lol really i hope she is a she :mrgreen:)

Same as always we have a side view then a top view of the same plant! :joint:

The first plant is the one i transplanted to its own pot, shes looking a little droopy but this is minutes after a transplant im sure she will recover!


mared juwan

Well-Known Member
Just checking in here. Appreciate you stopping by my grow, Dr. Shak. You're well on your way to the same result. Must admit I sort of skimmed through. You did finally decide on just fluoros for flower? Even if you have the 436 watts, one fluoro watt does not produce near as many lumens as one MH or HPS watt. Lumens are what's important. You are growing in a closet that is attached to a room that is air conditioned, right? I have a 400 watt HPS and only need one fan blowing cool air into the bottom of my closet to keep it the right temp. So if heat is your concern, don't worry about it if you have a/c.

Another thing I noticed was the leaves you trimmed off were pretty green still. If you're having problems with discoloration you want to leave them on until they're completely toast. This is the case whether it's burn or deficiency. The plant is either storing excess nute in the leaf or pulling it out to supply deficient growing tips. If you cut it off, the same thing will happen to a different leaf. So leave them on until they're 75% dead/brown. No one has plants where every single leaf is perfect. Sh!t happens. :mrgreen::peace: