MY FIRST GROW (hydro closet setup)

Dr Shakalu

Well-Known Member
Thanks a lot man very informative, at this point i may get a cool tube with a hps for flower but the t5 lights can produce decent buds i have seen it! like a 30 gram nug from one plant! but i plan on having multi rooms when i move, but right now im staying with my dad so it limits me, he puts the a/c too high and all kinds of shit, but he lets me grow so i cannot complain~!

Thanks for coming by man, and thanks everyone else for following along its adding another bit of excitement to my grow! :hump:


Well-Known Member
Hey shak mared pointed me to your grow We are in very similar circumstances. I got my first grow going with ebb and flow with coco and RW as the medium. Im 1 week into flowering so little infront but felt like yesterday I was where u were. get ready to watch your girls explode in the next 2 weeks. Feel welcome in my journal hopefully we can learn from experiences. Or anything u see me fuck up dont do lol
Peace pigpen


Well-Known Member
cant find eney in week's..i cant stop throwing up...from the treatment..
the cop's put sine's up in frut of the city hall think it's dry now wate till next mounth...
da plantDOC
Is there any local marijuana activists in your area? They may be able to steer you in the right direction to find some meds.

I wish I could help you bro:cry: I provide medicine for cancer patients in my area. I could help you in a heart beat if you lived near Portland, Oregon.

Sorry to hijack this thread...:peace:

Dr Shakalu

Well-Known Member
Sorry for the delay in my last update i have been hanging with my friends a bunch after work, i have stuff to post for yesterday just didn't get to posting it, so today around 5pm Pacific time i will have a solid update with some pics!

Dr Shakalu

Well-Known Member
Day 26!

Ok here we go!
So i got a 100 gallon pump and a air wand for my reservoir, and i also took some clones from 4 of my plants, i used half tap water for my reservoir because i didnt have enough RO on hand, so they kind of got messed up from the chlorine but that was about 2 days ago so the res should be clear of any chlorine now, and they are looking pretty nice, these pics are from last night.
I will be posting more pics of today after the lights come on! :hump:
Also Numbered my plants! :joint:


Dr Shakalu

Well-Known Member
Planned on posting some pics of the crazy leaves i have right now, i think i over watered! and i got chlorine damage some but they are still hanging tough! I will have a charged battery and more pics tomorrow evening!:joint:


Active Member
wow man, plants are looking nice. thats some nice grow to get clones after 26 days. how soon after rooting are you going to flower your clones?

Dr Shakalu

Well-Known Member
I was thinking of vegging them with my others for a while maybe 20 days then flowers them with the bigger ones even maybe and take more clones to veg under the shitty 80watt set ups i have till these are done flowering, or something *shrug gotta go already late for work! lol was smoking and didnt realize the time :cry:

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
If your clones start to get yellow and droopy, carefully cut all those huge leaves in half. Leaves perspire and use up energy needed for root development. These are my clones 8 days after cutting - still nice and green:mrgreen:


Dr Shakalu

Well-Known Member
Day 28

Today i did very little trimming on 6/7 plants, overall looks pretty good. Plant #7 is having some serious problems, i am going to need to do some research. :cry:

I think i have algae growth in my res, its barely letting light in through the sides, if it were thicker it would not let light through, :cry: so i think that i need to run to the store to get a roughneck rebbermade for my res, like Victorvicious talked about in this thread.

Also plant #5, and plant #2 (transplant) seems to be sick as well... :cry:

On a brighter note the clones are looking good, and i will be able to take many more if my plants don't all turn out like #7 did..... I chopped her apart after i took these pics..... Got desperate to help it and did what i thought would at least slow its death!!! :neutral:



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Dr Shakalu

Well-Known Member
Ok, so here is some picks of the damaged plants, and help with what might be causing this would be highly appreciated. :joint:

The first 4 pics are of plant #5, and the rest are of plant #7...... :neutral:

BTW i chopped the shit out of plant #7, look in the previous post to see what #7 looked like minutes earlier, input on this massive trimming is appreciated as well, i was desperate, and me and Oden230 decided it was the thing to do, so i just started cutting! :twisted:



Active Member
wow you two sure did cut alot off of plant 7 i think it would of been fine with less trimming but it looks cool ohh yea guess who this is man lol i made an account lol it took a long time but im here :) haha hit me up bro


New Member
DUDE! Those look soo familiar.

Number one, stop watering as much as you are. I can almost guaruntee if you wait a little while longer before you wanter they will bounce back.

Number two. Dont give it anything but plan water with ph in it to get a ph of 6.6

Number three If you are giving it nutes Cut back alot after flushing with the plain water(do not flood the containers with water, i would say with those sized plants in those containers, give it 500ml of water every two to two and a half days), and use the nutes every other watering when the plant is ready. This should help bro, my plant looked EXACTLY like this. Also if you are foliar feeding just stop, i think it kills plants personally.

Here was mine a long time ago.
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mared juwan

Well-Known Member
I agree with stealthpanda, your plants seem over watered. I grow in coco too. For my first grow I picked up each plant every day. When coco is wet it is heavy but weighs nothing when it dries out. DO NOT water unless it feels like you're picking up empty pots. That will solve the problem of the waterlogged leaves and brown spots but the strange growth you're getting might be caused by heat. I had the same twisty, curling leaves when my veg chamber wasn't ventilated very well.

Dr Shakalu

Well-Known Member
This is the info i needed! i will begin a hand watering schedule right now. :blsmoke:

As soon as i got the watering reservoir is when my problems began to occur, when i was watering by hand every thing was looking ace! so back to watering by hand, im not pro enough for a reservoir yet i guess, i will work on that, thanks again guys you rock, always glad to have you aboard for my grow! :hump:
