My First Grow-Kush-Outdoors(pics)


Well-Known Member
no idea bro, and what do u mean by guerilla grow?

in other news...something ate the main cola off kaylee:fire::fire:, my tallest plant.i was pissed but i guess i was to lucky for my first grow and one of the elements of outdoor growing hit me, so im fine with it now


Well-Known Member
Hi HookedOn, sorry to hear about kaylee - I guess that's one of the dangers of growing outdoors, never nice but one of those things I suppose. Glad you've got over the worst of it HookedOn, nice one mate ;) Fingers crossed you don't have any more problems - not too long to go now so you should be OK. Catch you later mate ...


Well-Known Member
haha thx for crossin your fingers GB
sucks my biggest cola got munched but theres still some nugs
havent been out in a few days and im trippin, i hope they are still there and everything is well, we had some crazy rain on the weekend

hoping for the weather to hold up, next time i go out to check the plot im gonna try to set a harvest date....damn weather its gettin colder and colder by the day


Well-Known Member
Me too HookedOn, I'm gonna get a date set for my Purples asap, in fact I'm just gonna flush from now I think. One just got wrecked in the wind and the main cola broke off LOL (I'll post in my journal tomorrow). It's pretty big so I'm drying it properly and all as I want it to smoke good. Of course a few small pieces just happened to accidentally "break off" as I was trimming it haha. I'll smoke them right away. Anyway hope your girls are surviving OK out there - it's getting pretty wild here man!!


Well-Known Member
i think it may be about that time




Well-Known Member
Yeah they're looking close now HookedOn going from the colour anyhow. And I love those little nugs man, they taste so sweet ;) Do you have a plan as regards flushing/chopping and all?


Well-Known Member
well here it is guys and gals, the harvest
(minus 3 main colas HANG drying at my buddies)
they are as big as the biggest in the box or around that

it was one of the most fun experiences in my life, minus trimming:cuss:
and i cant wait to try again sometime

go through the journal to find out feeding details,when they were put out, flowering times etc...

id say they started to flower the 23rd of aug, and harvested the 4th of oct, 41 days of flower? im stoned
watered with atleast 20mL to a 2L for 4-6 waterings id have to think to hard
watered with like 40 mL to a 2L for last 1 or 2 waterings to hard to think

anyways heres the end product, im gonna enjoy it :mrgreen:
and thats the best my cam can do, for some reason pic 9 is better than the rest tho



Well-Known Member
oh and pic 9 is the one cola i didnt trim, im gonna see if leaving all that leaf on it to dry and then trimming it off gives it a different taste


Well-Known Member
Wow, you posted the pics after all LOL. Congratulations HookedOn, looks awesome mate I'm sure you're delighted with the result. I love the colours in the buds, very tasty looking ;) But most of all I love that you really enjoyed it man - to me that's what it's all about, with some nice smoke at the end as an added bonus. Anyway you did a great job HookedOn - hope you enjoy smoking those buds as much as you did growing and harvesting them ;) Make sure you let us know how they smoke. Catch you later mate ...


Well-Known Member
yea GB, thx for seeing it out to the end, ill have some dry weight here soon but it really isnt much, this was a rushed last minute decision to buy 2 clones cause i could (ended with 3, had 4:mrgreen:)....i knew it was late and not to expect much, more of a learning curve for myself

anyways enough about me
the bud STINKS so good, just give the nugs a little squeeze and enjoy the smell its like heaven, i tasted the stuff that was hang drying at my buddies and it seems like it could use a few days, do u think i could throw them in glass jars now? its been since saturday night they have been box drying


Well-Known Member
Hi HookedOn, the buds sound great man. The way you describe them makes my mouth water LOL. And I agree the first time is a great learning curve. I don't even have much experience of bud at all as most of my smoking was done in the eighties when all you could get was Moroccan, Red Leb, Afgani and Pakistani Black LOL. So having just trimmed my first plant (see my journal later or maybe tomorow if I get too wrecked) I'm looking at the "buds" thinking "Is this it?" I don't even know what a fresh bud should look like LOL.

As regards your buds I would give them a little longer myself - if you feel they could use more time then they probably could. I'm afraid to put mine in a jar too soon in case they go moldy (you'll see why I'm paranoid if you look at my journal later).

Anyway HookedOn, great to see you've so obviously enjoyed your experience. Make sure to let us know how your bud cures and smokes :) Catch you later man ... bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
yea i wish but im in canada and temps were dropping to below freezing on a regular basis after that, probably coulda gona another week but oh well was a good experience
also pretty sure that strain wasnt meant for my climate, oh well new year now


Well-Known Member
nice...i had some bubba kush clones last year and i just threw those girls outside and gave them water and thats it..they didnt get too big mostly because i planted so late but they were still chronnnnnic


Active Member
Dude for spider mites use Neem Oil it works great also if you want to improve you yeild (ALOT) you should do some LST Training (I am in love with it) Its super super super easy and it works great out side you can make you one plant produce like 5 plants would.


Active Member
no idea bro, and what do u mean by guerilla grow?

in other news...something ate the main cola off kaylee:fire::fire:, my tallest plant.i was pissed but i guess i was to lucky for my first grow and one of the elements of outdoor growing hit me, so im fine with it now
Guerrilla Farming is when you Plant on land thats not yours, like the woods behind someone else house or like in a national forest or park etc....