My First Grow... Outdoor on tight budget

as for the seedling... a few keep stretching and the one that up-rooted its self seems to be doing ok, but the little seed leaves (catycill spelling? ) are already starting to yellow. It had to use up the energy stored in those leaves to re-root its self.





Im thinking about putting the seedlings and the tiny ladies back outside... not sure if I should or just keep them inside under the light.
I figure a picture is worth a thousand words so I usually just post a lot of pictures... If anyone has any questions or input or suggestions feel free to comment.









2 of them stretched till they were close enough to the light. So I try and keep the other 2 about the same distance from the light and they haven't stretched yet. 1 still looks stunted and i am starting to worry about it. I dont know if it will make it another week or not.
been busy the last few days so I have not had time to get pics up, plus my g/f has the camera in her purse and she is at work, so no pics till she gets home
the one seedling that was stunted and had to be replanted because it uprooted its self looks like its dieing.
[QUOTE="SICC";4210776]those are some real bagseeds man, they look a lil stretched and the leaves look kinda weird[/QUOTE]

ya, 2 of them dont have the best genetics. But one is looking like a kush X ???. Hopefully its a female.
If I were you I would just start my seeds outside till I got a proper light to start seeds with. You can make a mini makeshift greenhouse out of any kind of clear plastic container by just cutting the top off in a way where you can stick it back on and it will stay. That will protect from anything that may want to eat them. Just be sure to open it once a day for air.
When you have a seedling that stretches like those two that I saw, more times than not, they will end up dead.

Whats up with the two plants in one little pot with about half a cup of soil in it? And the one thats like six inches tall and budding??? This is what I call DRUG ABUSE!@$@##$